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Tom Hayes, ein 35-jähriger namens Rainman nach der Herstellung von 200 Millionen für UBS über vier Jahre, wurde zu 14 Jahren hinter Gläubigen verurteilt, nachdem er für schuldig befunden wurde, Preise für Gewinn zu fixieren. Er war beschrieben als der Ringmeister einer größeren Gruppe, die Rate Setter an anderen Banken in cajoled zur Vorlage falscher Daten, um die London Interbank angebotenen Rate (Libor) zwischen 2006 und 2010 zu manipulieren. Hayes war einer von 13 Personen, die von der Serious Fraud Office verhaftet In Bezug auf den Skandal. Ein Senior Banker von einer führenden britischen Bank hat zugegeben, Verschwörung zu betrügen in Verbindung mit der Manipulation von Libor. Elf weitere sind zu Prozeß später in diesem Jahr und Anfang des Jahres 2016 Gesicht. Verurteilung Hayes gestern Herr Justice Cook beschrieben seine Verbrechen als Beweis für die Abwesenheit der Integrität, die Banken zu charakterisieren sollte. Sie, als Regulierter Bankier, erliegen der Versuchung in einer unregulierten Tätigkeit, weil Sie konnten. John Mann, ein Labor-Abgeordneter des Finanzausschusses, sagte gestern Abend: Die Behörden müssen nach mehr Senioren gehen, die die Bank nicht leiten konnten, waren ohne starke Führung und schufen die Kultur, die Unehrlichkeit gedeihen ließ. Mark Garnier, ein Tory-Mitglied des Komitees, sagte: Ich hoffe, dass dadurch ein riesiger Druck auf Manager ausgeübt wird, die es zulassen, dass dies geschieht, vor allem, wenn sie es wüssten. Hayes, ein Derivat Trader, war der Ringmeister einer Gruppe von Bankern, die Cajoled, bettelte und Bestechung Zinssetzer bei anderen Banken zur Einreichung falscher Daten auf einer fast täglichen Basis, um die Rate zwischen 2006 und 2010 zu manipulieren, sagte Staatsanwälte. Während seiner vier Jahre bei UBS machte er die Bank fast 200 Millionen und wurde insgesamt 1,3 Millionen bezahlt. Verrückte Artikel Aber unzufrieden beendigte er für Citigroup 2009, wo er 3.5million verdiente, bevor er nach neun Monaten entlassen wurde, als seine Methoden entdeckt wurden. Staatsanwalt Mukul Chawla QC sagte: Herr Hayess Wunsch war zu verdienen und so viel Geld wie möglich zu machen. Er war der Ringmeister im Zentrum, erzählte anderen um ihn herum, was er tun sollte und in einer Reihe von Fällen, die sie für ihre unehrliche Hilfe belohnen. Hayes, von der Flotte in Hampshire, verschworen mit Händlern bei anderen Banken, darunter JP Morgan, RBS und großen Finanzmaklern sowie mit Kollegen, hörte Southwark Crown Court, Er fragte sogar seinen Stiefbruder Peter OLeary - ein Junior Trader bei HSBC - freundlich zu werden Mit der Rate Setter, so dass er beschafft Gefälligkeiten. In aufgezeichneten E-Mails und Telefongesprächen untersuchte Hayes zunächst, ob Herr OLeary den Mann kenne, der für die Einsetzung von Libor zuständig ist. WAS IST DER LIBOR-RATE Die London Interbank Offered Rate wird als Grundlage für Hunderte von Billionen Dollar von Darlehen und Transaktionen auf der ganzen Welt von komplexen Derivaten zu Hypotheken verwendet. Es ist eine Benchmark, die den Zinssatz, dass die Banken aufladen, wenn die Kreditvergabe aneinander und ist als grundlegende für den Betrieb der britischen und Weltmärkten. Interbank-Zinssätze wurden zum ersten Mal in den Rampenlicht während der Krise 2007 und 2008, wenn die Raten schossen als nervöse Kreditgeber gestoppt Kreditvergabe aneinander. Angebliche Takelage soll die Unterwerfung von falschen Zahlen beteiligt haben, um entweder mehr Geld zu machen oder ein falsches Bild einer Bankgesundheit zu malen. Der Skandal, die Verbraucher bedeutete höhere Zinsen Gebühren sahen acht Banken und Maklerfirmen verurteilt Milliarden von Regulierungsbehörden in den USA und Großbritannien. In dem Telefongespräch, das die Jury gespielt hat, fragte Hayes: Mate, können Sie mir einen großen Gefallen tun und ihn fragen, ob er in den nächsten Tagen drei Monate Libor auf die niedrige Seite stellen wird. Er fügte hinzu: Kennen Sie ihn kennen, es wäre eine echte Hilfe für mich, ich habe 1million Risiko, könnte ich kommen mit einer halben Million Dollar, wenn er Libor niedrig gesetzt. Ich brauche nur niedrige Yen drei Monate Libor, helfen Sie Ihrem Bruder aus. Hayes sagte: Alles, was ich tat, war mit völliger Transparenz. Alles, was ich tat meine Manager wusste über. Manchmal bis hin zum CEO. Kurz vor der Verhandlung war er mit einem leichten Asperger-Syndrom diagnostiziert worden und hatte den Spitznamen Rainman und Tommy Chocolate genannt, um heiße Schokolade vorzuziehen, während andere Händler Bier tranken. Hayes einmal angeboten, einen Kontakt zu zahlen 100.000 US-Dollar, wenn er die Libor-Rate so niedrig wie möglich gehalten. Herr Chawla sagte: Er verhielt sich in einer gründlich unehrlichen und manipulativen Art und Weise, indem er wiederholt diejenigen betrog, mit denen er riesige Finanztransaktionen eingegangen war. Das Motiv war einfach: es war Gier. Hayes, beschrieben als extrem intelligent, arbeitete für Royal Bank of Scotland und Royal Bank of Canada, bevor er UBS in 2006 als Händler in Tokio. Er bekam von September 2006 bis Dezember 2009 1,3 Millionen Euro vor Steuern in Lohn und Anreiz von UBS. Er kam 2009 zu Citi, nachdem er geglaubt hatte, dass UBS ihn nicht genug bezahle und erhielt 3,5 Millionen vor Steuern für nur neun Monate Arbeit. Der Staatsanwalt sagte Hayes sofort über Takelage Libor in seinem neuen Job gesetzt. Er schickte eine Nachricht an seinem ersten Tag Handel mit UBS, am 29. September 2006, sagen: Tun Sie mir einen Gefallen und erhalten Sie den Libor Rate up Ein Trader in Yen Libor Derivate, er effektiv auf die Bewegungen des Tageskurses, an denen die Banken in der Lage sind Um sich von einander zu leihen. Er testete die Einreichungen von den Panel-Banken gemacht, verwendet, um diese Rate zu berechnen. Hayes wurde entlassen, nachdem seine Methoden offiziell an das obere Management berichtet wurden und er wurde im Vereinigten Königreich im Dezember 2012 verhaftet. Er räumte zunächst dem Serious Fraud Office ein, dass er unehrlich gewesen sei, sagte aber, dies sei lediglich ein Versuch, in Großbritannien und Deutschland zu bezahlen Vermeiden Auslieferung in die USA wegen Betrugs. Hayes wurde schuldig auf allen acht Zählungen der Verschwörung zu betrügen durch Manipulation des globalen Systems der Zinssätze, die jeweils eine maximale Strafe von 10 Jahren im Gefängnis. Er starrte geradeaus emotionslos, als die Urteile gelesen wurden. Seine Frau und seine Eltern saßen mit verbeugten Köpfen, als sie das Urteil hörten. Vor dem Prozeß schlug Hayess Barrister George Carter-Stephenson QC vor, daß, während seine Handlungen moralisch verwerflich gewesen sein konnten, sie nicht Verbrechen waren. Er schlug vor, dass die Regeln für die Einreichung von Libor hinter einer gesetzlichen Pflicht zurückblieben. Die rechtliche Situation wurde inzwischen im Rahmen des Financial Services Act 2012 geklärt, das ein spezifisches Verbrechen zur Manipulation von Benchmarks mit einer Höchststrafe von sieben Jahren erlassen hat. Im Juni, Bank of England Gouverneur Mark Carney unterstützten Pläne von der Fair and Effective Markets Review für die Verlängerung der maximale Satz für Marktmissbrauch von sieben bis 10 Jahren. Nachdem die Vorwürfe über die Zinsabgrenzung ans Licht gekommen waren, wurde die Aufsicht über den Libor von der British Bankers Association an die Intercontinental Exchange weitergegeben und die Zinsen basieren nun auf den tatsächlichen Transaktionen nicht auf Schätzungen. Citigroup lehnte das schuldige Urteil ab. Rechtsexperte Ben Rose, Partner der Anwaltskanzlei Hickman amp Rose, sagte nach dem Fall, dass er weitere Prüfungen in der Zukunft erwarten. Er kommentiert: Hayes Überzeugung macht es noch seltsamer, dass keine Institutionen wurden ihrerseits in der Manipulation verfolgt. Natürlich ist es richtig für Einzelpersonen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, aber wenn eine ganze Branche, von der British Bankers Association nach unten, ist kompliziert in einer Praxis kann es sehr hart, abholen isoliert Einzelpersonen. Dies ist kein Zweifel, was führte zu Hayes Veränderung des Herzens über seine Zulassungen, und wird wahrscheinlich zu weiteren längeren Prüfungen führen. Unhöflich, blond und falsch: JUDGES SCATHING VERDICT AUF BETRUG Verurteilung Hayes, sagte Herr Justice Cooke: Es gibt keinen separaten Standard der Wahrheit für jede Gruppe von Gesellschaft und was du mit anderen getan hast war unehrlich, wie Sie zu dieser Zeit sehr geschätzt. Was Sie taten, war eklatant, aber wenn Sie wussten, dass andere nicht genehmigen wollten Sie durch subtilere Mittel zu manipulieren. Und all dies wurde getan, um die Trades Ihres Buches oder Ihres Schreibtisches zu verbessern. Was dieser Fall gezeigt hat, ist, dass die Integrität, die das Bankwesen charakterisieren sollte, hier fehlte. Sie als Händler der Versuchung erlegen, weil man konnte. Es war zu der Zeit üblich und gängige Praxis und nicht als falsch wahrgenommen, aber die Tatsache, dass Sie es trotzdem war keine Entschuldigung. Er fügte hinzu: Sie spielten eine führende Rolle bei der Manipulation von Libor. Sie üben Druck auf andere, im Wesentlichen ausgebildet junior Ihnen in der Tätigkeit, machte korrupte Zahlungen an Makler für ihre Unterstützung. Das hier betroffene Verhalten wird als unehrlich und falsch markiert und eine Botschaft (muss) an die Welt des Bankwesens entsprechend gesendet werden. Der Ruf des Libors ist wichtig für die Stadt als Finanzsektor und die Banken der Stadt. Wahrhaftigkeit und Ehrlichkeit sind ebenso wichtig wie Vertrauen. Die Libor-Aktivität, in der Sie eine führende Rolle spielten, legte alles in Gefahr. Nerd, der heiße Schokolade trank als Kollegen füllten sprudelnd durch Louise Eccles und Chris Greenwood für die tägliche Post Er war der sozial ungeschickte, scruffy Mathe Aussenseiter, der sich an der vordersten Reihe eines der größten finanziellen Verbrechen Großbritanniens befand. Tom Hayes verdiente ein Million-Pfund-Gehalt vor seinem 30. Geburtstag aber hounded Kollegen, um Kreditzinsen anzubieten, um jedes bisschen Geld zu bilden, das er möglicherweise könnte. Doch während er rücksichtslos manipuliert Preise über vier Jahre Taschenbeutel fast 5 Millionen Hayes war offenbar weit von der Wolf of Wall Street Stereotyp eines schnellen City Trader. Der verheiratete Vater von einem wurde Anfang dieses Jahres mit einer milden Form des Aspergers-Syndroms diagnostiziert und hatte eine selbstbezeugte obsessive Persönlichkeit. Er wurde von Mithändlern und Spitznamen Rain Man nach dem autistischen Charakter in der 1988 Hollywood Film mit Dustin Hoffman verspottet. Hayes, jetzt 35, behauptete, dass er nicht durch den Reichtum des Handels oder einen Lebensstil des Überflusses verführt wurde. Er bekannte, dass er das gleiche Superheld-Bettbezug von acht bis 24 Jahren bewahrt hatte, weil es vollkommen ausreichend war. Der Mathe-Absolvent weigerte sich oft, sich in schwere Trink-Sessions und wurde mit dem Spitznamen Tommy Chocolate für Kakao trinken, während Kollegen Bier und Champagner quaffed. Er behauptete auch, Designer-Anzüge zu ignorieren, zugeben er sah aus wie ein Tramp jeden Tag. Aber hinter diesem milderen Image war Hayes ein hochgetriebener Trader mit einem unerbittlichen Durst nach Geld. Er verurteilte ihn zu 14 Jahren im Gefängnis wegen Betrugs gestern, Herr Justice Cooke beschriftete ihn einen Spieler und fand, dass er unehrlich immer wieder zu seinem eigenen Profit gehandelt hatte. Der Enkel eines Börsenmaklers, Hayes wurde 1979 in Hammersmith, London, geboren, zu Sandra und Nicholas Hayes, einem Fernsehproduzenten. Seine Eltern schieden, als er und Bruder Robin jung waren. Er wurde von seiner Mutter und dem Stiefvater Timothy in einem 1,5 Millionen Haus in Winchester, Hampshire, erzogen, wo er die örtliche Westgate State umfassenden Schule besuchte. Beschrieben als ein reizender heller Junge durch Nachbarn, pflegte er, um für nahe gelegene Familien als Teenager zu babysitten. Nach einem Diplom in Mathematik und Ingenieurwesen von der University of Nottingham begann er seine Karriere als Absolvent Trainee an der Royal Bank of Scotland, aber ungeduldig für den Erfolg, trat er dann der Royal Bank of Canada. Im Jahr 2006 wurde er von der Schweizer Bank UBS pochiert und zog nach Tokio als Derivate-Händler, Wetten auf Devisenmärkte. Aber sein großes Gehalt war anscheinend nicht genug, es war während in Tokyo, dass Hayes angeblich Takelage der Interbank Kreditzinsen Libor begann. Er fuhr mit seinen kriminellen Tätigkeiten fort, als er wieder pochierte, dieses Mal von Americas Citigroup 2009, Aufenthalt in Tokyo. Monate später wurde er jedoch gefeuert, nachdem seine Kollegen seine Rate-Takelage an Chefs berichteten. Während der Studie gab Hayes zu einer Liebe-Hass-Beziehung mit seinem Job, sagen, es könnte der schlechteste Job in der Welt sein, könnten Sie wollen, springen Sie eine Brücke und fühlen Sie sich körperlich krank Aber der Erfolg, wenn Sie es richtig , Das ist wie die Lösung dieser Gleichung, seine wie sehen, dass die Zahl Pop-up auf dem Bildschirm. Anstatt von Geld motiviert werden, um Preise zu testen, sagt er, er wollte meine Arbeit perfekt zu machen, wie ich es tun konnte. Aber das Gericht hörte, dass er gierig wurde und stoppte an nichts, um mehr Profit zu machen, sogar versuchte, jüngere Stiefbruder Peter OLeary zu überzeugen, der bei HSBC arbeitete, um Rate für ihn anzubringen. Er wurde immer dreist, auch auf Facebook sprechen über Raten benötigen, um nach oben oder unten, woraufhin seine eigene Verteidigung zu fragen: Ist er der dümmste Betrüger jemals Aber ihre Darstellung eines stümperhaften Händler, der mehr Austin Powers als James Bond war, war Abgelehnt. Bilder von ihm in einem Frosch Outfit von einem Freunde Social-Media-Website zeigte die Händler lauter, mehr gesellige Seite und einige Kollegen haben erzählt, wie er eine heftige Stimmung hatte. Das Gericht hörte, dass er in der Citigroup einen Ruf als schwierig und anspruchsvoll erlangte. Einige ehemalige Mitarbeiter erinnerten daran, wie er explodiert, nachdem die Behauptung Ausrüstung war nicht gut genug. Trotz seines Anspruchs auf luxuriöses Rauschen besuchte er regelmäßig das Gericht in Designerhosen. Im Jahr 2010, genoss er eine großzügige Hochzeit im Hampshires Four Seasons Hotel, ein georgianisches Herrenhaus, um Anwalt Sarah Tighes. Kurz nachdem er sein Citigroup Job verloren hatte, kaufte das Paar ein 1,2million viktorianisches Pfarrhaus in den Surrey Hügeln, mit sieben Schlafzimmern und sieben Badezimmern. Das Haus wurde in seinem wifes Namen nur registriert. Sie besitzt noch das Eigentum, aber das Paar und ihr vierjähriger Sohn sind in ein bescheidenes Vier-Schlafzimmer-Haus in Fleet, Hampshire gezogen. Hayess Frau kam täglich in der Verhandlung Hand in Hand, war aber emotionslos, da er gestern eingesperrt wurde. Sie lehnte es ab, danach zu kommentieren. Sie hat seit seiner Verhaftung nur einmal ausgesprochen, das Schreiben auf Twitter: Wenn die US-Department of Justice Department of Justice eine US-Bank für Libor Manipulation zu verfolgen gehen Warum nur ausländische Banken nun die Bankchefs vor Gericht zu bringen, sagt Stadt Editor ALEX BRUMMER Sieben Jahre Nach der großen finanziellen Panik und nach einer Reihe von Enthüllungen von korruptem Verhalten von Bankern hat die britische Justiz endlich ihr erstes Urteil gefällt und eine atemberaubende 14-jährige Haftstrafe für City Trader Tom Hayes. Der Prozess wird mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit als ein brillanter Erfolg für das Serious Fraud Office dargestellt werden, und ein Zeichen, dass Banker weit von der Öffentlichkeit für das wirtschaftliche Leiden der Rezession verantwortlich gemacht werden, bekommen ihre Ergebnisse. Nichtsdestoweniger wirft das schuldige Urteil über acht Ziffern der Verschwörung, um Libor den Zinssatz zu manipulieren, der die Kosten der Kreditaufnahme für normale Bürger und Unternehmen regelt, zu unbequemen Fragen auf. Bei fx, wo der Libor-Skandal zuerst enthüllt wurde, dem ehemaligen Chef Bob Diamond, die entlassen wurde, nachdem fx eine 290million fein im Jahr 2012 konfrontiert sind, hat afrikanische Bank Atlas Mara gegründet und hat keine Kosten (Datei Bild) konfrontiert Hayes verdienten Gehälter und Boni In den Millionen als Ergebnis seiner Rolle in Takelage Märkte für seine Arbeitgeber, die Schweizer Bank UBS und Citibank von New York. Dennoch war er nicht mehr als ein mittelständischer Händler. Obwohl er vor Gericht als die Machiavelli von Libor beschrieben wurde, gibt es absolut keinen Weg, wie er sich mit solchen Praktiken beschäftigen konnte, ohne das Wissen einiger seiner Vorgesetzten. Sein Urteilsspruch und jene von anderen, die noch vor Gericht gestellt werden, können als eine gewaltige Abschreckung gegenüber schmutzigen Geschäften auf den Citys-Handelsböden gesehen werden, aber es tut nichts, die rücksichtslose Kultur in den Bank-Vorstandssitzen anzusprechen, die betrügerische Praktiken erlauben, um zu voreilen. Der verurteilte Trader mit seinem low-key Lebensstil und brillante mathematische Fähigkeiten, war Weg nach unten die Nahrungskette von der Bank Chefs, die die britische und globale Wirtschaft zu einem schaudernden Halt brachte. Hayes und einige seiner Kollegen werden lange Strecken hinter Gittern verbringen. Dennoch haben viele der Banker, die an der Stelle und profitiert von der Bonus-Struktur, die Markt-Takelage gefördert haben keine Strafen erlitten haben und gegangen, um neue Karrieren zu schmieden. In fx, wo der Libor-Skandal zum ersten Mal bekannt wurde, hat der ehemalige Chief Executive Bob Diamond, der nach einem fx-Rücktritt von 290 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2012 entlassen wurde, die afrikanische Bank Atlas Mara gegründet und hat keine Anklage erhoben. Fred Goodwin, der Chef von RBS, genießt noch eine Rente über Träume von Geiz, die vom Steuerzahler finanziert wird. Und Andy Hornby, der HBOS-Bankier, der seinen Untergang gefälscht hat, ist in die Karriere gegangen, da der Nationen-Top-Buchmacher bei Coral. Eine Untersuchung über den Zusammenbruch seiner Bank wurde nie veröffentlicht. Die Vollständigkeit des Urteils gegen Hayes wird dem SFO jedoch die Befugnis geben, weitere Fälle von Takelage der Libor - und Devisenmärkte voranzutreiben. Der Innenminister Theresa May hat Juckreiz, die SFO der Stadt Ermittler und Staatsanwalt abzuschaffen und subsume es in einem breiteren Serious Crimes Agency. Die Sachkenntnis, mit der David Green QC, der Direktor des SFO, die Libor Fälle verfolgt hat, sollte ihm eine neue Miete des Lebens geben. Was besonders befriedigend sein wird, ist, dass die britische Finanzjustiz einmal den Weg vor den Amerikanern vorangetrieben hat. Hayes bezeugte vor Gericht, dass er mit dem SFO zusammengearbeitet hatte, weil er Angst vor der Auslieferung in die USA hatte, wo Sätze für Verbrechen gegen den Kapitalismus besonders hart sind und das Gefängnis brutal sein kann. Als Folge der Missetaten von Hayes und seinen Kollegen manipulators, haben die Verbraucher fast sicher mehr bezahlt für ihre Hypotheken, und Reisende haben schlechtere Wechselkurse erhalten haben, als es sonst der Fall gewesen wäre. In dieser eklatanten Verschwörung gegen Bankkunden, kann man nicht fühlen, es ist ein sehr schlechtes Gerechtigkeitssystem, das es gelingt, Sündenböcke zu finden, sondern erlaubt den Masters of the Universe, die die Stadt in einen solchen Missstand brachten, um fast ohne Fleck zu entkommen. Diese Entscheidung wird ein Frösteln über den Rücken anderer Beteiligter senden: KANZLEIEN WARN Es wird mehr STRAFVERFAHREN, nachdem TOM HAYES FIRST BANKER BECOMES andere Händler mit der aufgeladen werden für schuldig befunden LIBOR FIXING Anwaltskanzlei haben gesagt, wie der erste LIBOR-Fixing Überzeugung würde spuken Gleiches Vergehen, beschreibt Tom Hayess schuldiges Urteil als ein Wendepunkt Moment in der Branche. Der 35-Jährige wurde gestern zu 14 Jahren hinter Gittern im Southwark Crown Court verurteilt, als er im ersten Prozess gegen den Skandal, für den fx im Juni letzten Jahres eine Geldstrafe von 290 Millionen Dollar verhängt hatte, verurteilt worden war. Rechtsexperten haben seine Strafe als eine bedeutende Entwicklung im Handel angekündigt, die versuchen wird, andere davon abzuhalten, ähnliche Verbrechen zu begehen. Diese Entscheidung wird die Stacheln der anderen Händler, die mit einer Verschwörung betrogen wurden, in Bezug auf die Benchmarkmanipulation und auch die obersten Führungskräfte bei Banken, die angeblich in dieser Aktivität mitwirken, aber bisher noch nicht in Rechnung gestellt wurden, kühlen , Sagte Stevie Loughrey, Finanzdienstleister Rechtsstreit Partner bei Carter-Ruck. Das ist etwas von einem Wendepunkt und es scheint, dass es zumindest zum Teil dazu bestimmt ist, eine steife Warnung für andere zu repräsentieren, die versucht sein könnten, sich in so einem Verhalten in Zukunft zu engagieren. Branchenexperten forderten Strafverfolgung gegen die Banken selbst gebracht werden. Hayes Überzeugung macht es noch seltsamer, dass keine Institutionen für ihre Rolle in Manipulationen verfolgt worden, vor allem in Bezug auf Lowballing (schlägt eine niedrigere Libor Rate, um eine Bank sehen mehr Kreditwürdigkeit, als es tatsächlich war), sagte Ben Rose, Partner Anwaltskanzlei Hickman amp Rose Natürlich ist es richtig für Einzelpersonen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, aber wenn eine ganze Branche, von der British Bankers Association nach unten, ist kompliziert in einer Praxis kann es sehr hart aussehen isoliert Einzelpersonen. Dies ist kein Zweifel, was führte zu Hayes Veränderung des Herzens über seine Zulassungen, und wird wahrscheinlich zu weiteren längeren Prüfungen führen. Andere spekulierten über, ob der Bankier, der 200million für UBS über vier Jahren bildete, wird bestellt, um Kapital zurückzuerstatten. Wenn er beträchtliche Vermögenswerte hat, dann sind sie attraktiv für eine Beschlagnahme, sagte Simon Morris, ein Finanzdienstleistungspartner mit Anwaltskanzlei CMS. Aber das hängt davon ab, wenn er eine Menge von Provision, und ob er nicht hat es in der üblichen Trader High-Stil. Nächste Geschichten 130Final-GK-POWER-CAPSULE-FOR-UIIC-AO-SBI-CLERK-MAINS-2016.pdf. Dies ist das Ende der Vorschau. Melden Sie sich für den Rest des Dokuments. Unformatierte Text-Vorschau: GK POWER CAPSULE FÜR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 BANKING und FINANCIAL AWARENESS CURRENT AFFAIRS RBI IN NEWS Reserve Bank sagte, dass die Gesamtobergrenze für ausländische Investoren in Ujjivan Financial Services investieren wird bei 49 bleiben. RBI hat 29 Agentur-Banken genehmigt Zahlungen von Einkommensteuergebühren akzeptieren. Einige der Agenturbanken, die von RBI zur Erhebung von Steuern zugelassen sind, gehören die Allahabad Bank, die UCO Bank, die BOI, die Canara Bank, die SBI und die fünf assoziierten Banken CBI, Dena Bank, HDFC Bank AG, OBC, Axis Bank Ltd, ICICI Bank und PNB. Sie hat erklärt, dass Unternehmen aus Pakistan, China, Bangladesch, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran und Hongkong oder Macau ihre vorherige Zustimmung zur Gründung einer Niederlassung oder eines Projektbüros oder eines Verbindungsbüros in Indien benötigen werden. Das Kabinett hat das MoU zwischen der Reserve Bank und der Zentralbank der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (UAE) über die Zusammenarbeit auf Währungsswap-Abkommen genehmigt. Nach RBI wird es in Kürze Rs. 1.000 Stück Banknoten in der Mahatma Gandhi Reihe von 2005 mit dem Einfügungsbuchstaben von R in den Zahlenfeldern. RBI freigegeben Non-Banking Financial Company - Akkredit Aggregator Directions, 2016. Damit wird der regulatorische Rahmen geschaffen, um eine neue Art von Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), die als ein Konto aggregator handeln könnte, zu ermöglichen. Der Net Owned Fund solcher Gesellschaften sollte nicht unter 2 cr liegen. Rs. RBI herausgegeben überarbeitete Rahmen für die Wiederbelebung und Rehabilitation von mittleren, kleinen und kleinen Unternehmen (MSMEs). Der Rahmen muss von den Banken spätestens am 30. Juni 2016 eingeführt werden. Leitlinien Es gilt für MSME mit Kreditlimiten bis 25 cr. Rs. Einschließlich Konten im Rahmen des Konsortiums oder Multi Banking Arrangement (MBA). Es klassifiziert drei Kategorien in Special Mention Account (SMA), um anfänglichen Stress in den Konten von MSMEs im Falle von Non Performing Assets (NPAs) zu identifizieren: a) SMA-0: Haupt - oder Zinszahlung nicht überfällig für mehr als 30 Tage, aber Konto Anzeichen für beginnenden Stress b) SMA-1: Haupt - oder Zinszahlung überfällig zwischen 31-60 Tagen c) SMA-2: Kapital - oder Zinszahlung überfällig zwischen 61-90 Tagen RBI unterzeichnete ein spezielles Währungsswap-Abkommen mit der Zentralbank von Sri Lanka. Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung kann die Zentralbank von Sri Lanka bis zu 700 Millionen US-Dollar. Um die Überwachung von Betrugsfällen in den Städtischen Genossenschaftsbanken zu rationalisieren, hat RBI mit Rs 1 cr. Innerhalb von drei Wochen nach Erkennung an seine Central Fraud Monitoring Cell (CFMC) bei Bengaluru gemeldet werden. Betrugsfälle unter Rs 1 cr. Sollten den jeweiligen Regionalbüros des Department of Cooperative Bank Supervision (DCBS) des RBI gemeldet werden. Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan hat sich einer Task Force des World Economic Forum (WEF) angeschlossen, um die Zukunft des globalen Finanzsystems zu untersuchen. Die Zentralbank hat Geschäftsbanken gerichtet, um die Bereitstellung von 2,5 pro Quartal zu erhöhen, so dass 1 bankersadda sscadda bis zum 31. März 2017, Bereitstellung der 15-Ebene im Einklang mit Sub-Standard-Konten erreicht. RBI hat die 2-Milliarden-Währungsswap-Vereinbarung bis Mitte November 2017 auf SAARC-Nationen ausgedehnt. Im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung soll das RBI eine Swap-Vereinbarung bis zu einem Gesamtvolumen von 2 Milliarden in Fremdwährung und indischer Rupie anbieten. RBI hat einen Pakt mit der Bank of Israel für den Informationsaustausch und die Bankenaufsicht unterzeichnet. RBI hat beschlossen, FDI-bezogene Daten mit den Land-Intelligence-Agenturen, Intelligence Bureau (IB) und Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) zu teilen, um das schwarze Geld in Indien zu überprüfen. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) CEO und MD Natarajan Chandrasekaran, ehemaliger Chefsekretär von Gujarat Sudhir Mankad und Bharat Narotam Doshi als Non Officials Directors in den Vorstand von RBI für eine Amtszeit von 4 Jahren ernannt. SBI IN NACHRICHTEN Nepal SBI Bank hat Zahlungs-Gateway gestartet, um Online-Handel und Nicht-Handels-Transaktionen zwischen der Himalaya-Nation Nepal und Indien zu erleichtern. SBIs Point of Sales Terminal (PoS) - Netzwerk ist jetzt die größte im Land. Kündigte die Markteinführung von mVisa, einer mobilen Zahlungslösung an. Hilft Kunden, Zahlungen durch einfaches Scannen des einzigartigen Kaufmann-schnellen Antwortcode zu leisten. SBI wurde von RBI gebeten, für Verluste auf Nahrungsmittelkorn in Verbindung stehende Darlehen zu erteilen, die zu Punjab Govt herausgegeben werden. Meghalaya CM Mukul M Sangma eröffnete die erste digitale Niederlassung der State Bank of India in Nord-Ost. SBI hat eine Einrichtung unter SBI Quick: SMS und Missed Call Banking Service gestartet, wobei der Kunde wählen können, aktivieren oder deaktivieren ihre Karten. SBI startete e-Smart KMU, ein Working Capital Darlehen Angebot für Verkäufer auf E-Commerce-Plattformen. Myanmar hat vier asiatischen Banken Betriebsgenehmigungen erteilt. Out, wenn die 4, eine SBI ist. SBI hat Japan Desk ins Leben gerufen, ein einziges Fenster für eingehende japanische Investitionen in Indien und umgekehrt. Dies ist eine erstklassige Initiative, die japanischen Unternehmen, die in Indien mit Banken-und Beratungsdienste zu investieren erleichtern will. SBI bindet an Taxi Aggregator, Uber, um sofortige Trägerfinanzierung zu den Fahrerpartnern auf der latters Plattform zur Verfügung zu stellen. ICICI BANK IN NEWS Startete die erste kontaktlose Business-Kreditkarte des Landes in Verbindung mit Jet Airways. Werden Sie das erste Finanzinstitut im Land, um mit der New Development Bank, um Möglichkeiten zu erkunden. Startete das iWorkHome-Programm für seine Mitarbeiterinnen, um sie daran zu hindern, ihre Arbeitskräfte zu verlieren. Angekündigt eine neue mobile Zahlungslösung Touch and Pay. Dies basiert auf der Near Field Communication (NFC) - Technologie. Careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FÜR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK HAUPTSCHWERPUNKTE 2016 verkaufte 9 Stange an seinem allgemeinen Versicherungsunternehmen ICICI Lombard während 2 Anteil an der Lebenversicherungstochter ICICI Prudential für ungefähr Rs 2.200 cr. K Ramkumar, geschäftsführender Direktor und Vorstandsmitglied der ICICI Bank hat den Ruhestand genommen. Er wird auf dem Bankbrett durch einen anderen ICICI Veteran Vijay Chandok ersetzt werden. Gefesselt mit Marquee Sportwagenhersteller Ferrari, um Co-branded Kreditkarte zu starten. Startete eine Kredit-verknüpfte Subvention für Wohnungsbaudarlehen unter Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). Im Rahmen dieser Regelung wird die ICICI Wohnungsbaudarlehen zu subventionierten Raten von 6,5 pro Jahr für die Darlehensbetrag von Rs. 6 lakh (Maximum). Die Höchstdarlehen für die Subvention beträgt 15 Jahre. HDFC BANK IN NACHRICHTEN HDFC Ltd wurde unter den weltweit zehn größten und leistungsstärksten Unternehmen in der Consumer-Finanzdienstleistungssektor auf einer Forbes-Liste von globalen Major American Express gekrönt. Auf Platz sieben, ist HDFC das einzige indische Unternehmen in Top-Ten in dieser Kategorie. Die HDFC Bank plant, im Geschäftsjahr 2011 rund 500 neue Filialen zu eröffnen. JA BANK IN NACHRICHTEN Indias fünftgrößter Privatsektor Kreditgeber Ja Bank hat eine Depotbank von Securities Lizenz von der Märkte Regulierungsbehörde SEBI erhalten, um das Unternehmen zu bieten custodial Dienstleistungen für Finanzmarktteilnehmer, einschließlich FIIs und FPIs. Unterzeichnet eine strategische Vereinbarung mit der indischen Handelskammer Brasiliens (IBCC), um eine bedeutende Zusammenarbeit in Bezug auf Wissenspartnerschaften, Projektberatung etc. zu ermöglichen. Mit Clickandpay, einem mobilen Zahlungslösungsunternehmen, zusammengetan, um bargeldlose, sichere und flexible Transaktionen für Kunden zu ermöglichen. Gebunden mit BankBazaar, um Ja Bank Retail Darlehen Produkte einschließlich persönlicher Darlehen, Wohnungsbaudarlehen und Auto-Darlehen auf ihrer Website. Inked eine dreigliedrige Vereinbarung für die Kreditvergabe 50 Millionen Darlehen von Weltbank Arm IFC an Unternehmerinnen. Startete eine alle Frauen betrieben Bankfiliale Ja Grace auf Cunningham Straße mit dem Ziel, maßgeschneiderte Banking-Lösungen für Frauen. Er erhielt den prestigeträchtigen Green Bond Pioneer Award für die Pioniere in Emerging Markets-Indien. KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK IN NACHRICHTEN Die vierte Bank eröffnete ihre IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) im International Financial Services Center (IFSC) in der Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) City. Übertroffen ICICI Bank auftauchen als die dritte am meisten geschätzt Kreditgeber im Land. Kündigt Anstieg der Einnahmen, wird die zweithäufigst geschätzte Privatbank. Unterzeichnete eine Vereinbarung mit Kanada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) für Investitionen in betonte Vermögenswerte in Indien. Uday Kotak, der Chef von KMB ist der einzige Indianer in Forbes Liste von 40 mächtigsten Menschen in der Finanzwelt. Er 2 bankersadda sscadda ist auf Rang 33 in der Forbes-Liste von Money Masters: Die mächtigsten Menschen in der Finanzwelt. Die Liste wird durch die Blackstone Gruppen CEO Stephen Schwarzman überstiegen. AXIS BANK IN NACHRICHTEN Die Reserve Bank hat es Axis Bank ermöglicht, die Auslandsbeteiligung auf bis zu 62 zu erhöhen, und zwar von der früheren Grenze von 49 Jahren. Sanjiv Misra wird die nächsten drei Monate als nicht-exekutiver Vorsitzender der Axis Bank führen. SONSTIGE PRIVATE SEKTORBANKEN IN NACHRICHTEN Indias größter Luftfrachtführer Bharti Airtel erhielt seine Banklizenz, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kotak Mahindra Bank beantragt wurde. Die RBL Bank wird in den nächsten 9-12 Monaten ein Unternehmer-in-Residence (EIR) - Programm für fintech-Start-ups starten. RBL Bank wurde die erste private Bank in Indien zu öffnen Zweig für Start-ups zu öffnen. Die spezielle Zweigstelle wurde in Koramangala, Bengaluru eingeweiht. Capital Local Area Bank wurde erste, die Small Finance Bank Lizenz von RBI erhalten. Es operiert von Jalandhar in Punjab. IndusInd Bank, die die Abwicklungsbank für die Eauktion für Tee-Industrie wurde, wird gesetzt, um den Status zu verlieren. Das Tea Board hat die Bank of India als neue Siedlungsbank ausgewählt. IDFC hat gerade die erste seiner Art Twitter-Kampagne, IDFCTwitterResume, wo Sie verkaufen können Sie sich in 140 Zeichen und landen einen Job im Handel. DCB Bank Limited hat eine Beteiligung von 5,81 für Rs 9,99 cr erworben. In seinem langjährigen Geschäftspartner Annapurna Microfinance Private Limited. Kleine Kreditgeber DCB Bank hat eine Aadhaar-basierte ATM-Nutzung-Anlage, in der ein Kunde kann mit seinen biometrischen Details anstelle der PIN. Indusind Bank geht online für Darlehen disbursals. Kerala-basierte private Kreditgeber Die Federal Bank eröffnet Inkubationszentren in Bangalore und Ernakulam exklusiv für Start-ups. Industry Body Internet und Mobile Association of India, hat Paytm Gründer Vijay Shekhar Sharma, Vorsitzender der neu gebildeten Zahlungen Bankengruppe ernannt. Die Bundesbank hat sich mit Chillar Payment Solutions Pvt. Ltd zur Förderung der Start-ups Technologie Produkt Campus Wallet. Honda Motorcycle and a Scooter India (HMSI) has signed a MoU with IndusInd Bank to offer retail finance to buyers at an attractive rate of interest on all Honda 2 Wheeler models. INTERNATIONALFOREIGN BANKS IN NEWS Saudi Arabia based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has announced to open its first branch in India at Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The Royal Bank of Scotland has confirmed its exit from retail banking operations in India. Singapore based DBS Bank has decided to set up its biggest technology hub out of its headquarter in Hyderabad. The bank has appointed Mr. Mohit Kapoor as careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 the head of its Technology Development Centre in Hyderabad. The Singapores largest bank, DBS has unveiled the mobile only bank in India. Zimbabwe is all set to introduce its own version of US dollars in order to ease a cash shortage in the country. The governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, John Mangudya has stated that the bank will introduce the note of 2, 5, 10, and 20. The International Bank Note Society (IBNS) announced that New Zealands five dollar note won the Banknote of the Year Award for 2015. British bank Standard Chartered (StanChart) has knocked on the doors of the PMs Office (PMO), seeking the states help to go after Winsome group, Indias largest willful defaulter after Vijay Mallyas Kingfisher Airlines. Indias largest foreign bank by number of branches Standard Chartered Bank announced the global launch of a digital tablet based sales and service tool, Retail Workbench that quotbrings the bankquot to clients. Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. (HSBC) will shut 24 of its 50 branches in India and reduce its presence to 14 cities. The New Development Bank (NDB), commonly known as BRICS bank, has sanctioned its first batch of loans, including 250 million to Indias renewable energy projects. European Union, through the European Investment Bank (EIB), will lend India 450 million (approximately Rs. 3,300 cr.) towards constructing a 23-km long Lucknow Metro rail line. Jefferies has hired Vikas Khattar as head of India and SouthEast Asia ECM. OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS IN NEWS Punjab National Bank has reported the largest net loss of Rs. 5,367.14 cr. for 4th quarter. This is the biggest quarterly loss The New Development Bank (NDB) sanctioned its first batch of loans. The project from India entails provisioning of multi-tranche loan of 250 million to Canara Bank for on-lending to renewable energy projects. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs cleared conversion of Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) of Bank of Barodas (BoB) 29.91 cr. Rs. loan to Andrew Yule and Co. Ltd. (AYCL) into equity shares. Union Bank of India launched eSBTR (Electronic Secured Bank Treasury Receipt), a facility for a single window payment facility of both stamp duty and registration fee for home purchase in Maharashtra. SEBI has given approval to State-owned IDBI Bank market regulator to raise Rs 3,771 cr. through issue of shares to qualified institutional players (QIP). Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has become the first bank to commence the sale of Indian Gold Coin (IGC) in the domestic market. RRBSCOOPERATIVE BANKSNBFCS IN NEWS The urban co-operative bank, Saraswat bank announced the donation of rs. 1 cr. for drought relief in Maharastra. 3 bankersadda sscadda South Indian Bank a tie-up with National Australian Bank (NAB) for online inward remittances from Australia at a competitive rate. Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services has appointed former investment banker Dhananjay Mungale as chairman. TJSB Sahakari Bank will open 18 more branches this fiscal taking the total number of its network to 133 in the country. TJSB Sahakari Banks Chairman, C Nandagopal Menon. International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group launched its first Uridashi Masala Bond. The South Indian Bank has announced that its personnel department has achieved the ISO 9001:2008 certification. MISCELLANEOUS BANKING NEWS India will have 8-10 very competitive public sector banks once the quotdust settlesquot and the consolidation phase ends according to the Union Minister Jayant Sinha. IREDA, the state run Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency can be converted into a Green Bank to enable its access funding from overseas banks. Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright has publicly identified himself as Bitcoin creator. SIDBI and Saarc Development Fund (SDF) has signed a MoU for mutual cooperation and collaboration. SIDBI will raise the proposed Rs 10,000 Cr. corpus for Stand Up India Fund from RBI. The Fund will be disbursed to Dalit and women entrepreneurs. NABARD sanctioned a loan of 1000 cr. Rs. to Haryana State Warehousing Corporation (HSWC). The loan is sanctioned for purchase of wheat during the ongoing rabi marketing season. NABARD entered into collaboration with German Govt. on Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security. Agri and rural lender Nabard is set to raise Rs 50,000 cr. from the markets in FY17. Experian, the global information services company launched a fraud detection mechanism named the Hunter Fraud Score. Tech Process Payment Services received an in principle approval for setting up and operating Bharat Bill Payments Operating Unit (BBPOU). The postal department of India, India Post is going high tech by geo tagging the post office on Bhuvan and has begun monitoring timely clearance of the letter boxes through a mobile app. India Post selected Deloitte as consultant for payments bank. The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), launched a hackathon in partnership with software industry body Indian Software Product Industry Round Table (iSPIRT). The UPI (Unified Payment Interface) Hackathon has been launched for developers to come up with innovative digital payment products. The Modi Govt. has been praised all round for getting nearly 22 cr. bank account opened in roughly one and a half years. In all, the JDY accounts have a balance of Rs 37,617 cr. as of April 2016 or around Rs.1,700 per account. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 The newly constituted Banks Board Bureau (BBB), headed by former CAG Vinod Rai, held its first meeting that was attended by RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan and Union Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha, among others. Banks have so far disbursed over Rs 1.15 lakh cr. under Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY). The Govt. said it has created a Tax Policy Research Unit (TPRU) and Tax Policy Council to be chaired by the Union Finance Minister. Mastercard is launching new mobile technologies that will allow customers to authenticate their online purchases using selfies or fingerprints. Indias first cash giving app has launched by a fin-tech company called Tslc Pte Ltd. The app is named as CASHe. ECONOMY NEWS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will now be known as Divyangjan Sashaktikaran Vibhag in Hindi and dropped the word viklangjan. The Centre has approved an investment of over 5500 cr. Rs. for basic urban infrastructure in six states under Atal Mission. According to the Union Railway Minister, Suresh Prabhu, the first bullet train will run in India in 2023. India remained the worlds largest recipient of remittances from abroad in 2015. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has launched a new index Nifty MidSmallcap 400. It will represent the mid and small market capitalization segments of the stock market. The Govt. has issued a new set of income tax return (ITR) forms that require people with an income of Rs 50 lakh and above per annum to disclose their assets. International Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared the Indias growth is projected to notch up to 7.5 in 201617. According to agency Carat, Indias 2016 advertising growth rate will be the fastest at 12. The Govt. has notified that it has raised the threshold limit of PF withdrawal for deduction of tax (TDS) from existing Rs 30,000 to Rs 50,000. The Govt. has relaxed FDI norms for the insurance sector bypermitting overseas companies to buy 49 stake in domestic insurers. The Govt. permitted 100 FDI in the marketplace format of e-commerce retailing. The cabinet approved a 6 hike in Dearness Allowance (DA) to central Govt. employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners. Saudi Oil giant Aramco plans to make major investment in Indias petroleum sector. India To Clock 7.4 GDP Growth This Fiscal, Says Stanchart. As per an amendment to the Finance Bill 2016 approved by Lok Sabha, new 10 Dividend Tax will be payable only on dividend income over and above Rs. 10 lakh threshold in a year. DIPP allowed 100 foreign direct investment (FDI) in asset reconstruction companies (ARCs) under the automatic route. Govt plans to provide mobile connectivity in 55,669 villages by March 2019 in a phased manner. NSE is all set to launch a new trade receivable and credit exchange platform for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). 4 bankersadda 19. The Govt. of India has started the disinvestment process and has planned to sell its 11.36 equity shares in the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC). 20. Union Finance Ministry extended the safeguard duty on steel imports until March 2018. The safeguard duty will be 20 minus any existing dumping duty till September 2016, reduced to 18 till March 2017, then brought down to 15 till September 2017 and eventually to 10 by March 2018. 21. The Cabinet gave approval for increasing the framework agreement between Exim Bank of India and a consortium of Iranian banks lead by Central Bank of Iran. 22. World Bank President Jim Yong Kim announced that the World Bank Group will invest 2.5 billion US dollars over 5 years in education projects that directly benefit adolescent girls. 23. Union Govt. notified that the Department of Disinvestment is renamed as Department of Investment and Public Asset Management or DIPAM. 24. The Cabinet approved to enhance investment by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) in Bharat Oman Refineries Limited (BORL). 25. Cabinet approved World Banks 1500 million support to Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin. 26. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) signed 11 unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs). With this, India entered into 59 unilateralbilateral APAs. 27. Markets regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) decided to increase the Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) investment limit in Central Govt. securities. The limit was increased to 140000 cr. Rs. from 135400 cr. Rs. 28. The DIPP increased 100 FDI in Business to Business (B2B) ecommerce. 29. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) gave its approval for winding up of National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) with immediate effect. 30. The Japanese financial company Nomura has announced fully departure of its mutual fund joint venture with insurance giant Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). LIC Nomura Mutual Fund has now been renamed LIC Mutual Fund. 31. Fitch, the global rating agency has maintained Indias growth forecast for India at 7.5 for this fiscal (20152016) and also sees higher growth around 7.7 and 7.9 over the next two financial years. 32. The Govt. will divest 5 stake in Container Corporation of India (Concor) through the offer for sale (OFS) route. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 BUSINESS NEWS (NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL) Key Points DOMESTIC COMPANIES Mahindra and Mahindra Incorporated its agricultural equipment rental services arm Trringo as a (MandM) wholly-owned subsidiary. Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Acquired the rights for California, US, based fashion retailer Forever 21 Ltd (ABFRL) National Buildings Construction Takeover of Hindustan Steel Works Construction Limited (HSCL) Corporation Ltd (NBCC) Tata Group Launched Tata CliQ, an online and app-based platform to let users buy apparel and electronics. Online marketplace Snapdeal Established a data sciences centre in San Carlos, California, which will help it to get top global talent and build high-value solutions. Reliance Industries Sold its stake in African fuel retailer Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation (GAPCO) to Total S. A. of France. Tech Mahindra To acquire UK based Target Group to strengthen its BFSI portfolio. Tata Communications Ltd Sold 74 stake in its data centre business in India and Singapore to ST Telemedia Tata Sons Chairman Emeritus Invested in San Francisco-based medical emergency response startup MUrgency Ratan Tata Inc. Snapdeal Acquired Targeting Mantra, a move that will help the ecommerce major enhance personalisation of shopping experience of customers Infosys co-founder Nandan Invested in train travel app, RailYatri. In. Nilekani Honda Motorcycle and a Scooter Signed a MoU with IndusInd Bank to offer retail finance to buyers at an attractive India (HMSI) rate of interest on all Honda 2 Wheeler models. Piramal Enterprises To acquire four brand from multinational drugmaker company Pfizer ltd namelyNeko Soap, Sloans, Ferradol and Waterburys Compound Reliance Jio Infocomm Launched its digital wallet service, called as JioMoney Wallet, for Indian consumers. Snapdeal App Tied up with UrbanClap to provide over 80 personal and home services on the online retailers android app. Union Govt. has approved Infosys to set up an ITITeS special economic zone (SEZ) in Bengaluru in an area spread over 4 hectares. E-commerce giant Flipkart Partnered with a Bangaluru based social technology company MapUnity to launch its map services Girnar Software Pvt. Ltd, which Acquired Volob Technologies, a virtual reality start-up owns and operates online portals CarDekho, Gaadi and Zigwheels Paytm, Indias largest mobile Partnered with the Wipro ltd to implement technology infrastructure for its payments upcoming Payment bank business Bharti Airtel and networking Announced partnership to increase its direct reach in West Asian countries. player GBI Bharat Petroleum Corporation To invest Rs. 3,000 in Bharat Oman Refineries Limited (BORL) Limited (BPCL) Isuzu Motors India Opened its new manufacturing plant in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh Reliance Power Govt. of Bangladesh has granted in-principle approval for the first phase of Reliance Powers gas-based power project in Bangladesh at Meghnaghat (Narayanganj district), Dhaka Mondelez India Inaugurated a plant in Tada, SriCity, Andhra Pradesh. This is the largest plant in the Asia-Pacific region. Videocon d2h Tied Up With Vodafone M-pesa through which Vodafone customers can recharge using the proven m-pesa platform Housing Former KPMG Director Dilip Tuli appointed as the new Senior Vice President Strategy and New Business Initiatives of Housing Mahindra and Mahindra Became the first Indian company to join a global energy campaign, EP100, led by an international non-profit group, The Climate Group. Tata Steel Sports Department Charles Borromeo resigned from the post. JK Tyre and Industries Ltd Completely acquired the Cavendish Industries Golden Tobacco Ltd. Became the first company in India to implement the Union Health Ministrys Cigarettes Packaging Amendment Rules, 2014. S. No Companies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 5 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 31. ITC Limited and Starwood Hotels and Resorts have signed agreements to extend their existing partnership for 11 ITC Luxury Collection hotels and 1 hotel under the Sheraton brand. Flipkart Has acquired payments startup PhonePe Internet Pvt. Ltd. Future Group Acquired Rocket Internets online furniture platform Fab Furnish UltraTech Acquired cement units of Jaiprakash Associates Flipkart Launched its own digital wallet Flipkart Money Reliance Defence Ltd The DIPP approved 12 industrial licenses to the Reliance Defence Ltd. India Inc First in world to formally adopt UNs sustainable goals NTT Data, Inc. To acquire Dell Services. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Announced the acquisition of Videocon Telecommunications Ltds Bharti Airtel Acquisition of 20 MHz spectrum in eight circles from Aircel. Carpooling platform Orahi Acquisition of Odd-even, founded by 13-year old Akshat Mittal Hero Cycles Acquired 60 stake of Sri Lanka BSH Ventures Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) took over the infrastructure of abandoned Tapti gas field in western offshore from its joint venture partners Reliance Industries and BG. FOREIGN COMPANIES Google Won a major US court battle with software firm Oracle ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) Signed a pact with the trading arm of Azerbaijans state energy company SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) to foray into oil trading. Finland-based companies, Nokia Signed a 10-year licensing deal to market Nokia-branded phones and tablets. and HMD Global Oy (HMD) Pfizer Inc Acquire biopharmaceutical firm Anacor Pharmaceuticals Blackstone Group Buying Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. s majority stake in Indian outsourcing firm Mphasis Ltd Japanese financial company Announced fully departure of its mutual fund joint venture with LIC and thus LIC Nomura Nomura Mutual Fund has now been renamed LIC Mutual Fund. E commerce company, Amazon Launched its online video service, called Amazon Video Direct Asias leading cloud telephony Announced the acquisition of Delhi-based Smartwards, a customer engagement company, Knowlarity platform that simplifies loyalty for local businesses and their customers. Communications Uber Announced its global partnership with the third party payment platform, Alipay to provide its service in more than 400 cities globally. Google Acquired a business technology start-up Synergyse Comcast, the parent company of To buy the DreamWorks Animation for 3.8 billion in cash. The deal will put Universal Pictures Comcast in direct competition with Disney. The Global data services Launched its Hunter Fraud Score in India. The mechanism will help to measure company, Experian the probability of fraud in a credit application across banking and insurance industries. It will help the country to increase their efficiency in fraud detection. Smartphone maker BlackBerry In partnership with digital payments platform Digitsecure, launched its money transfer service, called BBM Money, in India. Amazon Commenced work on its biggest campus at Hyderabad in India Drug major Lupin Completely acquired the US-based GAVIS Pharmaceuticals LLC and Novel Laboratories (GAVIS) IT major Wipro, along with Saudi Aramco and Princess Nourah University (PNU) inaugurated Saudi Arabias first all women business and technology park (WBP), which is expected to create nearly 21,000 jobs by 2025. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the opening of its Hyderabad technology centre that will focus on the development of maps for its mobile products like iPhones, iPads, Macs and Apple Watches England automative brand Jaguar LAND Rover ltd and a subsidiary of Indian automaker Tata Motors, has tied up with UK-based Bullitt Group to develop mobile devices and a range of accessories under its brand. Asian Games gold medalist Charles Borromeo resigned from the post of head of the Tata Steel sports department. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. S. No 1. 2. 6 AGREEMENTS (INDIAWORLD) What is the MoUAgreement Signed byBetween BETWEEN INDIA and OTHER COUNTRYORGANIZATION US100 mn loan agreement for the Karnataka Govt. of India with World Urban Water Supply Modernization project. Bank MOU for strengthening cooperation in the field Ministry of Tourism of of tourism. India and Govt. of Maldives bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in Other Point careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 3. MoU for promoting sustainable, stable and lowcarbon thermal power development in India. Agreement for investing USD 15 million in the state to provide 1,000 jobs. Agreement to curb malnourishment among women and children in the state. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 7 MoU to enhance research and development capabilities in biotechnology by launching a joint funding call. Agreement to provide a loan of Rs. 1,548 cr. to improve the quality of urban healthcare services in Tamil Nadu. Signed a Protocol to amend the existing bilateral double taxation avoidance agreement A nuclear agreement with each other to engage the bilateral neighborhood relationship. LANDmark agreement for Global promotion of Traditional Systems of Medicine Protocol for amendment of a two-decade-old Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) Agreement in the area of medical technology to address major health challenges in India. Decided to exchange sports persons, coaches, experts and administrators to improve the standard of the game between both nations. Promoting bilateral cooperation in the field of Information Communication Technology Bilateral air services agreement that would facilitate the operation of direct flights. India, Papua New Guinea sign four agreements to boost bilateral cooperation Indian and Japan Telangana Govt. with Eclat Health Solutions The Bihar Govt. MDM scheme, UNICEF and the Bihar based Rajendra Agriculture University India and Australia Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with Govt. of India India and Slovenia India and Bangladesh India and WHO India and Mauritius Australian state of Victoria, Swinburne University with India India and Japan India and Qatar India and New Zealand MoU regarding 100 Million Credit Line. MoU in the field of Health Care and Medical Science. India and Bhutan MoU in the field of Agriculture. MoU in the field of Information technology. MoU on technical cooperation in the field of capacity building, bench marking and bilateral exchange in infrastructure engineering. India has ratified the new Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of World trade Organisation (WTO).It aims to ease customs procedures to boost commerce. MoU on setting up Laser Interferometer India and the United Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in India States MoU for cooperation and mutual assistance in India and South Korea development of Ports MoU to provide 150 fishing boats and fishing India and Sri Lanka equipment to 300 Tamil fishermen from Mullaithivu in North Sri Lanka MoU on cooperation in preventing and India and United Arab combating of Human Trafficking. Emirates (UAE) Agreement on Namami Gange Programme. India and Germany Conclude a Logistics Exchange Memorandum of India and the US Agreement (LEMOA) to enable both militaries to use each others assets and bases for repair and replenishment of supplies. India and Maldives signed six agreements to boost the bilateral relations between the two countries. Agreement for Avoidance of Double Taxation of income Agreement for the Exchange of Information with respect to Taxes Bilateral Agreement related to Orbit Frequency Coordination of South Asia Satellite MoU for Cooperation in the area of conservation and restoration of ancient mosques and joint research and exploratory surveys in Maldives bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. MoU on cooperation in the field of Tourism Action Plan for Defence Cooperation Five agreements to boost the bilateral cooperation between the two nations Agreement to provide loan assistance of 500 million Euro (about 3750 cr. Rs.) for the modern and sustainable metro system for Nagpur city Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Quality Improvement Project MoU on conservation of birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia, i. e. Raptor MoU MoU on Cooperation for Prevention of Human Trafficking MoU for setting up South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center in India Ashgabat Agreement 33. Finalized draft of the Chabahar Trilateral 1. Agreement on Transport and Transit Corridors 34. MoU on Capacity Enhancement on Sustainable Agriculture and Irrigation Development 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 8 India and Saudi Arabia India and Germanys Development Bank KfW India signed for IDA credit of 300 US dollars with the World Bank Union Govt. India became the 56th signatory state to sign it India and Bahrain India and IMF Cabinet Approved The agreement is an international and transit corridor facilitating transportation of goods between Central Asia and the Persian Gulf. India, Afghanistan and Iran Govt. of Mizoram and the Japan International Cooperation Agency BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONSCOMPANIES MOU Between Whom MoU to explore the possibility of setting up a National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) with Iranian smelter on joint venture in Iran. Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization MoU for cooperation in the exploration and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the United user of outer space for peaceful purposes. Arab Emirates Space Agency (UAESA) MoU to provide scientific parameters for ISRO (ISRO) and Airports Authority of India construction of airports For listing SANDP BSE Sensex-based BSE Ltd with Korea Exchange (KRX) of South Korea derivatives contracts MoU for setting up of Kalpana Chawla Chair on PEC University of Technology of Chandigarh and Union Geospatial Technology for Indian Railways Ministry of Railways MoU to focus on building a sustainable Ola with National Safai framework by supporting entrepreneurship, Karamcharis Finance and skill development training and self-defence Development Corporation courses for Safai Karamcharis and Scavengers. (NSKFDC) MoU for Mutual Co-operation and Technical SEBI and Financial Services Assistance. Regulatory Authority MoU for popularizing India HANDloom textiles The Development Commissioner (HANDlooms), Ministry of as a fashionable product for youth. Textiles, Govt. of India and NDTV Ethnic Retail Ltd. MoU for Research and Development (RampD) in National Aluminium Company (Nalco) with Bhabha Atomic fields of mutual interest. Research Centre (BARC) Agreed to use European Banks to clear 6.4 Central banks of India and billion oil payments to Tehran. Iran MoU for plantation of trees alongside Railway Indian Railways with Haryana and Punjab Track on Railway LAND Boundary MoU to develop an application for Remote Railways and ISRO Sensing and Geographic Information System Agreement to impart vocational and skill National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Dalmia training to 60,000 unemployed youth over the Bharat Foundation next 10 years across the country Construct a 10 MW energy storage array at Panasonic India and AES Panasonics Technopark manufacturing facility India Private Limited in Jhajjar, Haryana bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. S. no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 9 Rolled out free WiFi service at Bhubaneswar railway station For commercialization of the plant, NEMHARI Plant based Formulation for Management of Mulberry Root Knot Disease Google in collaboration with RailTel National Research Development Corporation with Ms Rainbow Agrilife India Private Limited MoU on IMPacting Research INnovation and 25 Ministries and Technology (IMPRINT) initiative Departments of the Union Govt. MoU for strengthening and promoting business FICCI with Australia India ties with Australia Business Council (AIBC) Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) to acquire its Tata Power Renewable 100 subsidiary Indo Rama Renewables Jath Energy Limited signed with Limited (IRRJL) Indo Rama Renewables Limited (IRRL) Delhi based premier laboratory of DRDO, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) in collaboration with Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) organised a training program on Yoga for the Defence Wing Staff. Union Govt. signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) to provide a loan of 1000 cr. Rs. to the Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore (FACT) Limited. Agreement to supply 619 units of its 6X6 high - Tata Motors with the Indian mobility vehicle (HMV) multi-axle truck Army License Agreement for commercialization of National Research Devt. Ayush-82, an Ayurvedic formulation for Corporation with Kudos prevention and management of diabetes. Laboratories India MoU regarding Effective Use of Space Ministry of Railways and Technology in Remote Sensing and Graphic Indian Space Research Information System (GIS) based Governance Organisation Application MoU to design and implement the AP Fiber Net Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Cisco. project MoU for effective redressal of consumer Department of Consumer Affairs with Industry Association. complaints Agreement to build a product design initiative Facebook and National Association of Software and Services to engage the countrys young entrepreneurs Companies Launched its money transfer service, called BlackBerry in partnership with digital payments platform BBM Money Digitsecure NEW APPOINTMENTS (INDIA) Designation(Post)Department(Company) Constitutional and Other Posts Sarbananda Sonowal CM, Assam, Pinarayi Vijayan CM, Kerala Mamata Banerjee CM, West Bengal Kiran Bedi Lieutenant Governor, Puducherry V Narayanaswamy CM of Puducherry Ashok Lavasa Finance Secretary Justice Navin Sinha CJ Of Rajasthan HC Justice Deepak Gupta Chief Justice Of Chhattisgarh High Court Justice Tinlianthang Vaiphei Chief Justice of Tripura High Court Hindupur Pradeep Rao Deputy CAG Atma Ram Nadkarni Additional Solicitor General Dr. Radha Binod Barman Part-time Chairperson in the National Statistical Commission (NSC) Justice PK Mishra Lokayukta of Goa. Justice Balbir Singh Chauhan Chairperson, 21st Law Commission. NK Aggarwal Lokayukta of Haryana President nominated 6 eminent personalities to Rajya Sabha Subramanian Swamy: a BJP leader Narendra Jadhav: a renowned economist Navjot Singh Sidhu: Former Indian cricketer turned politician Suresh Gopi: Malayalam actor Swapan Dasgupta: a journalist Newly Appointed bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 10 Mary Kom: Legendary boxer and Olympic bronze medallist Justice (retd) Permod Kohli Chairman, Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) HL Dattu Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission CEOSChairman of CompaniesOrganizationsBanks Renowned scientist S K Sharma CMD, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL). Bhushan Patil President, Paytm CP Gurnani, MD and CEO, Tech Chairman, National Association of Software and Services Companies Mahindra (Nasscom) for 2016-17. Sunil Sabharwal Alternate Executive Director, IMF Kunal Shah Chairman, FreeCharge Govind Rajan Chief Executive Officer, FreeCharge Vinod K Dasari MD(MD), Ashok Leyland Bollywood Actor R Madhavan Goodwill ambassador of LEPRA India organization Rajiv Bhalla MD, Barco India Rohit Philip Chief Financial Officer (CFO), IndiGo Nitin Prasad Head, Shell India Ashok Chawla NSE Chairman Sudhakar Rao Chairman of BSE Sanjiv Misra Chairman, Axis Bank Sudhir Raheja Chairman, Airport Authority Of India (AAI) Sankaran Naren Executive Director, ICICI Prudential Bhupendra Kainthola Director of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Kishore Biyani MD of Bharti Retail Mrugank Paranjape MD and CEO of Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) Jitendra Jagota Chairman, Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) Suresh Senapaty Chairman, Honeywell Automation India Ltd (HAIL) Susmita Pande Chairperson, National Monument Authority (NMA) Ram Bahadur Rai President, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) A Ajith Kumar Chairman, Rubber Board Rohit Philip Chief Financial Officer (CFO), IndiGo Hemant Kumar Ruia Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Indus Towers Sharad Agarwal Head of India operations, Italian luxury sports car maker Lamborghini Kallol Roy CMD, Bhartiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Amitabh Coomar Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Go Javas Tapan Kumar Chand President, Aluminium Association of India (AAI). Rakesh Mohan Independent NonExecutive Director. Nestle India Board Patrick Dupuis Board of Directors, Wipro Limited Amar Abrol Chief Executive Officer, AirAsia India Ritu Beri Advisor, Khadi and Village Industries Commission S Sridhar MD (MD), Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Vijay Mallya Resigned as Director of Royal Challengers Sports Private Limited Mrugank Paranjape MD and CEO, Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd (MCX) Vineet Taneja Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Micromax Informatics Ltd Other Important Appointments Lt General S K Saini Commandant of prestigious Indian Military Academy (IMA) Mr. Deepak Mishra Additional Director General, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Vice Admiral Girish Luthra Flag Officer Commander-in-Chief of the Western Naval Command Surajit Kar Purkayastha Director General of Police in West Bengal Vice Admiral Sunil Lanba New Chief of Naval Staff Lieutenant General N P S Hira Deputy Chief of Army Staff Rakesh Kumar Mishra Director, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) A V S Ramesh Chandra Ambassador of India to Romania Somnath Ghosh Ambassador of India to the Republic of Tajikistan Anil Wadhwa Ambassador of India to the Republic of San Marino Rajiv Gauba 1. Secretary, Govt. of India in the Ministry of Urban Development Debraj Pradhan Ambassador of India to Norway D. Vasu Director, Tamil Nadu Cricket Association (TNCA) Academy Mahendra Singh Dhoni Brand ambassador, Lava International Virat Kohli Brand ambassador, Premier Futsal which is the newer and shorter five-a-side variant of soccer (football). bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. MS Dhoni Kangana Ranaut AR Rahman Ajay Devgn and Kajol PP Pandey Justice Mukul Mudgal Somnath Ghosh Kumar Rajesh Chandra Sudhir Yadav Sameer Chadha Rohit Sharma IAS officer Ajay Mittal Surender Kumar Bhagat Rahul Johri Geeta Johri Meeran C Borwankar Sachin Tendulkar Mehbooba Mufti Vice Admiral HCS Bisht HL Dattu 91. 92. Sanjiv Kapoor Vice Admiral Atul Kumar Jain S. no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 11 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Brand ambassador of Reebok India 4th Goodwill Ambassador for Team India at the Rio Olympics. Brand ambassadors of Andhra Pradesh tourism Director general of police (DGP) of Gujarat. Deputy Chairman of FIFA Governance Committee Ambassador of India to the Republic of Tajikistan Chief of Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) Director-General (DG) of Tihar CEO of KPMGs offshore arm in India Brand Ambassador of world famous watch brand Hublot Information and Broadcasting secretary Director General (DG) of Railways Protection Force (RPF) CEO, Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Director General of Police (DGP),Gujarat Director General (DG), Bureau of Police Research and Development Endorse the I Support Skill India campaign. First woman CM of JampK Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Naval Command. Member, International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC) Bureau in Geneva. Chief Strategy and Commercial Officer of Vistara Airlines Chief of Staff of the Visakhapatnam NEW APPOINTMENTS (WORLD) Designation(Post)Department(Company) President of different countries Tsai Ing-wen New president of Taiwan Rodrigo quotDigongquot Duterte Philippines President Tran Dai Quang 9th President of Vietnam Hashim Thaci President of Kosovo. Idriss Deby President of Chad. Faustin Archange Touadera President, Central African Republic Ali Mohamed Shein President, Zanzibar Htin Kyaw President, Myanmar Riek Machar Vice-President Of South Sudan Bounnhang Vorachit President, Laos PM of different countries Lobsang Sangay PM of Tibetan Mouamba Clement PM Of Congo Enda Kenny PM of Ireland Lobsang Sangay PM, Tibet Sigurdur Ingi Johannsson PM, Iceland Nguyen Xuan Phuc PM, Vietnam Baciro Dja PM, Guinea Bissau Volodymyr Groysman PM, Ukraine MayorsMember of ParliamentEnvoy Philip Abraham Deputy Mayor of Loughton town in the United Kingdom Murali Pillai Elected MP in Singapore from suburban Bukit Batok constituency. Sadiq Khan First Muslim Mayor Of London Indian American Geeta Pasi US next envoy to Chad Merrick Garland Nominated to be the next US Supreme Court Justice. H Deep Saini Vice Chancellor, Canberra University Other Appointments Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan 2. First female house speaker, Vietnams National Assembly (NA) Tara Singh 3. Caretaker pardhan, Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Manish Sharma Global executive council, Panasonic Justice Sushila Karki Chief Justice (CJ) of the Supreme Court of the country. Tausif Monif President for Global Operations, Lambda Therapeutic Research Patricia Espinosa Cantellano Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Newly Appointed bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Pio Swati Dandekar Indian-American Sachin Dev Pavithran An Indo-American engineer, Manjit Singh Indian academician Radha Kumar Jean Arnault Ahmed Abul Gheit Nandita Bakhshi Surya Deva US Defence Secretary Ash Carter Executive Director to the ADB Member of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board in US Member of Presidents Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships UN University Council to formulate its principles and policies Head, United National Political Mission (Columbia) Secretary General, Arab League President and Chief Executive Officer of Bank of the West Adviser on human rights and multinationals and businesses, UNHRC Nominated General Lori Robinson to lead the United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and NORAD. Naina Lal Kidwai Independent non-executive director, NBFC Altico Capital Fazle Kabir Governor, Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh. Ashley Judd Goodwill Ambassador, UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Michelle Yeoh Goodwill Ambassador, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Mickey Arthur Pakistans Head Coach Rozle Prezelj Chairman, International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Red, the leader of the Angry Envoy to inspire climate action toward a sustainable and happier future for Birds mobile game characters all. Michel Platini resigned as Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) AWARDS S. no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 12 Awards Winner Awards for Literature Commonwealth Short Story Prize for 2016 Indian author and Social Science professor from India Prashar Kulkarni Edgar Allan Poe award Neela Banerjee and her three colleagues from Inside Climate News John Cushman Jr, David Hasemyer and Lisa Song Mongolias highest civilian award quotNorth Indian scholars-Lokesh Chandra and Mansura Haider Starquot PENBarbey Freedom to Write Award Egyptian novelist and journalist Ahmed Naji George Grierson prize for remarkable works Chinese professor Ge Fuping done for the propagation of Hindi abroad Saraswati Samman for 2015 Author and poet Padma Sachdev (autobiography titled Chitt-Chete, written in Dogri language. 2016 PENAllen Foundation Literary Service J. K. Rowling Award 2016 Windham-Campbell Prize Columnist and author Jerry Pinto 2015 Bihari Puraskar Poet Dr Bhagwati Lal Vyas Krutitava Smagra Samman Renowned Dogri poetess Padma Sachdev CV Kunhiraman Literary Prize. Renowned Malayalam writer M Sukumaran Krutitava Smagra Samman for 2015 Padma Sachdev Countrys Highest Honour Given Japans Fukuoka prize 2016 Renowned Indian music composer A. R. Rahman Highest French civilian honour - French Renowned author of Harry Potter series, JK Rowling Legion Of Honour Honored by US President at the White House Indian-American Revathi Balakrishnan, from Texas for her excellent work in the field of education. Japans second highest national decoration N K Singh i. e. The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star award Honoured with a special statue by the Late director Yash Chopra Switzerland Govt. Highest French civilian honour, Officier de l General (retd) Joginder Jaswant Singh Ordre national de la Legion d Honneur (Officer of the Legion of Honour) UKs prestigious Founders Award 2016 Mother Teresa(posthumously) King Abdulaziz Sash honour by Saudi Arabia PM Narendra Modi bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 13 Chevalier de la Legion dHonneur (Knight of Chairman and MD of Mahindra and Mahindra Group Anand G Mahindra the Legion of Honour). Chevalier de la Legion dHonneur (Knight of Tikka Shatrujit Singh the Legion of Honour) Mongolia has conferred its highest civilian Indian scholars-Lokesh Chandra and Mansura Haider award quotNorth Starquot Conferred with one of the highest awards of Amitav Banerji Cyprus for his work in a number of senior roles within the Commonwealth Secretariat Order of Arts and Letters, one of Frances top Mahatma Gandhis Grand daughter Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee honours Legion dHonneur, Frances highest honour Mohammed bin Nayef Chevalier de la Legion dHonneur (Knight of Anand Mahindra the Legion of Honour) by French Govt. Film Awards Dadasaheb Phalke Award For Aligarh Manoj Bajpayee Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Award 2016 in best actress category Priyanka Chopra Best Film Critic award at the 63rd National Film Awards, 2015 Manipurs Meghachandra Best actress in an international narrative feature honour at Tribeca Film Radhika Apte Festival 2016 for her performance in anthology film Madly Global Indian of the Year 2016 award Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 47th Dadasaheb Phalke Award for the year 2015. Film Actor and Director Manoj Kumar Maharashtrian Of The Year Bollywood star Ranveer Singh Sports Awards Ceat T20 Player of the Year awards 2016 Virat Kohli Test Player of the Year, Limited Overs Player of the Year and Fans Player England cricketer Joe Root of the Year at the Englands annual awards. First African footballer to win the Professional Footballers Associations Riyad Mahrez (PFA) Player of the Year award for the 201516 season Wisdens Leading Cricketer in the World for the year 2015 Kane Williamson Dhyan Chand Lifetime Achievement Award Late Captain Shankar Laxman Dhruv Batra Player of the Year Award for Men and Women at the Hockey P. R Sreejesh and Deepika India Awards Sportsman and sportswoman of the Year Laureus World Sports Awards Tennis stars, Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams Awards to Scientists Millennium Technology Prize for her work directed evolution in US biochemical engineer, Frances Arnold Finland Springer Theses Award in recognition for his outstanding An Indian-American scientist Arnab De research in which he developed transgenic mice to study a critical tumour-suppressor called A20 European Materials Research Societys (E-MRSs) Young Scientist Nandini Bhandaru Award National Medal of Science award from US President Mr. Rakesh Jain International Plant Nutrition Scholar Award IIT scholar K Ashok Kumar Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize, largest prize for Three British scientists, Tim Bliss, Graham neuroscience in the world. Collingridge and Richard Morris Association for Computing Machinerys 2015 A. M. Turing Award. Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman Innovation Award 2016 given by the Indian Desalination Prof. Sirshendu De Association (IDA), South Zone. Other Awards Conferred National Geographic Bee competition 2016 A 12 year old, Indian American student Rishi Nair Harvard Business School Alumni Achievement Award Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal Scholastic Asian Book Award for her 32,000-word Aditi Krishnakumar manuscript rooted in quotlove of Indian historyquot Limca Book of Records for conducting the most intensive Telangana Govt. household survey by a state Har Parkash Rishi is an Indian man who holds the Guinness World Record for having the maximum number of flags (366) tattooed on his body. University of Houstons highest teaching award Indian-American Rupa Iyer bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. Global Green Hero award Veteran singer Stevie Wonder International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Hall of Udupi Ramachandra Fame award for 2016 Best family destination in the Lonely Planet Magazine Kerala India (LPMI) Travel Awards 2016 National Award for Smart Policing instituted by Federation of SMS-based Vehicle Monitoring System of Nagaland police Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Excellence Award on empowering MSMEs Corporation Bank Amnesty International top human rights award Musician Angelique Kidjo World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2016 Harita-Priya Agriculture Project of Andhra Pradesh prize in the e-Agriculture category 2016 Nelson Mandela Award Tabassum Adnan Gold Medal At Moscow SAND Sculpture Championship 2016 Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik Best Banknote of the year New Zealands 5 bill Mandela Graa Machel Innovation Award 2016 Tabassum Adnan Hridaynath Award Chess wizard Viswanathan Anand UNESCO or Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2016. Khadija Ismayilova of Azerbaijan FBB Femina Miss India World 2016 Priyadarshini Chatterjee Three international awards, including for best airport by Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) size in the Asia Pacific region Lifetime Achievement Award of the 11th edition of the Veteran playwright and director Ratan Thiyam Mahindra Excellence Theatre Awards (META) Mahindra Samriddhi Krishi Shiromani Samman. Amrita Patel Visitors Award for the Best University Tezpur University Golden City Gate Award Kerala Tourism campaign One million dollar Global Teacher Prize Hanan Al Hroub Editor of the Year award at the 4th Indian Advertising Sanjay Gupta Association (IAA) Awards First Prize in UN LinksSDGs Data Visualization Challenge. Abdulqadir Rashik 2016 Abel Prize British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles Skoch Lifetime Achievement Award M Venkaiah Naidu Advertising Club Madrass 1st Distinguished Service Award Srinivasan K Swamy Mahindra Samriddi India Agri Lifetime Achievement Dr Amrita Patel Aear-Krishi Shiromani Samman Research Investor Communication Award NTPC Krishi Karman Award Govt. of Himachal Pradesh The 2016 Pulitzer Prizes were announced in the US. It is an award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States. Haryana won an awarded as a state for demonstrating improvement with work in improving Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) during 2015. President Pranab Mukherjee conferred Padma Awards 2016 Padma Vibhushan Dr Vasudeva Kalkunte Aatre Dr Girija Devi Rajanikanth Ramoji Rao Dr V Shanta Padma Bhusan Ravindra Chandra Bhargava Robert Dean Blackwill Indu Jain Udit Narayan Jha Heinam Kanhailal Sania Mirza Yarlagadda Lakshmi Prasad Dayanada Saraswati (Posthumus) Ram Vanji Sutar NS Ramanuja Tatacharya Swami Tejomayananda Padma Shri Priyanka Chopra Salman Khan SS Rajamouli (Director of Bahubali) Veena Tandon CURRENT SUMMITSEVENTS HELD (NATIONALINTERNATIONAL) Name of the Summit LocationHeld in Other Points SUMMITS HELD NATIONALLY Conference of the Northeast Region Tripura Inaugurated by the Lok Sabha Speaker Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Sumitra Mahajan First National-Level Khadi Exhibition Srinagar 4th Ministerial meeting of South Asia New Delhi 8 nations Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Initiative to End Violence Against Children Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, (SAIEVAC) Pakistan and Sri Lanka are composing the meet. 1. 2. 3. 14 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 4. 5. National conference on Gaushalas International Vichar Mahakumbh 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Heart of Asia Conference Maritime India Summit 2016 North East-ASEAN Business Summit The National Summit on Family Planning National Conference of Women Legislators 7th meeting of the Governing Board of the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre 8th BRICS Summit Eighth International Seminar on Wheat and Wheat Products Global Exhibition on Services 3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on the Tiger Conservation Regional Conference of North Eastern States on Child Adoption Simhastha Kumbh Mela 2016 1st Raisina Dialogue World Sufi Forum 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. New Delhi Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh New Delhi Mumbai Imphal New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Goa Panaji, Goa UPs Greater Noida New Delhi Shillong, Meghalaya. Ujjain New Delhi New Delhi SUMMITS HELD INTERNATIONALLY The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit Istanbul (Inaugurated by Ban Ki-moon) 155th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Cairo, Egypt Tagore has been organised by India First World Conference on Tourism for Beijing, China Development 26th World Economic Forum on Africa Kigali, Rwanda 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 49th Annual Meeting of the ADB 2016 Nuclear Security Summit 19th Round of Talks between India and China on Boundary Issue The 13th Islamic Summit Conference Special meeting of the Org. for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the wake of the Panama Papers leak 14th meeting of Foreign Ministers of Russia, India and China G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting 13th meeting of Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development 9th International Abilympics 13th India-European Union Summit 60th Session of Commission on the Status of Women 9th Session of Commission on Narcotic Drugs 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Hosted by Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Connecting Africas Resources through Digital Transformation Frankfurt (Germany) Washington, D. C. USA Beijing Istanbul Paris Moscow Hiroshima Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) France Brussels, Belgium New York India was represented by the PM Austrias capital Vienna International Conference on Zero Paris, France 4th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves Lima in Peru Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has launched Make in India conference in Sydney. 36. 37. 38. S. No 1. 2. 3. 15 COMMITTEES IN NEWS Committee New committee to swipe towards cashless society Committee formed to comprehensively review and give recommendations on the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) roadmap for the future. Estimates Committee of Parliament, in its report on Ganga Rejuvenation bankersadda sscadda Headed by Neeraj Kumar Gupta. NK Singh Murli Manohar Joshi careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Parliamentary Standing Committees report on the Consumer Protection Bill 2015 To reform Medical Council of India Govt. Constitutes Committee to Prepare Policy Framework for Taxi Operators Committee On Yoga Education in Universities Committee constituted to look holistically into the functioning of the censor board Committee constituted to inquire into the omission and commission on part of all officers and officials of police and civil administration during Jat Quota agitation Committee to probe conspiracy behind violent incidents during Jat agitation. Committee to monitor Govt. advertisements in accordance with SC directions Committee to revamp Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) Parliamentary Panel suggested fine, jail for celebrities of misleading ads Union Govt. Constituted the inter-ministerial panel to prepare a blueprint for doubling farmers income by 2022 Committee constituted to consider ST status to six communities of Assam. Committee on Taxation of E-Commerce Committee constituted to review excise duty imposed on different jewellery articles Indian Railway Innovation Committee Committee to suggest ways to strengthen security along Indo-Pak border Divakar Reddy RM Lodha Sanjay Mitra H R Nagendra Shyam Benegal Parkash Singh Justice S N Jha B B Tandon Shyam Benegal Divakar Reddy Ashok Dalwai Mahesh Kumar Singla Akhilesh Ranjan Ashok Lahiri Ratan Tata Madhukar Gupta NATIONAL NEWS 1. India, Thailand and Myanmar will soon be connected by a 1,400-kilometre highway, to boost the trade and cultural exchanges among the three countries. 2. The Union Minister Nitin Gadkari stated that the Govt. plans to make it mandatory to set aside 1 of total cost of any highway project for road safety. 3. India distributed scholarships to over 800 Bangladeshi students under the Mukti jodha Scholarship Scheme. 4. The Cabinet approved a 1.5 billion (about Rs 9,000 cr.) offer of World Bank support for the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) in rural areas. 5. To promote the Swachh Bharat Mission, Union Urban development Minister Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated Namma Toilet in the national capital Delhi. 6. Indias first special purpose vehicle (SPV) on smart city Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited - commenced operations. 7. India has banned its nationals from travelling to Libya, irrespective of the purpose of the visit, in view of the prevailing security situation in that country. 8. The Cabinet has approved the first ever policy for the countrys capital goods sector envisaging creation of over 21 million new jobs by 2025. 9. The Cabinet has waived off loans worth more than Rs 9,079 cr. owed by Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Ltd (HFCL) as part of a financial restructuring package for the PSU. 10. The Cabinet has given its approval to amend The Institutes of Technology (IIT) Act, 1961 for incorporation of 6 new IITs. 11. PM Narendra Modi has flagged off, the first ever direct train between Assam to JampK. 12. External Affair Minister Sushma Swaraj has launched the official website of PM Narendra Modis Office in six regional languages including Gujarati, Marathi, Malyalam, Tamil, Telgu and Bengali. 16 bankersadda 13. Indian Railways has conducted the first ever trial run for high-speed Talgo trains of Spain on the Bareilly-toMoradabad stretch in Uttar Pradesh. 14. President Pranab Mukherjee has inaugurated an Intelligent Operations Centre (IOC) in Rashtrapati Bhavan. The IOC is a software solution designed by IBM. 10. The Govt. plans to revamp around 400 railway stations across the country into iconic structures. Habibganj station in Bhopal will be taken up first. 11. Union Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal flagged off the trial run of the first driverless metro trains in New Delhi. 12. The Indian Railways is all set to conduct trial of its first solar panel-powered train in Rajasthans Jodhpur city. 13. The Centre has approved the Odisha Govt. s proposal to set up Kalinganagar National Investment and Manufacturing Zone in Jajpur district. 14. Union Health and Family Welfare Minister J P Nadda laid the foundation stone for three new medical colleges at Rajouri, Anantnag and Baramulla districts in JampK. 15. The Govt. has approved widening of the crucial UP Gate to Dasna stretch of the Delhi-Meerut Expressway, to be built at an estimated cost of Rs 1,983 cr. 16. Madan Mohan Malaviya founded Banaras Hindu University Completes Its 100 years Of Glorious Existence. 17. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Govt. led by PM Narendra Modi decided to replace the five year plans with 15 year vision documents. 18. Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has inaugurated Comrade Umraomal Purohit Memorial Research Centre situated in All India Railwaymens Federation (AIRF) Office, New Delhi. 19. The Income Tax departments ambitious plan to link its PAN number database with Aadhaar has crossed the 50lakh mark. 20. The single emergency number 112 will be operational throughout India from January 1, 2017 to help people sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. reach immediate services of police, ambulance and fire department. Centre has released 9,367 cr. to drought-hit States under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in 2016-17. PM Narendra Modi has launched the countrys first solar powered e-boats at the Assi Ghat in the river Ganga, Varanasi. The Cabinet chaired by the PM Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval for the MoU between Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)and the Insurance Authority of United Arab Emirates. The Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) Ministry will invest Rs 33,000 cr. for development of the north-eastern states during the current fiscal. Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region, Dr. Jitendra Singh launched in Shillong the first of its kind, weeklong Cancer Care campaign in Northeast under the supervision of North Eastern Council (NEC) - Pink Chain Cancer Conclave 2016. The Union Railway Ministry has decided to create a 1 lakh cr. Rs. safety fund named as Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) to strengthen safety measures on the rail network to prevent accidents. The Minister of State for Labour and Employment Bandaru Dattatreya informed that the minimum wage for contract workers has been increased to Rs 10,000 per month at the national level. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has cleared the insurance policy for all 21 nuclear reactors in India. The Union Govt. approved countrys first Metrino Pod project for Gurgaon. The project called the Metrino is a PRT system in which pods will be suspended from an overhead rail. Cabinet chaired by PM Narendra Modi approved India to become a formal member in the Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network, SAWEN is a Regional network comprising of eight countries in South Asia. PM Narendra Modi launched the pilot of e-NAM, the etrading platform for the National Agriculture Market, for the farmers. The initiative will usher in transparency which will greatly benefit the farmers. Union Minister for Culture and Tourism and Civil Aviation Mahesh Sharma released a Commemorative Coin of 200 Rs. and a Circulation Coin of 10 Rs. to mark the Martyrdom Day of Tatya Tope. Prakash Javadekar signed the CoP 21 agreement on behalf of India at the high level signature ceremony convened by the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon. The Commerce and Industry Ministry launched a service named Twitter Seva to address issues and grievances of 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. startups, exporters and importers, and other stakeholders. NITI Aayog chaired by Vice Chairman Dr Arvind Panagariya launched the Urban Management Programme in Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. India extended a Line of Credit (LoC) of 1 billion US dollars to Mongolia. India and Bangladesh signed a 2 billion US dollar Line of Credit (LOC) to implement socio-economic development projects in Bangladesh and strengthen bilateral relations. The NITI Aayog launched the Women Transforming India initiative in partnership with the UN in India and MyGov. RITES (Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Railways) signed a contract to supply 18 Meter Gauge 1350 HP Diesel Electric Locomotives to Myanmar Railways. India and the US launched the Fulbright - Kalam Climate Fellowship. The fellowship programme will enable Indian research scholars to work with American institutions in the field of climate change. India and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) signed an agreement to set up a South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC). The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) established the Gadanki Ionospheric Radar Interferometer (GIRI) near Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh. The Cabinet gave its ex-post facto approval for a MoU between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to mobilise long term investment into the National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF). The first direct container MV Harbour-1 Vessel between India and Bangladesh carrying cotton was flagged off from Krishnapatnam of Andhra Pradesh to Chittagong. The U. S. Agency for International Development and the ADB signed a MoU to facilitate 848 million US dollars in funding to develop solar parks across India. P Susheela entered Guinness World Records for recording highest number of songs in several languages. India became second biggest investor in London. India is planning to develop regional connectivity projects worth 5 billion in South Asia. The projects include road corridors connecting India with Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan through West Bengal and India-Myanmar through Manipur. India ranks 5th position in the exports of Fake goods globally while china is No.1 in the list. India signed loan agreement of 35 Million dollars with the World Bank for Madhya Pradesh Citizen Access to Responsive Services Project. India and United States have launched the Fulbright Kalam Climate Fellowship enabling Indian research scholars to work with American institutions in the field of climate change. INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. The World Bank Group has launched Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility and launched a 500 million fund to fight Pandemics in poor countries and creating the worlds first insurance market for pandemic risk. 17 bankersadda 2. 3. sscadda Britain has granted political refugee status to ousted former President of Maldives Mohamed Nasheed. US President Barack Obama has announced an end to its embargo on sales of lethal weapons to Vietnam. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 4. China has signed agreements with Sudan to build 600megawatt atomic reactor. It was the first of its kind in the African country. 5. China has launched its first cyber security public organization aimed at better safeguarding national cyber security. 6. According to a scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China will launch the worlds first quantum communication satellite. 7. Germany will partner India in turning Bhubaneswar, Coimbatore and Kochi into smart cities, according to German ambassador to India Martin Ney. 8. A two day International Buddhist conference held in Nepal to celebrate 2,560th birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. Theme of the conference quotLumbini, Nepal: the birth place of Lord Buddha and the fountain of Buddhism and world peacequot. 9. The son of Pakistans Ex-PM Yousuf Raza Gilani, Ali Haider Gilani rescued from the clutches of Taliban in a joint operation by the US and Afghan forces in Afghanistan, three years after he was abducted from his hometown in Pakistans Punjab province. 10. Pakistan and China have launched the production of a new variant of the JF-17B Thunder multi-role combat jet to be inducted into PAF to enhance its operational capabilities. 11. China plans to build more than 500 airports by 2020 to create a market worth over 153 billion US dollars for its general aviation industry. 12. Central Asian state leaders have inaugurated the Central Asia South Asia (CASA-1000) transmission line near Dushanbe in Tajikistan to link the four nations and to promote regional stability, security and prosperity. These countries are Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. 13. The Kenyan Govt. has decided to close the Worlds biggest refugee camp in Dadaab. Presently, around 3,28,000 refugees mostly from Somalia are staying in Dadaab camp. 14. Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines has agreed to conduct coordinated sea patrols and establish a hotline to combat piracy and kidnappings in waters bordering the three nations. 15. India and France have launched a programme with 1 trillion Potential Solar Programme under the International Solar Alliance (ISA). It is a solar finance programme that aims at helping developing countries to fully harness their solar resources for a clean energy future. 16. Saudi Arabia and Egypt agreed to build a bridge over the Red Sea. The announced bridge will connect the two countries. The planned bridge would help in boosting commerce between the two allied countries. 17. Royal Mail of British honoured playwright William Shakespeare by issuing a set of special postage stamps to mark the 400th anniversary of his death. 18. The Taliban said that it has launched its annual spring military offensive in Afghanistan, titled Omari Operation. It said that the operation has been named after its deceased leader Mullah Omar. 19. Anti-slavery activist Harriet Tubman to become first African-American to appear on US paper currency. His photo will appear on a new series of US 20 bills. 20. Japan successfully tested the first stealth fighter jet. With this, the country joins a select group of world military powers wielding the radar dodging technology. 21. China developed a new electronic paper, which has been heralded as the worlds first graphene electronic paper. 22. The Cabinet of Saudi Arabia kingdom approved the Vision 2030, a broad-based economic reform plan. The Vision charts out the roadmap for diversifying the Saudi economy in next 14 years and to ensure that Saudi Arabia can live without oil by 2020. 23. Bangladesh Cabinet approved a draft of the Bangladesh Supreme Court Judge (Investigation Act) 2016. It will empower the Parliament to impeach a judge in the Supreme Court, if allegation of misconduct or incapacity is proved. 24. Europe and Russia launched an unmanned spacecraft, named ExoMars 2016, to smell Mars atmosphere for gassy evidence that life once existed on the Red Planet, ormay still be. 25. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) sentenced former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to 40-year imprisonment for his involvement in the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. 26. Pakistan and Iran signed 6 MoU (MoUs) to strengthen bilateral cooperation in health, commerce, finance and foreign services. 27. The World Bank agreed to provide concessional 100 million US dollar loan to Jordan for creating one lakh jobs for Jordanians and Syrian refugees. 28. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced that France will end its Operation Sangaris in the Central African Republic in 2016. 29. Supreme Court of China announced to create its own international maritime judicial centre. 30. Pope Francis announced that Mother Teresa will be made a saint of the Roman Catholic Church at a ceremony on 4 September 2016. The pope cleared the way for sainthood to Mother Teresa, who was famed for her lifetime of service to the poor, establishing shelters for homeless, orphanages, soup kitchens and clinics around the world. 31. Bangkok to impose curfew during Songkran festival, the worlds biggest water festival. 32. Nepal signed 10 agreements with China in Beijing. These include a landmark transit treaty to end its total dependence on India and extension of the strategic Tibet rail link to Nepal. STATE IN NEWS Rajasthan in News Rajasthans Bundi is stepping into the virtual world with an e-municipal council to provide files at a click, and detailed digital mapping of the city. Nitin Gadkari has launched 20 Nirbhaya buses of Rajasthan State Transport Corporation with multiple safety measures to better protect women passengers. 18 bankersadda sscadda Rajasthan to Be 1st State to Issue Ads to Appoint VC. State Assembly passed the Rajasthan Urban LAND (Certification of Titles) Bill, 2016. With this, Rajasthan also became the first state to bring and pass a land title bill. The World Bank Board approved a 250 million US dollar Development Policy Loan (DPL) for Rajasthan. The loan was careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 granted to support the Govt. of Rajasthan in improving the performance of its electricity distribution. Madhya Pradesh in News Madhya Pradesh Tourism received the quotBest Indian Destination for Wildlifequot award by the Lonely Planet Group. Govt of Madhya Pradesh, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Sun Pharma entered into an agreement for research and innovation in preventive health. CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced inclusion of widow marriage under the Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah Yojana. Madhya Pradesh is going to have its first Indo Tibetan Border Police weapon training centre at Batiagarh, Damoh. A financing agreement for International Development Association (IDA) credit of US 300 (equivalent) for the Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Quality Improvement Project was signed with the World Bank. The GOI signed a loan agreement with the World Bank for Neeranchal National Watershed Project in MP. Maharashtra and Goa in News Maharashtra Govt. has declared drought in over 29000 villages of the state, most of them in parched Marathwada and Vidarbha regions. Mumbai Financial capital of India is likely to get the International Arbitration Centre. Maharashtra tied up with the Tata Trusts to link all Govt. colleges and medical colleges to the national cancer grid for uniform cancer profiling and quality treatment. Maharashtra Governor C Vidyasagar Rao launched Adi Praman, a web-based application. With this, Maharashtra became the first state to provide caste validity certificates online. The Maharashtra Govt. decided to increase the punishment for chain snatching up to 5 years of rigorous imprisonment along with a fine of 25000 Rs. Mumbai financial capital of India to host BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave. Goa Govt. classified the country liquor, Feni as Heritage Spirit of Goa. Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in News AP will have another Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology to train 5,000 plastic engineers and technicians every year and will be set up in Anantapur district. Telangana Govt. issued orders for setting up a Monkey Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Nirmal area of Adilabad district. This rehabilitation centre will be established as a pilot project at Chincholi, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh CM formally inaugurated the states interim Govt. complex named AP Govt. Transitional Headquarters at Velagapudi village in capital region Amaravati. Telangana Govt. decided to illuminate 25 municipalities in the state with Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs in 100 days. Telangana IT minister KT Rama Rao and transport minister P Mahender Reddy launched the State Road Transport Authoritys new mobile app, M-Wallet. The Govt. of Telangana signed a MoU with Aero Campus Aquitaine and Bordeaux Metropole to set up aviation training institute in Hyderabad. 19 bankersadda sscadda Andhra Govt. which is known for its innovations and use of technologies in various sectors has also become the first Indian state to implement lift irrigation. Karnataka in News The Karnataka State Govt. has decided to go ahead with the establishment of Asias first Rice Technology Park at Gangavati in Koppal district and a Maize Technology Park at Ranebennur in Haveri district. In Bengaluru, South Indias first underground metro services flagged off at East-West corridor (Purple Line) of BMRCL (Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited). Haryana in News The Legislative Assembly of Haryana passed the Haryana Municipal (Amendment) Bill, 2016.According to the bill any male person desiring to contest for Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Haryana must possess matriculation as the minimum education qualification. A woman and a Scheduled Caste (SC) candidate will be required to be atleast 8th standard pass. Radha Mohan Singh laid the foundation stone of Haryana State University of Horticultural Sciences at Karnal. Haryana Govt. decided to rename Gurgaon as Gurugram and Mewat as Nuh. Haryana renamed Mustafabad village as Saraswati Nagar. Haryana has become the first state in India to launch injectable contraceptives as a family planning measure across all Govt. healthcare facilities. Gujarat in News CM of Gujrat, Anandiben Patel has launched two statewide campaigns against malnutrition at Ahwa town in Dangs district. Gujarat Govt. decided to set up countrys first university focusing on organic farming. Gujarat Govt. has granted minority status to the Jain community after issuing a resolution for same. Gujarat Govt. announced 10 reservation for economically backward classes (EBCs) in general category. EBCs in the upper castes, include Patidars, with a family income cap of 6 lakh Rs. a year can avail the benefit. Gujarat Govt. decided to set up countrys first university focusing on organic farming. Punjab and JampK in News JampK govt. has approved 5 interest subsidy to flood-hit traders with effect from 1st April this year. The subsidy will have a cap of 5 lakh Rs. per affected business unit for a period of four years. Union Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Kalraj Mishra inaugurated the Harmukh Khadi Gram Udyog Sansthan, a spinning and weaving centre and marketing plaza for khadi goods at a function in Srinagar. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) given its approval for extension of time period of the Udaan Scheme for JampK till 2019-20. It provides exposure to the youth of JandK to the best of corporate India and corporate India to the rich talent pool available in the State. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Union Govt. and JampK Govt. signed a MoU under the Scheme Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) for operational and financial turnaround of the States Power Distribution Dept. Govt. of Punjab has proposed to develop 200 smart villages during the current financial year 2016-17 which will be provided with ultra-modern facilitie. Odisha in News The Centre has approved establishment of a National Investment and Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ) in Odisha. Odisha Governor Dr SC Jamir has promulgated Odisha Official Language (Amendment) Ordinance, 2016. This will facilitate use of Odia language in official business of Govt. The CM of Odisha Naveen Patnaik dedicated to the people 100 piped water supply projects for rural areas and promise to make piped water provision in all GP by 2017. The Odisha Govt. has signed a MoU with Sulabh International Social Service Organisation (SISSO) for construction and maintenance of hybrid toilet complexes in its nine cities. Tata Trusts has signed a pact with the Odisha Govt. to achieve elimination of Malaria from the state by 2030. Delhi in News Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal launched the Phase I of Green Delhi initiative by planting trees at the Triangular Park, ITO Chowk. Delhi Govt. launched PoochhO Carpool app to help people explore carpooling options during 15 day Odd-even Scheme. Delhi became the first state in the country to launch the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine as a public health programme for school children. Delhi bans chewable tobacco for a year. Other States News 13 cities have been selected in the first phase of the Govt. s smart cities mission, which includes Lucknow, Warangal, S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 Bhagalpur, Raipur, New Town Kolkata, Chandigarh, Faridabad, Raipur, Ranchi, Warangal, Agartala, Imphal, etc. Lakshadweep becomes the first UT to sign 24x7 Power for All document. Public sector company NBCC (India) is set to kickstart projects aimed at cleaning the Ganga in Bihar, which has also got the financial approval for few project from the centre. Nagaland capital Kohima has been declared as a smoke-free city. Manipur CM Okram Ibobi Singh declared that the National Food Security Act has been implemented the state. The state Govt. has also stated that as per the Act one kg of rice would be made available at Rs 3 per kg to the beneficiaries. Sajibu Cheiraoba, a traditional festival that marks New Year of the Meiteis (majority ethnic group) of Manipur, was celebrated on 8 April. The Uttar Pradesh Govt. has cleared the proposal for constructing a bicycle highway connecting Taj Mahal in Agra to Lion safari in Etawah. The plan aims at encouraging eco-tourism in the vicinity of the Taj Mahal. Uttar Pradesh Govt. appointed Manzil Saini as the new Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of state capital Lucknow. Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gases laid the foundation stone of Countrys 1st its of kind Octomax unit at Mathura refinery. PM Narendra Modi has launched the countrys first solar powered e-boats at the Assi Ghat in the river Ganga, Varanasi. Jharkhand Govt. announced to reserve 2 employment for meritorious sportspersons. Kerala declared first digital state of India by President Pranab Mukherjee. Govt of Kerala has taken first of its kind initiative by launching the Air Ambulance in Kerala launched by the CM Oommen handy. OBITUARIES (NATIONALINTERNATIONAL) ProfessionFamous In Politician (National-International) MP K Anirudhan CPI(M) veteran and former MLA SM Seenivel MLA of the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) KC Mathew Veteran communist leader BJP leader Rudra Madhab Ray Former Lok Sabha MP from Odisha Balraj Madhok Former Jana Sangh Chief Praveen Rashtrapal Rajya Sabha MP from Gujarat Romesh Sharma Former JandK Minister Banharn Silpa-archa Thailand former PM C Silvera Former Member of Parliament Purno Agitok Sangma Former Lok Sabha Speaker Ashok Ghosh Veteran All-India Forward Bloc leader Anker Joergensen Former PM of Denmark SingerMusician(National-International) Diwaliben Bhil Veteran Gujarati folk singer Merle Haggard American country music legend George Henry Martin Legendary music producer Keith Emerson British Keyboardist and Progressive rock legend Ernestine anderson Internationally renowned Jazz vocalist Frank Sinatra Junior American singer Ustad Ali Ahmad Hussain Khan Shehnai exponent Person Died bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. S. no 1. 2. 21 Prince Rogers Nelson Music legend ActorDirectorProducer(National-International) Mr. Burt Kwouk Actor, Pink Panther films Suresh Chatwal Veteran film and television actor William Schallert US actor Ronnie Corbett British comedian Guy Hamilton Hollywood movie director Victoria Wood Comedian Doris Roberts Five time Emmy winning actress Arnold Wesker British playwright Patty Duke Oscar winning actress George Kennedy Oscar winning actor Tony Warren Creator of televisions longest-running soap opera Coronation Street Paramesh Krishnan Nair Indian film archivist and film scholar Kalabhavan Mani Renowned Malayalam actor Nana Vasconcelos Eight time Grammy Award-winning Brazilian percussionist Garry Shandling Hollywood Comedian Meir Dagan Former Mossad Director Larry Drake Emmy Award winning actor AuthorJournalistActivist(National-International) R G Jadhav Noted Marathi critic and litterateur D. Javare Gowda Kannada writer Morley Safer Journalist Khurram Zaki Pak human rights activist Harry Wu Chinese human rights activist Babu Bharadwaj Renowned journalist Pat Conroy US novelist Jim Harrison Renowned American author Anita Brookner British author and renowned art historian SportsmenSportswomen(National-International) Johan Cruyff Dutch soccer legend Martin Crowe Former NZ cricket captain Cesare Maldini Former AC Milan player Bernardo Ribeiro Brazilian footballer Tony Cozier West Indies cricket writer, commentator and journalist Deepak Shodhan Former Test cricketer Others(National-International) andre Brahic The discoverer of Neptunes rings Guru Hardev Singh Head of Sant Nirankari Mission Nihal Bitla India progeria campaigner V T Thomas Kerala cartoonist William Bill Campbell Silicon Valley coach and mentor Satyanand Munjal Cofounder of Hero Cycles group Malick Sidibe Malian photographer Zaha Hadid Renowned Iraqi-British Architect Ray Tomlinson Inventor of E-mail Lloyd Stowell Shapley Nobel Prize winner in Economics Paul Daniels Famous magician Andrew Grove Former Intel Chairman and CEO Bangladesh Govt. hanged the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami chief Motiur Rahman Nizami for war crimes committed during the countrys 1971 Liberation War. LISTINDEXES ANNOUNCED RECENTLY Rank of India Name of the IndexList Crony-Capitalism Index Forbes, Asias 50 Power Businesswomen 2016 list. Forbes, bankersadda Topped By India Ranks Ninth Reliance Industries Director Nita Ambani and State Bank of India Chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya have been ranked top two in the list sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Asias 50 Power Businesswomen 2016 list. Dell, Future Ready Economies Model The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) Report Time Magazine, list of 100 Most Influential People in the World. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Delhi was ranked 44th San Jose topped the list India ranked third worldwide in the report The two countries above India are Russia and Italy. RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, tennis player Sania Mirza, actress Priyanka Chopra, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and founders of Flipkart, Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal have been in the list. India ranked 133rd Finland topped the list. 90th Switzerland 2016 World Press Freedom Index Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2016 (EAPI) Forbes list of World Billionaires Among Indians, Mukesh Ambani tooed the list. Bill Gates remained as the 2016 richest person in the world Fortune Magazine, Worlds Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal at the 42nd position. Topped by Amazon Greatest Leaders list founder Jeff Bezos TIME magazine, 30 Most PM Narendra Modi stood at 15th Topped by the artist and Influential People on the Internet entrepreneur Kanye West list. World Happiness Report (WHR) 118th out of 156 countries Denmark (Topped) 2016 Burundi (Last) The Hinduja Brothers, G P Hinduja and S P Hinduja topped the Asian Rich List 2016. According to a UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) report, India ranked sixth among the worlds top 10 manufacturing countries. In the Global Connectivity Index report, during the Global Analyst Summit 2016 in Shenzhen, China. In terms of numbers, United States, Singapore and Sweden top the rankings, while India is ranked 44. Forbes in its inaugural edition of Global Game Changers List ranked some of the biggest names in business. Topped by Mark Benioff of Salesforce and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook (ranked 30). IMPORTANT DAYS OBSERVED RECENTLY Day Theme World Hypertension Day Know Your Numbers World Telecommunication and ICT entrepreneurship for social impact Information Society Day 15 May International Day of Families Families, healthy lives and sustainable future 10 May World Migratory Bird Day Stop the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds 1 May International Labour Day Celebrating the international labour movement 11th May National Technology Day 3rd May World Press Freedom Day Access to Information and Fundamental Freedoms - This Is Your Right 2 April World Autism Awareness Day Autism and the 2030 Agenda: Inclusion and Neurodiversity 30 April International Jazz Day 29 April The Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare 28 April World Day for Safety and Health at Work Workplace Stress: a collective challenge 26 April World Intellectual Property Day 2016 Digital Creativity - Culture Re imagined. 24 April to 30 April Campaign is Close the Immunization Gap World Immunization Week 2016 25 April World Malaria Day (WMD) End Malaria For Good 22 April International Mother Earth Day Trees for the Earth 23 April The World Book and Copyright Day 18 April World Heritage Day The Heritage of Sport. 17 April World Haemophilia Day Treatment for all is the vision of all 12 April International Day of Human Space Flight 10 April World Homoeopathy Day 4 April International Day of Mine Awareness and Mine Action is Humanitarian Action Assistance 5th April National Maritime Day. Date 17 May 17 May 22 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 23. 24. 25. 7 April 8 April 2nd of April 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 1st March 3rd March 4 March 8 March 24 March 25 March 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. World Health Day (WHD) International Roma Day World Autism Awareness Day Halt the Rise: Beat Diabetes quotAutism and the 2030 Agenda: Neurodiversityquot. Stand Out The future of wildlife is in our hands Inclusion and Zero Discrimination Day World Wildlife Day National Safety Day International Womens Day Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality World Tuberculosis Day (WTD) Unite to End TB. International Day of Remembrance of the Remember Slavery: Celebrating the Heritage and Culture of Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic the African Diaspora and its Roots. Slave Trade 24 March International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims 27 March World Theatre Day 10 March World Kidney Day (WKD) Kidney Disease and Children. Act Early to Prevent It 15 March World Consumer Rights Day 20 March International Day of Happiness 20 March World Sparrow Day 19 March 2016 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm: Earth Hour 21 March International Day of Forests 22 March World Water Day 21 March World Poetry Day 23 March World Meteorological Day (WMD) 2016 Hotter, Drier, Wetter. Face the Future. 30th March National Doctors Day 23rd March Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs day 21st of March International Day of Forests Forests and Water. Books The Drowned Detective India vs Pakistan: Why Cant we just be Friends Blood on my Hands: Confessions of Staged Encounters The Kiss of Life: How a superhero and my son defeated cancer Book titled Who was Shivaji Anything But Khamosh: The Shatrughan Sinha Biography The Making of India: The Untold Story of British Enterprises BOOKS and AUTHORS Books Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East Pakistani Ambassador to The Making of India: The Untold Story the U. S. Husain Haqqan of British Enterprises Kishlay Bhattacharjee Shashi Kapoor - the Householder, the Star Author Neil Jordan Author Patrick Cockburn Kartar Lalvani Aseem Chhabra Emraan Hashmi coauthored the book with author Bilal Siddiqi Govind Pansare A State in Denial - Pakistans Misguided and Dangerous Crusade BG Verghese Fixed Cash and Corruption in Cricket Shantanu Guha Ray Bharathi S Pradhan Gandhi: An Illustrated Biography Pramod Kapoor Kartar Lalvani Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars Scott Kelly DEFENCE NEWS MISSILE LAUNCHEDINS INDUCTED The Indian Coast Guard ship Arush, the 17th in the series of twenty Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs), designed and built by Ms Cochin Shipyard Limited, has commissioned at Kochi. Second submarine assembly workshop of the Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL) was inaugurated by Defence Minister. Nuclear capable Prithvi-II surface-to-surface missile was successfully test-fired from a test range at Chandipur in 23 bankersadda sscadda Odisha. It is a tactical short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) developed by DRDO and has the strike range of 350 km. India successfully test-fired supersonic interceptor missile, capable of destroying any incoming hostile ballistic missile known as The Advance Air Defence (AAD) missile or dubbed as Ashwin. Nuclear capable undersea ballistic missile, code named K4, was successfully test fired from an undisclosed location careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 in the Bay of Bengal. The missile was fired from 20meter deep and covered more than 700 km. India successfully test-fired indigenously built nuclearcapable intermediate range Agni-I ballistic missile. The sophisticated missile covered 700 km distance within 9 minutes and 36 seconds. The Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV), ICGS Arnvesh, of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) was commissioned in Visakhapatnam. INS Karmuk, an indigenously built Missile Corvette, along with a Dornier Maritime Patrol Aircraft, participated in the 22nd Indo-Thai Coordinated Patrol (CORPAT) in the andaman Sea. Indigenously developed surface-to-air supersonic Akash missile System was successfully test fired from complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipuri in Odisha. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar flagged off Indias first indigenous composites bow mounted Sonar Dome during DefExpo 2016 in Goa. US activated a land-based missile defence station (Aegis Ashore Missile Defence System) in Deveselu, Romania. Indias premier Govt. Ramp D body DRDO has developed a radar that can look through a wall. The Through Barrier Imaging Radar, named Divyachakshu (divine eye), has been developed by Defence Research and Development Organisations (DRDO) Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE) based in Bangalore and is going through development trials now. INDIAN ARMY IN NEWS Indian Army had conducted major military training exercise 2016 Chakravyuh-II in Suratgarh, Rajasthan. The 11th Indo-Mongolia joint training Exercise, Nomadic Elephant - 2016 to promote military associations between India and Mongolia held in Mongolia. The Indian Army conducted major battle exercise named as Shatrujeet in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan near to the border with Pakistan. India, ASEAN Plus multilateral military exercise FORCE 18 concluded in Pune. The fourth edition of the joint exercise Garuda Shakti between India and Indonesia held at Magelang, Indonesia. A team of six Indian Army mountaineers led by Lt Colonel Ranveer Jamwal successfully scaled Mount Everest. Cycling event of Indian Army with the theme Cycle to Recycle was flagged off from Pangsau Pass on the IndiaMyanmar border. The multinational mega Military Exercise Force 18 was conducted by Indian Army in Pune, Maharashtra. The theme of the exercise is Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO). MoU was signed between Indian Army and Hinduja Grouped Induslnd Bank on the Defence Salary package. INDIAN NAVY IN NEWS The Indian Navy has commissioned indigenously built highly maneuverable Fast Attack Craft INS Tarmugli at the commissioning ceremony held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. India and the US held the first round of discussions under the recently-constituted Maritime Security Dialogue. 24 bankersadda sscadda The Indian Navy phased out Sea Harrier fighter jets which were the mainstay of Indian Naval air arm since 1983, thus paving way for the supersonic MiG 29K aircraft into the Indian Naval Air Squadron (INAS 300). Indian Navy Launches Underwater Harbour Defence System at Visakhapatnam Naval Base. Indian Naval Ships (INS) Veer and Nipat were decommissioned at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai, Maharashtra. A Naval Detachment (NAVDET) was inaugurated at the androth Island of Lakshadweep Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, AVSM, VSM, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Naval Command. The seventh in the series of Indo-Seychelles Joint Training Exercises, Lamitye 2016 concluded at Victoria, Mahe Island in Seychelles. INDIAN AIR FORCE IN NEWS The Indian Air Force (IAF) has successfully test-fired an advanced version of BrahMos land-attack supersonic cruise missile system. The Air Forces of India (IAF) and the United States concluded their four-week Red Flag aerial combat exercises at Alaska in the U. S. The Indian Air Force flew 10 aircraft - four Su-30MKIs, four Jaguars and two IL-78 aerial refuelling tankers. Indian Air Force (IAF) has launched its Electronic Maintenance Management System (e-MMS) Project, an automated military maintenance system. Panagarh Air Force Base of West Bengal was renamed as Air Force Station Arjan Singh. This can be termed as a rare honour to the nations oldest soldier Marshal of Air Force Arjan Singh. The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully conducted Exercise Iron Fist in Pokhran, Rajasthan. IAF to get the First Batch of Women Fighter Pilots in June. Bhawna Kanth, Avani Chaturvedi, and Mohana Singh are likely to create history as Indias first women fighter pilots. OTHER DEFECNE NEWS Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) launched Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Shaurya at Vasco. India has become the worlds fourth largest spender on defence, following a 13.1 increase in its 2016-17 defence budget, according to US research firm IHS Inc. India is likely to buy 145 M777 Howitzers for 750 million to equip its Mountain Strike Corps. Anil Ambani-led Reliance Defence has inked a pact with Israels Rafael Advanced Defence System to set up a JV in India for specialised areas including air - to-air missiles. Reliance Defence Has Received 16 Industrial Licences For Missiles, Equipment. United States of America (US) Navy has tested the worlds largest unmanned surface vessel named Sea Hunter in San Diego. It is a self-driving 132-foot ship able to travel up to 10000 nautical miles on its own to hunt for stealthy submarines and underwater mines. A strategic partnership agreement has been signed by the Reliance Defence with three Ukranian state-owned companies that will be allowing them to collaborate on a range of military products including transport aircraft, careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 upgrade of armoured vehicles, maritime gas turbines and unmanned aerial vehicles. Iran unveiled S300 missile system parts at army parade in Tehran. It was a long awaited air defence system ordered from Russia. China successfully launched the Kunpeng1B sounding rocket from a launch pad in Danzhou City in the southern Chinese Hainan Province. Pakistan Navy has successfully test-fired shore-based anti-ship missile Zarb, bolstering its defence mechanism. The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has successfully test-fired a Barak missile from its Victory-class missile corvette RSS Vigour during Fleet Exercise conducted in the South China Sea. SPORTS NEWS o o o o CRICKET NEWS Coach of IPL franchise Kings XI Punjab Sanjay Bangar appointed Indias head coach for tour to Zimbabwe. Sunrisers Hyderabad has defeated Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) by 8 runs to clinch the IPL title for the first time at the Chinnaswamy stadium in Bangalore. England captain Alastair Cook has become the youngest ever batsman to cross 10,000 runs in Test cricket and also become the 12th man to join the elite 10,000-run club. Rwandan national captain Eric Dusingizimana, has set a new Guinness world record by batting out a straight 51 hours, the longest individual net session. Former India captain Anil Kumble has been re-appointed ICC Cricket Committee chairman. Rahul Dravid and Mahela Jayawardena have been appointed to the ICC Cricket Committee. The ICC lifted the provisional suspension imposed on Sri Lanka wicket-keeper batsman Kusal Perera. Charlotte Edwards, Englands women cricket team captain, announced her international retirement. Former England star all-rounder cricketer Matthew Fleming has been appointed as the next Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) president. New Zealand, the 2016 ICC World Twenty20 semi-finalist topped in the ICC T20I Rankings while India is on 2nd place with 132 points. Former South Africa fast bowler Allan Donald will join Australia as their bowling coach for their tour of Sri Lanka. The former Sri Lankan opener, Sanath Jayasuriya has been reappointed as the countrys chief selector. Australian pacer Clint McKay announced his retirement from international cricket. West Indies won the ICC Cricket World T20 Mens Cup 2016. In the final clash at Eden Gardens, Kolkata, West Indies defeated England by 4 wickets. Player of the match Marlon Samuels (West Indies) Player of the series Virat Kohli (India) West Indies Womens won their maiden Womens Cricket World T20 title. In the final clash at Eden Gardens, Kolkata, West Indies defeated reigning champions Australia. Player of the match Hayley Matthews (WI Women) Player of the series - Stafanie Taylor (WI Women) England and Nottinghamshire batsman James Taylor announced his retirement at the age of 26 due to ill health. Rangana Herath, the veteran Sri Lankan spinner, retired from T20 and One Day International Cricket. The Pakistan Cricket Board appointed Inzamam-ul-Haq as the new chief selector of the team. The International Cricket Council (ICC) and Emirates Airline renewed their deal for an additional seven years. 25 bankersadda sscadda International Cricket Council (ICC) has suspended Hong Kong allrounder Irfan Ahmed from Cricket for 2.5 years. Badminton ace Nandu Natekar became the first nonCricketer to be inducted into the Legends Club founded by the late Cricket Club of India (CCI) president Raj Singh Dungarpur. International Cricket Council (ICC) suspended the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) in view of Govt. interference in the board. New Zealand ace batsman Kane Williamson was confirmed as 29th test cricket captain of New Zealand cricket Team. Tobago batsman Iraq Thomas created a record by scoring 21 ball century in the Tobago Cricket Associations T20 tournament at Louis Dor. The Mumbai under-23 team clinched the Col CK Nayudu Trophy by defeating Madhya Pradesh at the Holkar Stadium, Indore. Indian cricket team led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni won the Asia Cup for the record sixth time. Rest of India defeated Mumbai to lift Irani Cup Cricket Title. Australias Shane Watson announced that he will retire from international cricket at the end of the 2016 World Twenty20 Tournament. India beat Bangladesh by 8 wickets in the final to win their Asia Cup title. With this victory, India lifted their sixth Asia Cup title. Rest of India (ROI) pull off an incredible chase to beat 41 times Ranji Trophy champions Mumbai by four wickets to win the Irani Trophy 2016. The Mumbai under-23 team clinched the Col CK Nayudu Trophy by defeating Madhya Pradesh at the Holkar Stadium in Indore. Services won the Santosh Trophy National Football Championships title. In the summit clash at SEC Railway Stadium in Nagpur, Services defeated host Maharashtra 2-1. FOOTBALL NEWS Real Madrid defeated Atletico Madrid 5-3 in the penalty shoot-out to win their eleventh Champions League title. FIFA acting Secretary General Markus Kattner was dismissed from his position with immediate effect. Sevilla were crowned for the third straight year as the UEFA Europa League champions after they defeated Liverpool. FIFA has appointed a UN diplomat, Fatma Samoura as its first ever female secretary-general. Leicester City have won the English Premier League title for the first time in the clubs 132 years history. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Professional football club Mohun Bagan and India striker Jeje Lalpekhlua won the Football Players Association of India (FPAI) Indian Player of the Year award. FC Barcelonas player Lionel Messi has been named as Huawei global ambassador. HOCKEY NEWS Australia defeated India in the final to win the 25th edition of the Sultan Azlan Shah Cup in Ipoh, Malaysia. Indias Durga Thakur promoted as International Outdoor Umpire by the International Hockey Federation (FIH). RIO OLYMPIC 2016 BERTH BOOKERS (INDIA) Indian Wrestlers Ravinder Khatri and Babita Kumari have secured spots at the upcoming Rio Olympics. Indan Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Sakshi Malik earned 2016 Rio Olympics quota spots in wrestling. Wrestler SANDeep Tomar secured an Olympic quota place for India in the mens 57kg freestyle category. India star wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt secured an Olympic quota place for India with a gold-medal finish in the mens 65kg freestyle category in the Asian Olympic Qualification tournament in Astana, Kazakhastan. Seven Indian Ace shuttlers have made the cut for the Rio Olympics. A three-member Indian womens archery team comprising Deepika Kumari, Bombayla Devi and Laxmirani Majhi was named for the Rio Olympics. Indian boxer Shiva Thapa became the first Indian boxer to book a seat in the Rio Olympics. Indian artistic gymnast Dipa Karmakar created history by becoming the first Indian woman gymnast to qualify for Olympics. Union Sports Ministry announced to provide one lakh Rs. per month as out of pocket allowance to the sports persons under the Target Olympic Podium scheme. Japans Olympic organisers unveiled the new official logos of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The emblems, designed by Asao Tokolo. South Korea announced that its Olympic athletes will wear uniforms that have been infused with insect repellent to keep mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus at bay. BADMINTON NEWS Kento Momota of Japan won mens singles title at the 2016 Yonex Sunrise India Open badminton championship. Thailands Ratchanok Intanon won the womens singles title by defeating Xuerui Li of China. Kento Momota of Japan was axed from Japans badminton team for the 2016 Rio Olympics. He was axed for gambling at an illegal casino. Lee Chong Wei won the mens singles title at the Malaysia Open 2016 held in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Chinas Lin Dan earned his sixth All England badminton title. In the summit clash in Birmingham, Dan defeated compatriot Tian Houwei. Indias fourth highest ranked mens badminton player HS Prannoy won the mens singles title at the 2016 Swiss Open in Basel, Switzerland. Lewis Hamilton wins Monaco F1 Grand Prix. The Red Bull, Max Verstappen has become the youngest formula 1 winner by winning Spanish Grand Prix. Nico Rosberg has won the Russian Grand Prix in Sochi. Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg of Germany won the 2016 Formula 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix. Nico Rosberg won 2016 Pirelli Chinese Grand Prix. TENNIS NEWS World No. 1 womens doubles team of Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis beat the Russian pair Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina to claim the Italian open title 2016. Number one seed Novak Djokovic defeated Andy Murray to conquer the Mutua Madrid Open title in Madrid, Spain. Victoria Azarenka of Belarusia and World No 1 Novak Djokovic of Serbia won womens and mens singles titles of the 2016 Miami Open. Rafael Nadal defeated Frenchman Gael Monfils to grab the 2016 Monte Carlo Masters title. Rafael Nadal defeated two time defending champion Kei Nishikori of Japan to win the Barcelona Open of tennis. Bob and Mike Bryan won the Barcelona Open doubles tennis title. French pair of Caroline Garcia and Kristina Mladenovic won womens doubles final of the Stuttgart Grand Prix tournament. Britains Andy Murray has won his first Italian Open Mens Singles Tennis title. Former world number one Maria Sharapova announced that she failed a drug test at the Australian Open and due to this, she was provisionally suspended from Tennis. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) suspended Maria Sharapova as a goodwill ambassador. World No 1 Novak Djokovic of Serbia and Victoria Azarenka of Belarusia won mens and womens singles titles of the BNP Paribas Open at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden in Southern California. ATHELETICS NEWS Indian para athlete Amit Kumar Saroha from Haryana won the gold medal in mens club throw (F-51) at the 2016 French Open Athletics Championship in Paris. Indian athlete Sudha Singh has created history by breaking the national record in womens 3,000m steeplechase event in Diamond League Meet in Shanghai. Two-time Olympic 400meter hurdles gold medalist champion Felix Sanchez announced his retirement. Olympian Basanta Bahadur Singh Rana won the gold medal in mens 50km race walk event on the final day of the National Championships in Jaipur. Gurmeet Singh became the first Indian athlete to win a gold medal in the Asian 20 Kilometer (km) Race Walk Championships. BILLIARDSSNOOKER NEWS Star snooker player Mark Selby belongs from England has won the 2016 World Championship title of Snooker. Englands snooker great Steve Davis announced his retirement from the game after 38 year career. GRAND PRIX NEWS 26 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Rahul Sachdev won 1st All India Open Invitational Snooker Championship 2016. OTHER SPORTS NEWS (BOXING ARCHERY JUDO BASKETBALL GOLF) TVS Racing has signed Shreya Sunder Iyer as its first woman rider for the Indian National Rally championship. Indian womens team has won the silver medal in the recurve team final of Archery World Cup held at the Yuanshen Stadium in Shanghai, China. Womens team comprised of Deepika Kumari, Bombayla Devi Laishram and Laxmirani Majhi. Garima Chaudhary has won gold medal at the 2016 Commonwealth Judo Championship finals at Port Elizabeth in South Africa. Indian Star archer Deepika Kumari equalled the world record in the womans recurve event at the Archery World Cup in Shanghai. Indian boxer Sonia Lather won a silver medal at the AIBA Womens World Championships in 57 kg category. Indian boxing star Vijender Singh registered his sixth straight professional boxing victory with a Technical Knockout over Polands andrzej Soldra. Anthony Joshua won the International Boxing Federation heavyweight title 2016. NBA superstar Stephen Curry was named the National Basketball Associations (NBA) Most Valuable Player for the second straight year. Pakistan has won the third edition of the Asian Kabaddi Championship 2016 (Circle Style) by defeating India. Danny Willett won the US Masters, the first Briton to do so since Nick Faldo in 1996. Shiv Shankar Prasad Chawrasia was honoured as the Hilton Asian Tour Golfer of the Month for March 2016 in Sentosa, Singapore. Australian golfer Adam Scott won the 2016 WGC-Cadillac Championship at Doral, Florida, U. S. Shiv Shankar Prasad Chawrasia won the Hero Indian Open title of golf played at the Golf Course in New Delhi. The Union Govt. has merged Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA), launched by the UPA Govt. with the Khelo India programme for development of sports. Mairaj Ahmed Khan won silver medal for India in the mens skeet event at ISSF World Cup in Rio de Janeiro. India has been allotted the Commonwealth Judo Championships 2018. Car racer Armaan Ebrahim awarded the Motorsports Man-of-the-Year Trophy by the Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India. Indian shooter Jitu Rai clinched the 50m pistol gold at the ISSF World Cup in Bangkok. Patna Pirates defeated U Mumba to win 2016 Pro Kabaddi League title. Russian Grandmaster Sergey Karjakin won the FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament held in Moscow. Indian wrestler Hardeep Singh won silver medal in the Asian Olympic Qualification Tournament held in Astana, Kazakhstan. BILLS PASSED The Rajya Sabha has passed the Insolvency and The Rajya Sabha passed National Waterways Bill, 2015. Bankruptcy Code Bill 2016. The Bill seeks to unleash the navigation potential of Indias Parliament has passed the Anti-Hijacking Bill, 2016. The larger river ways resources. Bill provides for the death penalty for hijackers even if ground Lok Sabha passed the Enemy Property (Amendment and airport personnel and handling staff are killed. Validation) Bill, 2016. The bill seeks to make amendments Parliament passed the Industries (Development and to the 48-year-old Enemy Property Act, 1968. Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2015. The Bill seeks to amend Rajya Sabha passed the Real Estate (Regulation and the Industries Act, 1951 that provides for development Development) Bill, 2015. The bill among other provisions and regulation of certain industries. seeks to set up a Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) The Maharashtra Legislative Assembly unanimously for the orderly growth of the real state sector. passed the Dance Bar Regulation Bill 2016. There will be The Lok Sabha passed the Aadhaar Bill, 2016. The bill seeks prison upto five years and fines of up to 25000 Rs. if the to provide for targeted delivery of subsidies and services bar owners or operators violate the rules. to individuals residing in India by assigning them unique Maharashtra Legislative Assembly unanimously approved identity numbers, called Aadhaar numbers. the Prohibition of Social Boycott Bill, 2016. The bill seeks Haryana cabinet meeting under the chairmanship of CM to crack down on extrajudicial bodies like caste and Manohar Lal Khattar approved the draft bill on reservation community panchayats. to Jats and four other castes in Govt. jobs and educational Rajya Sabha passed Bureau of Indian Standards Bill, 2015. institutions. The bill seeks to replace the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN NEWS Tiny South Pacific island nation Nauru has become the The UN Childrens Fund and the European Union (EU) 189th member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have announced the launch of EmergencyLessons and the World Bank i. e. Bretton-Woods institutions. campaign on education in crisis zones. UN has announced the establishment of the UN Zika World Bank and UNICEF announced establishment of new Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) to finance alliance that aims to make Early Childhood Development critical unfunded priorities in response to the Zika outbreak. (ECD) programme a global policy. 27 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 UN, IMF, World Bank and OECD formed Platform for Collaboration on Tax. The Platform has been created as their step to boost global cooperation in tax matters. The Interim Administrative Cell of International Solar Alliance and the UN Development Programme declared their cooperation to promote solar energy globally. UNHCR, UNICEF launched Blue Dot hubs to protect children and families on move across Europe. The UN Population Fund and the UN Childrens Emergency Fund jointly launched the Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage. The Arab League declared Lebanese movement Hezbollah a terrorist group. UNESCO signed an agreement with CJ Welfare Foundation to start a preschool animation series Rainbow Ruby to support girls education globally. Nepal became a dialogue partner of the Beijing-based regional security grouping, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). The UN Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) launched animate film series Unfairy Tales. World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President Jin Liqun signed the first co-financing framework agreement between the two institutions. SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY ISRO IN NEWS ISRO Scientists made worlds lightest material Silica Aerogel to keep soldiers warm in Siachen. It is called silica aerogel or blue air or frozen smoke. ISRO launched Indias seventh navigation satellite of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS 1G) into a Sub Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (SubGTO) onboard PSLVC33. The ISRO launched the countrys sixth Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS)-1F, on board the trusted launch vehicle PSLV C-32. ISRO is set to launch a record number of 22 satellites in a single mission. Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV C34 will carry Indias remote sensing satellite Cartosat 2C. NASA astronaut and Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly and his Russian counterpart Mikhail Kornienko returned on Earth, after a historic 340-day mission aboard the International Space Station. OTHER SCI-TECH. NEWS The worlds first artificial intelligence lawyer has been employed by a law firm in the US. The robot called ROSS is built upon Watson, IBMs cognitive computer. United states (US) based, SpaceX has successfully launched Japanese JCSAT-14 communication satellite into space. Australian researchers built worlds first scanning helium microscope helium microscope (SHeM). China has successfully launched a remote sensing satellite Yaogan-30 into sun-synchronous orbit (SSO) using the NASA IN NEWS Long March-2D rocket. NASA successfully launched a super pressure balloon to China launched its 22nd satellite for its BeiDou conduct near-space scientific investigations. It was Navigation Satellite System (BDS). launched from South Island Wanaka Airport, New Zealand. All new mobiles to have panic button from 2017. NASA unveiled the first global digital elevation Sikkim Governor Shrinvas Patil formally unveiled (topographic model) of Mercury. Supercomputer named Param Kanchenjunga at the NASA astronaut Scott Kelly will write a memoir titled National Institute of Technology (NIT) Sikkim. It is named Endurance: My Year in Space and Our Journey to Mars. after Kangchenjunga Mountain (8586 m), the third highest mountain in the world. POWER PLANTS ESTABLISHED S. no Name Place 1. Bharat Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) Commissioned the first 800 MW super critical thermal unit in Karnataka. Highest rating unit in the state. 2. BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited) 270 MW unit at Goindwal Sahib coal-fired power project in Punjab. 3. Tata Power Renewable Energy (TPREL) Won two solar-grid connected photovoltaic projects of 50 mw capacity each in Pavagada Solar Park in the Tumkur district of Karnataka. 4. BHEL Commissions 500 MW Thermal Power Unit Jharkhand 5. BHEL Commissions 600 MW Thermal Power Plant Madhya Pradesh 6. BHEL a season wise til-table canal top solar PV plant Bhimavaram in Andhra Pradesh 7. BHEL 600 MW Thermal power plant Jaipur in Adilabad district of Telangana S. no 1. 28 ProjectOperationCampaign Name of ProjectOperationCampaign Key Point Operation Sulaimani An initiative to eradicate poverty by feeding needy in Kozhikode hotels bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 2. 3. 4. 5. Micro-blogging site Twitter launched PositionOfStrength campaign. Setu Bharatam project Hillstorm 3. Project Salamati in Chandigarh To empower women to raise voices against any form of discrimination To make all national highways free of Railway crossings by 2019 Combat operation of Meghalaya police To maintain a healthy balance between the births of children by using injectable contraceptive VISITS Major Highlights of the PM visit to Belgium Attended 13th India EU summit and held meeting with Belgium PM Charles Michel Activated Asias largest general purpose optical telescope installed in Devsthal, 60 km from Nainital, through Remote Technical Activation Major Highlights of the PM visit to the United States Attended the 4th Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC. Announced a contribution of 1 million US dollars to Nuclear Security Fund of International Atomic Energy Agency. MoU for setting up Laser Interferometer Gravitationalwave Observatory (LIGO) observatory in India. Major Highlights of the visit to Saudi Arabia India and Saudi Arabia signed five agreements and MoUs. Visited TCS All Women IT Centre and Masmak Fortress in Riyadh. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will embark on a sixday official visit to Tokyo, Japan. Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena held talks with Narendra Modi. This is Srisenas second visit to India. US Secretary of State John Kerry discussed with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud in the West Asia. After a historic visit to Cuba in March, President Barack Obama is to embark on another historic trip and visted Hiroshima. President Pranab Mukherjee went for a two Nation tour to Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. This is the first ever state visit of an Indian President to these two countries. Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Dharmendra Pradhan visited Bangladesh for 3 days. Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Science Harsh Vardhan visited Nagaland. Britains Prince Harry had a five-day visit to Nepal to mark the 200th anniversary of the bilateral ties. SCHEMES Schemes launched by Union Govt. The Union Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) has decided to launch ASMITA, a student tracking system programme. ASMITA is acronym for All School Monitoring Individual Tracing Analysis and shall be launched under Shala Asmita Yojana (SAY). The Ministry of Human Resource Development has announced the launch of a multilingual knowledge portal bharatavani. in. It aims to not only ensure universalisation of education but also creation of a knowledge society in the digital age a. e-PACE. It Stands for Projects Appraisal and Continuing Enhancements. B. INFRACON: It is National Portal for Infrastructure Consultancy Firms and Key Personnel. C. INAM PRO: It is a web-based application for Infrastructure and Material Providers. Innovative Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme of MANAS Union Minister for Minority Affairs Najma Heptulla launched innovative entrepreneurship and skill development programme of Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS) through leading national and international experts in different skill sets. It proposes to use leading celebrities who belong to Minority communities in various skill sets as the driving force behind the skill development projects in their respective fields. Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana to provide free LPG connections to BPL households The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs launched Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana. It seeks to provide free LPG connections to women from below poverty line (BPL) households. Features of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana Under the scheme, a financial support of 1600 Rs. will be Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana provided for each LPG connection to the BPL households. The crop insurance scheme named Pradhan Mantri Fasal This will benefit about 1 cr. 50 lakh households below the Bhima Yojana launched in Mumbai. The scheme is aimed at poverty line in 2016-17. reducing distress in the farm sector and to boost the agricultural sector in the country. Initiatives for best practices in road transport sector Features of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways and Shipping To avail the scheme, farmers will pay a uniform premium of only Nitin Gadkari has launched three initiatives for best practices 2 for all Kharif crops and 1.5 for all Rabi crops. in road transport sector. These three innovative IT initiatives In case of annual commercial and horticultural crops, farmers are INFRACON, ePACE and up-Scaled INAM PRO. These will pay a premium of only 5. innovative IT initiatives are developed in-house by National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd Govt. of Indias National Light-emitting diode (LED) (NHIDCL). programme Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All 29 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 (UJALA) was launched in Madhya Pradesh by CM of Madhya Pradesh Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Union Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy Minister of State (Independent Charge) Piyush Goyal launched Vidyut PRAVAH - Electricity, Price Availability and Highlights mobile application in New Delhi. The mobile application provides highlights of the power availability in India on real time basis. The app will empower common people to demand 24X7 power from the states. Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan launched the Online Depot System in New Delhi to automate all the operations of Food Corporation of India (FCI) depots. The key objective of the Depot Online System is to align with Digital India vision for transformation of food distribution supply chain in India. PM Narendra Modi launched Kisan Suvidha mobile application for farmers. It will provide information on subjects such as weather, market prices, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and agriculture machinery. Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh launched a new mobile app Pusa Krishi. It will help the farmers to take the technology to farm fields. Parytak Mitra Programme was launched by Union Ministry of Tourism to inculcate appropriate tourism traits and knowledge amongst the trainees to enable them to actwork as Tourist Facilitators (Prayatak Mitra). PM Narendra Modi launched Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan at Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. The Abhiyan (campaign) was launched on the 125th birth anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar at his birthplace to strengthen Panchayati Raj in villages and ensure social harmony in villages. Union Govt. extended the Beti Bachao Beti Padho (BBBP) Scheme in additional 61 districts across 11 States and Union Territories. The scheme was extended in the districts with low Child Sex Ratio. Union Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka launched Mahila e-Haat portal in New Delhi. The Mahila eHaat portal, mahilaehaat-rmk. gov. in, is an online marketing platform. It will provide access to markets to thousands of women. The Govt. has replaced the conventional tendering process for power purchase by state power distributors with an e-bidding platform named DEEP in an attempt to make the bidding more efficient and transparent by bringing power procurement contract details to the public domain. The Discovery of Efficient Electricity Price (DEEP). Schemes launched by Odisha Govt. The Odisha Govt. has decided to launch Green Passage scheme for orphan students to ensure that they get free of cost higher education in the state. As per the scheme, orphan students pursuing higher education from Plus-II level to post-graduation level, will no longer have to bear the education expenses. Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik has launched a Direct Benefit Transfer scheme for the states farmers and pledged digging of atleast 1 lakh bore wells to improve irrigation facilities. 30 bankersadda The Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik launched Odisha Adarsh Vidyalaya (OAV) project at Sasan Ambagaon village in his home constituency Hinjli in Ganjam district. These schools will provide free education (classes VI to XII) to students along with free uniforms and other study materials. CM Naveen Patnaik inaugurated 100 piped water supply projects for rural areas. The CM also pledged to make piped water provision in all gram panchayats by 2017. Schemes launched by Other State Govt. Gujarat CM Anandiben Patel has launched Ujala scheme in Vadodara to distribute LED bulbs to the people. Himachal Pradesh CM Virbhadra Singh has introduced PEHAL programme in Shimla district. It aims to expediting developmental works and Govt. schemes through effective implementation at grassroots level. With this Shimla has become the 1st district in the state to launch such different programme. Andhra Pradesh CM N Chandrababu Naidu launched Chandranna Bima Yojana in Vijayawada. It is an insurance scheme for the working class people. Under the scheme any insured worker who meets an accidental death and permanent disability will be paid 5 lakh Rs. Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy Piyush Goyal along with Andhra Pradesh CM N Chandrababu Naidu launched two schemes in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. These are National Energy Efficient Agriculture Pumps Programme and National Energy Efficient Fan Programme. National Energy Efficient Agriculture Pumps Programme It will help farmers in replacing energy guzzlers age old agricultural pumps across the country with the new-age energy efficient agricultural pumps, with a 5-Star Rating. National Energy Efficient Fan Programme a) It was launched through state owned entity Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a Joint Venture of PSUs under Union Ministry of Power, for Indian households and businesses. b) It seeks to provide Energy Efficient Ceiling Fans of 5 star rating 50 Watts at 60 Rs. per month on EMI basis and 1250 Rs. on upfront basis. The Karnataka Govt. launched Mukhyamantri Santwana Harish Yojana to provide free treatment to road accident victims for the first 48 hours in the nearest Govt. or private hospital. Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis launched Mission Drinking Water. The mission was launched in the backdrop of recurring droughts and severe water crisis. Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das launched the Bhimrao Ambedkar Awas Yojana for widows. Its objective is to create equality and harmony in society, ensuring all round development. An amount of 75000 Rs. would be granted to build a house in districts in hilly terrains and 70000 Rs. in plains and the amount would be distributed among the beneficiaries in three installments in their bank Ac. The Haryana Govt. notified its Affordable Plotted Housing Policy 2016 for low and medium potential towns also known asDeen Dayal Jan Awas Yojna. The policy is intended to encourage the development of high density plotted colonies in Low and Medium Potential towns of the State wherein small plots are made available through a liberal policy framework. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Union Minister for State (IC) for Power, Coal and Renewable Energy Piyush Goyal launched National LED programme Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) in Madhya Pradesh. Under this Programme, 3 cr. LED Bulbs will be distributed in the next 6 months in the State. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2. System (IWMS). The systems web address is iwms. nic. in. The Govt. launched the system for better management of waste. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry launched the Startup India portal startupindia. gov. in and mobile app in New Delhi. Schemes launched by Ministries The Ministry of Environment and Forests launched a webbased application on Integrated Waste Management MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS INDIAN RAILWAYS IN NEWS Railway passengers can now cancel their wait-listed and RAC (reservation against cancellation) train tickets by just dialing 139. Indian Railway for the first time used an unmanned air vehicles or drones to inspect the ongoing work on the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) project. Indian Railways appointed Ernst and Young (EY) as a consultant to discover the advertising potential in trains. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu launched an online Clean My Coach service. The service allows travelers to get their compartments cleaned by sending an SMS or by using an app or a designated website. Manmadurai-Rameswaram Rail Track To Become 1st Green Corridor Gatiman Express, Indias fastest train is flagged off from Delhi to Agra. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu flagged off the much-awaited Gatiman Express for Agra from Nizamuddin Railway station. East Coast Railway (ECoR) has emerged as the largest freight loading railway zone of Indian Railways in 201516. Minister for Railways Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu inaugurated the fitment of CCTV in Train Shan-e-Punjab Express through video-conferencing from Rail Bhawan premises, New Delhi. Surat is the cleanest railway station in the country, followed by Rajkot and Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). RECOGNITIONFIRST TIME IN STATES India was the favourite tourist destination for Bangladeshis who topped the list of foreign tourists arrivals followed by USA and UK. Taj Mahal has been voted among the top five tourist attractions in the world, second in Asia and led the popularity list in India. Worlds largest single rooftop solar power plant of 11.5 Mw capacity has been inaugurated by the CM of Punjab at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas, in Amritsar, Punjab. According to the new World Health Organisation (WHO) urban air quality database report based on data collected between 2008 and 2013, New Delhi was the 11th mostpolluted city. Zabol in Iran is the most polluted city. The worlds largest cargo aircraft - Antonov An-225 Mriya has made its first landing in India at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad. Bengaluru emerged as the top city in India for online learning with the highest number of registered learners. The Govt. of India has recently launched Indias first online interactive portal named as Sahapedia, on the cultural 31 bankersadda sscadda heritage of the country. The portal is a collaborative knowledge resource on the arts, culture and heritage of India. Kachhabali village in Bhim tehsil of Rajsamand District became the first in Rajasthan to close down its only liquor shop. Prakash Javdekar inaugurated a White Tiger Safari at Mukundpur in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh. Union Govt. launched the low cost micro solar device, Surya Jyoti. The solar dome would help rural and urban population to have a reliable access to electricity. A statue of Maharaja Ranjit Singh will be installed in Frances Saint-Tropez town. The town is the birth place of Maharajas Army General Jean-Francois Allard. Infosys co-founder launched a new app named Itihaasa that chronicles Indian IT journey since the 1950s. The app itihaasa is one of the largest chronicles of its kind with 600 videos featuring 44 technology stalwarts. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI). The Longitudinal Ageing Study is the largest survey of its kind. Union Health and Family Welfare Minister J P Nadda launched the rotavirus vaccine as part of the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) of the country. PM Narendra Modi and Belgian PM Charles Michel remotely launched Asias biggest telescope, the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) which is located at Devasthal near Nainital in UK. The Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve included in the UNESCOs World Network of Biosphere Reserves OTHER MISCELLANEOUS NEWS The Mothers Wax Museum in Kolkata has unveiled a wax statue of pop icon Michael Jackson. Actor and martial artist Jackie Chan got a wax statue at the Nahargarh Fort Museum in Jaipur. Bronze bust of ancient Indian mathematician amp astronomer Aryabhatta unveiled at the UNESCO HQ. The Worlds largest wooden Charkha (spinning wheel) is planned to be installed at Terminal 3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. Pallavi Fauzdar Becomes 1st Solo Woman to Ride Across Mana Pass A Kathak dancer from Varanasi has broken the world record of longest dance performance by continuously dancing for 123 hours and 30 minutes. ICCR to set up first Indian Chair in Arab world at Cairo. Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, inaugurated Indias 1st Second-Generation (2G) Ethanol plant at Kashipur in Uttarakhand. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 According to the UGC Regulations, 2016, an institution will be eligible to become a deemed university if it has undergraduate and 5 post-graduate programmes with research in existence for 3 years. Spiritual leader and Isha Foundation founder, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev will lead a yoga session at the UN on the occasion of the second International Yoga Day. Indian Short Film Beti To Be Screened at Seattle International Film Festival As a part of 475th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Maharana Pratap, Union Minister for Culture and Tourism Dr. Mahesh Sharma has released a Commemorative coin of Rs. 100 and a Circulation coin of Rs. 10 in New Delhi. Suresh Prabhu has inaugurated Comrade Umraomal Purohit Memorial Research Centre situated in All India Railwaymens Federation (AIRF) Office, New Delhi. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Global Tiger Forum (GTF) announced that global wild tiger populations have increased. It is up by 22. Actress Sonakshi Sinha has become a Guinness World Records title-holder as she along with several other women participated in an initiative to set a record for most people painting their fingernails simultaneously. JUNE CURRENT AFFAIRS TONIC 1ST to 5th June 2016 US President Barack Obama has announced an end to its embargo on sales of lethal weapons to Vietnam. National Current Affairs Manohar Parrikar will attend security dialogue in Singapore In 2015 Good Country Index (GCI), India has been placed at focussing on inter-Govt. al security and undertake a 2 day 70th position in the list of 163 countries. The list has been bilateral visit to Vietnam to deepen military ties. topped by Sweden. Asias largest annual security forum Shangri-La Dialogue was PM Narendra Modi has released the National Disaster inaugurated in Singapore to talk about security issues in the Management Plan (NDMP). The plan aims to make India Asia-Pacific region. disaster resilient and reduce loss of lives. It is the first of its kind of national plan prepared in India. States in India Current Affairs India has gifted 2,000 bicycles to poor dalit girls in different Govt. schools of Nepal to encourage them to enrol Haryana Govt. has launched Asias first Gyps Vulture in schools and enhance the literacy rate among them. Reintroduction Programme at the Jatayu Conservation The PM has approved the proposal for enhancing the age of Breeding Centre at Pinjore. superannuation of all doctors of the Central Health Service to Bihar CM Nitish Kumar has launched Right to Public 65 years with effect from 31st May 2016. Grievance Redressal Act. The act seeks disposal of peoples India and Morocco have launched the India-Morocco complaints or redressal of grievances from Govt. officials Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IMCCI) in Rabat which within 60-days. was inaugurated by Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari Odisha is first in the country to give transgender people social and Moroccan PM Abdelilah Benkirane to accelerate the pace welfare benefits - such as a pension, housing and food grains. of economic development between the two countries. The The Cabinet has given its ex-post facto approval to the motto of that chamber is, quotShake hands, strengthen ties, go proposal for Chennai Metro Rail Phase-I Project from with IMCCI. quot Washermanpet to Wimconagar. It covers a length of 9.051 km. Eknath Khadse, the most senior minister in the Maharashtra International Current Affairs Govt. has resigned amid twin scandal over an illicit land deal PM Narendra Modi and Afghanistan President Dr Ashraf and his cellphone allegedly appearing in the call records of Ghani inaugurated the Afghan-India Friendship Dam in Herat most-wanted gangster Dawood Ibrahim. province in Western Afghanistan. The Dam was earlier Assam Assembly has passed the Assam Ease of Doing known as Salma Dam on the river Chist-e-Sharif in western Business Bill, 2016. The bill has the provision for speedy Herat neighboring Iran. processing of applications and issue of clearances for setting The BRICS Development Bank, i. e New Development Bank is up industries. set to issue its first yuan-denominated bonds, which is also Madhya Pradesh Govt. and Tata Trusts (TT) have signed an known as green bonds. agreement on implementing interventions in healthcare The worlds longest and deepest rail tunnel, running under areas like nutrition, mental health and cancer care in the the Switzerland Alps, inaugurated in Switzerland. The 57state. kilometer Gotthard Base Tunnel connected north and south The Odisha Govt. has decided to create 500 more gram Europe. panchayats in addition to the existing 6,234 ahead of the Middle East peace summit will begin in Paris. panchayat elections due in February next year. Asias largest technology trade show COMPUTEX has kicked Dashar Maha Kumbh is being organised on the confluence of off in Taipei, Taiwan. Organized by TAITRA (Taiwan External sacred rivers Sindhu and Vitasta in Ganderbal district of Trade Development Council) and TCA (Taipei Computer Kashmir after a period of 75 years. Association). CM of Gujrat, Anandiben Patel has launched two state-wide US Secretary of State John Kerry will host the third quotOur campaigns against malnutrition at Ahwa town in Dangs Oceanquot conference in September at Washington DC, US. district. Bal Amritam and Mission Shakti campaigns, ironThe US President Barack Obama has become the first US rich supplementary food would be provided to children and president to visit the site of the Hiroshima atomic bombing. women, whether they live in towns or remote forested areas. The World leaders begin two days of G7 talks in Japan. 32 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 PM Narendra Modi has flagged off, the first ever direct train between Kamakhya in Assam to Katra Vaishno Devi in JampK which will connect the two pilgrim towns of Devi Peeth of Maa Kamakhya and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi shrine. New Appointments Congress Legislature Party leader V Narayanasamy has sworn in as CM of the UT of Puducherry. CR Sasikumar has taken over as MD of State Bank of Travancore. P Sreeramakrishnan of the CPI (M) that leads the Left Democratic Front elected Speaker of the Kerala Assembly. NK Chari has been appointed MD of the State Bank of Mysore. Admiral Sunil Lanba taken over as the new Chief of Naval Staff. President Pranab Mukherjee has appointed Bhim Sain Bassi, IPS (Retd) as a member of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Navin Agarwal has been appointed as the chief of National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), working for dope-free sports. Economy The CCEA has given its approval for the increase in the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for all Kharif Crops of 201617 Season. A bonus of Rs. 425 per quintal will be paid for dalhan (pulses), Rs. 100 for tilhan (oilseed) and Rs. 200 for til (sesamum). Indias economy will grow by 7.7 in the current fiscal, according to the survey by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). The Govt. has enforced the decision of retirement fund body EPFO to almost double the maximum sum assured under its insurance scheme from 3.6 lakh to Rs 6 lakh for its 4 cr. subscribers. Banking Current Affairs BSE, Asias oldest bourse, has received the Reserve Bank approval to start an online bidding platform for Sovereign Gold Bond scheme. The Cabinet has approved the proposal to set up India Post payment bank as Public Limited Company under Department of Posts, with 100 Govt. equity. The total architecture of postal payments bank is of rs. 800 cr. which will have Rs. 400 cr. equity and Rs. 400 cr. grant. Countrys largest private sector lender ICICI Bank has cut its marginal cost of funds-based lending rate (MCLR) by 0.05. RBL Bank is going to launch an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) programme for fintech start-ups in the next 9-12 months. BUSINESS NEWS HDFC Ergo General Insurance, the insurance arm of mortgage lender HDFC, has acquired LANDT General Insurance for Rs 551 cr. E-commerce giant Flipkart has introduced No Cost EMI option. Obituaries Muhammad Ali, former world magnificent heavyweight boxing champion has died at 74. 33 bankersadda sscadda ONGC Videsh Ltd signed a pact with the trading arm of Azerbaijans state energy company SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic) to foray into oil trading. Reliance Industries has sold its stake in African fuel retailer Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation (GAPCO) to Total S. A. of France. Mahindra and Mahindra signed a brand licence agreement with Italian car designer Pininfarina for using trademarks after closing the deal to acquire 76.06 stake in the Turinbased company. MouAgreements Signed India and Qatar have signed seven agreements in various fields to boost bilateral ties which includes investment on tourism and trading enhancement. These agreements were signed in presence the of PM Narendra Modi and Qatar Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani with Qatar PM Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al Thani in Doha. The signed MoU includes - 1. MoU for investment in National investment and infrastructure fund (NIIF), 2. MoU on cooperation in tourism, 3. Agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance in custom matters, 4. MoU on Finance Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) and Qatar Financial Information Unit (QFIU), 5. MoU in the field of youth and sports, 6. MoU on cooperation in skill development and recognition of qualifications, 7. MoU on cooperation in the field of health. The Indian Govt. and the ADB have signed an agreement for a 200 million loan to upgrade 176-km roads in Jharkhand. India and Tunisia have signed two MoUs for co-operation in Information Technology and promotion of traditional handicrafts. India and United States have signed an MoU to enhance cooperation on energy security, clean energy and climate change in New Delhi with an aim to promote sustainable growth. Cabinet has given its approval for signing of a MoU between India and United States (US) to enhance cooperation in the field of wildlife conservation and combating wildlife trafficking. Cabinet has also given its approval for signing of a MoU between India and Qatar for strengthening cooperation in the field of Tourism. An agreement between the authorized Govt. al agencies of the Govt. of India and United States of America (USA) have been signed for the exchange of terrorist screening information. India and Morocco have signed five MoU covering fields as diverse as water resources management, television broadcasting, institutional co-operation and cultural and educational exchanges, further providing venues for enhanced cooperation. The Govt. of India and the World Bank has signed a 9.2 million US dollar grant agreement under the World Bank-Global Environment Facility (GEF) Programme for the Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service Project. Tamil actor and director Balu Anand died following a massive heart attack at his house in Kalampalayam. He was 62 year old. Eden Gardens renowned curator Prabir Mukherjee has passed away in Kolkata. He was 86 year old. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Famous comic star Razzak Khan passed away after having a heart attack in Mumbai. Eminent actress and theatre personality Sulabha Deshpande has passed away in Mumbai. She was 79 years old. Indias first Mr Universe Manohar Aich has passed away in Kolkata. He was 104 years old. Sports Current Affairs The Indian Boxing Council has been granted affiliation by the Commonwealth Boxing Council. Veteran Indian tennis star Leander Paes completed a Career Slam in mixed doubles with Swiss partner Martina Hingis with a hard-fought win over compatriot Sania Mirza and Ivan Dodig, in Paris. It was 18th Grand Slam title for Paes. Argentina (1st) and Belgium (2nd) continue to hold on to the top two spots in the latest FIFA rankings, with Colombia rounding up the top three. India have fallen down one spot to 163. World number one Tennis Player Novak Djokovic has become the first professional tennis player to earn more than 100 million in prize money. Dave Richardson, the Chief Executive Officer of the International Cricket Council has stated that a league system for Test Cricket will be in place by the end of 2019. Sri Lanka seamer Nuwan Kulasekara has announced his retirement from Tests to focus on limited-overs cricket. Garbine Muguruza of Spain has won the French Open Womens Singles tennis title at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris, France. South Asian Games gold medallist Indian judoka Avtar Singh has qualified for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Serbian professional tennis player, Novak Djokovic defeated Andy Murray to win his maiden French Open title. French Open 2016: In Brief 1. Mens Singles - Novak Djokovic 2. Womens Singles - Garbie Muguruza 3. Mens Doubles - Feliciano Lpez and Marc Lpez 4. Womens Doubles - Caroline Garcia and Kristina Mladenovic National football team goalkeeper Gurpreet Singh SANDhu has achieved a historic feat as he became the first Indian to feature in a top-tier league match in Europe by turning out for his Norwegian side Stabaek FC. Defence Current Affairs India has joined the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCoC) to further strengthen global non-proliferation. Science and Tech. Current Affairs China has successfully launched three (one domestic and two foreign) satellites namely Ziyuan III 02 satellite and two NewSat satellites. A team of scientists from Harvard University (United States) has created a unique bionic leaf that uses sunlight (solar energy) to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogenMiscellaneous Current Affairs World Environment Day (WED) was observed globally on 5 June 2016 with theme Zero tolerance for the illegal trade in wildlife. 34 bankersadda eating bacteria to produce liquid fuels from CO2.This artificial photosynthesis device has been dubbed bionic leaf 2.0. United states (US) space agency NASA (NASA) has successfully deployed the first experimental inflatable room attached to the International Space Station (ISS). The experimental inflatable room dubbed as BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module) was deployed after it was successfullyExpanded and pressurized. Dubai has opened the worlds first functioning 3D-printed office building. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched its maiden indigenous winged Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) from Sriharikota spaceport in Andhra Pradesh. It was carried up on a solid rocket motor (SRM). The 9 ton SRM was designed to burn slowly to accommodate the vertical lifting of winged body. Awards and Recognition V. O. Chidambaranar Port has bagged National Award for Excellence in Cost Management for the year 2015 from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI). A Qatar-based Indian banker Dr. R Seetharaman has been awarded with the 2016 Green Economy Visionary award. PM Narendra Modi was conferred with Afghanistans highest civilian honour, the Amir Amanullah Khan Award. Renowned Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik has won the gold medal in peoples choice prize at world championship festival of sand sculpting Russe, 2016, held in Bulgaria. Current SchemesAppPortal Launched By State and Central Govt. CM of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar laid the foundation stone of Jai Jawan Awas Yojna (JJAY), an initiative to provide affordable housing to serving and retired JCOs and Other Ranks at Bahadurgarh, Haryana. The project is being executed by Army Welfare Housing Organization and aims to provide low cost housing. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has launched a mobile application for telecom subscribers to register their complaints against pesky calls and SMSes to tighten the noose on telemarketers. The Income Declaration Scheme which seeks to provide an opportunity to all person who have not declared their income correctly in previous years to come forward and declare undisclosed incomes, will open today and will remain in force till 30th of September, 2016. The Scheme is part of Finance Act, 2016 and will provide an opportunity to domestic black money holders to come clean by paying tax and penalty of 45 on undisclosed assets. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has launched a mobile app, DVAT M SEWA app through which city traders can register themselves with the VAT department of Delhi Govt. a move that is aimed at encouraging them to boost its tax collection. sscadda The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs given its approval for a new broad gauge line between Mau Station of North Eastern Railway and Tarighat Terminal station of East Central Railway. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Two Indian-origin women have featured on the Forbes annual list of Americas 60 wealthiest and most successful self-made women entrepreneurs. India-born Neerja Sethi, who co-founded IT consulting and outsourcing firm Syntel with her husband Bharat Desai, is ranked 16th on Americas Richest Self-made Women list while president and CEO of Arista Networks Jayshree Ullal is ranked 30th. The richest self-made woman in America is Diane Hendricks, the owner of ABC Supply. Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has flagged off the inaugural run of the Tiger Trail Circuit Train from Delhi Safdarjung Station. The launch of this Tiger Express on World Environment Day (June 5) is to highlight the significance of environment in our lives. India ranks 5th in the world in renewable energy (RE) job creation, with 416,000 employed in the sector during 2015. India, the worlds third largest steel producer, was among the top 10 importers of the alloy in 2015, according to the latest data by the global industry body World Steel Association (WSA). Thr top importer is European Union (EU) as a bloc followed by US. and the 63rd National Awards goes to Best Film: Baahubali - The Beginning Best Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali for Bajirao Mastani Best Actor: Amitabh Bachchan for Piku Best Actress: Kangana Ranaut for Tanu Weds Manu Returns Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film Of A Director: Neeraj Ghaywan, Masaan Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment: Bajrangi Bhaijaan Best Choreography: Remo DSouza, Deewani Mastani song in Bajirao Mastani Best Malayalam Film: Pathemari, Artistically narrated saga of 2 generations of Malayali workers who migrated to gulf for livelihood Best Tamil Film: Visaaranai Best Sanskrit Film: Priyamanasam The Govt. Of India Has Slashed The Interest Rates On Provident Fund, Kisan Vikas Patra and On Small Saving Schemes The Govt. of India has slashed the interest rates on Provident Fund, Kisan Vikas Patra and on Small Saving Schemes. The Govt. has reduced these rates on all small saving schemes across the board. The new rates will come into effect on April 1 and will be valid till June 30. Please see the below image for all the Interest rate cut imposed by the GOI on Small Saving Schemes. 10th Asian Film Awards 2016 concluded: The Assassin Dominates with Eight Awards The 10th edition of Asian Film Awards (AFA), held at the Venetian Theatre in Macau, China, honoured diverse talents across Asian cinema. The list of the awards given is given below: Assassin wins more than half of the 15 awards presented in the Asian film awards Best Film: The Assassin Best Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien for The Assassin Best Actress: Shu Qi for The Assassin Also, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukones quotBajirao Mastaniquot won the Best Visual Effects award. 69th British Academy Film Awards, held in Central London at the Royal Opera House In this year, The Revenant scooped the best film, best actor and best director awards. The List of Other awards of BAFTAs which are presented are as follows: Outstanding British Film: Brooklyn. Best Director: Alejandro G. Irritu (The Revenant). Best Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio (The Revenant). Best Actress: Brie Larson (Room). Best Original Screenplay: Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer (Spotlight). Best Adapted Screenplay: Adam McKay and Charles Randolph (The Big Short). Note: Most awards: The Revenant (5 wins) Most nominations: Bridge of Spies and Carol (9 nominations each) All about the 58th Grammys Award 2016 The Important winners in this year Grammy Awards were: Record of the Year: Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars, quotUptown Funkquot Album of the Year: Taylor Swift, 1989 Best New Artist: Meghan Trainor Best Rock Performance: Alabama Shakes, quotDont Wanna Fightquot Best Musical Theater Album: Hamilton Song of the Year: Ed Sheeran, quotThinking Out Loudquot 35 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 and the Oscars 2016 award goes to. In the Oscars 2016, Leonardo Dicaprio wins Best Actor for The Revenant, Brie Larson is Best Actress while the bollywood star Priyanka Chopra presents the Oscars and makes her Oscar debut. The complete list of awards are as follows: Best PICTURE. Spotlight Best ACTOR. Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant Best ACTRESS Brie Larson, Room Best SUPPORTING ACTOR. Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies Best SUPPORTING ACTRESS. Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl Best DIRECTOR. Alejandro Irritu, The Revenant Best ADAPTED SCREENPLAY. The Big Short, Charles Randolph and Adam McKay Note: The maximum number of awards is won by Mad Max: Fury Road (6 awards) 73rd annual Golden Globe Awards announced The 73rd Golden Globe Awards honored the best in film and American television of 2015. The Revenant was only three-time winner at the 73rd annual awards, taking Best Actor for star Leonardo DiCaprio and Best Director for Alejandro G. Iarrito along with Best Picture. Brief List of Winners at the 2016 Golden Globe Awards: Best Motion Picture Drama: The Revenant Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama: Leonardo Dicaprio, The Revenant Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Drama: Brie Larson, Room Best Motion Picture Musical or Comedy: The Martian Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Musical Or Comedy: Jennifer Lawrence, Joy Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series Drama: Taraji P. Henson, Empire Best Director Motion Picture: Alejandro Gonzalez, The Revenant 61st Filmfare Awards The Grand annual 61st Filmfare Awards event was organised in Mumbai, Maharashtra on January 15, 2016. Bajirao Mastani was 8 awards was the film winning highest number of awards. Awards in various categories are Best Actor: Ranvee Singh (Bajirao Mastani) Best Actress: Deepika Padukone (Piku) Best Film: Sanjay Leela Bhansali (Bajirao Mastani) Best Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali (Bajirao Mastani) Lifetime Achievement: Moushumi Chatterjee Best Debut Director: Neeraj Ghaywan (Massan) Best Debutant (Male): Sooraj Pancholi (Hero) Best Debutant (Female): Bhumi Pednekar (Dum Laga Ke Haisha) Critics Award for Best Film. Piku Critics Award for Best Actor (Male): Amitabh Bachchan (Piku) GOLD SCHEMES LAUNCHED BY GOI a) PM Narendra Modi launched three ambitious schemes to reduce the physical demand for gold and fish out 20,000 36 bankersadda sscadda tonnes of the precious metal worth 800 billion lying idle with households. b) PM Narendra Modi launched three gold related schemes - Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS), Gold Sovereign Bond Scheme and the Gold Coin and Bullion Scheme. c) He also unveiled the first ever Indian gold coin and bullion, bearing national emblem Ashok Chakra on one side and Mahatma Gandhis image engraved on the other side. Initially the coins will be available in denominations of 5 and 10 grams. The 20 grams bullion will also be available through 125 MMTC outlets. d) The Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS), 2015 will offer option to resident Indians to deposit their precious metal and earn an interest of up to 2.5 while under the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, investors can earn an interest rate of 2.75 per annum by buying paper bonds. Must know Points on Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2015 SGBs are Govt. securities denominated in grams of gold and will be issued by Reserve Bank on behalf of Govt. of India. Persons resident in India as defined under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 are eligible to invest in SGB. Eligible investors include individuals, HUFs, trusts, universities, charitable institutions, etc. The Bonds are issued in denominations of one gram of gold and in multiples thereof. Minimum investment in the Bond shall be two grams with a maximum buying limit of 500 grams per person per fiscal year. The Bonds bear interest at the rate of 2.75 (fixed rate) per annum on the amount of initial investment. Bonds are sold through scheduled commercial banks and designated Post Offices either directly or through their agents like NBFCs, NSC agents, etc. Price of bond will be fixed in Indian Rs. on the basis of the previous weeks (Monday Friday) simple average price for gold of 999 purity published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd. (IBJA). The issue price will be distributed by RBI Though the tenor of the bond is 8 years, early encashmentredemption of the bond is allowed after fifth year from the date of issue on coupon payment dates. TDS is not applicable on the bond. However, it is the responsibility of the bond holder to comply with the tax laws. Gold Monetisation Scheme, 2015 The scheme is aimed at converting an estimated 20,000 tonnes of idle gold worth Rs 540,000 cr. in family lockers and temples into the banking system. The GMS will replace the existing Gold Deposit Scheme, 1999. Resident Indians (Individuals, HUF, Trusts including Mutual FundsExchange Traded Funds registered under careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations and Companies) can make deposits under the scheme. The minimum deposit at any one time shall be raw gold (bars, coins, jewellery excluding stones and other metals) equivalent to 30 grams of gold of 995 fineness. There is no maximum limit for deposit under the scheme. The gold will be accepted at the Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTC) certified by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and notified by the Central Govt. under the Scheme. The deposit certificates will be issued by banks in equivalence of 995 fineness of gold. The principal and interest of the deposit under the scheme will be denominated in gold. The designated banks will accept gold deposits under the Short Term (1-3 years) Bank Deposit (STBD) as well as Medium (5-7 years) and Long (12-15 years) Term Govt. Deposit Schemes. While the former will be accepted by banks on their own account, the latter will be on behalf of Govt. of India. Interest on deposits under the scheme will start accruing from the date of conversion of gold deposited into tradable gold bars after refinement or 30 days after the receipt of gold at the CPTC or the banks designated branch, as the case may be and whichever is earlier. Facts related to Gold CoinBullion Scheme a) It is the first ever national gold coin minted in India. b) It is having National Emblem of Ashok Chakra engraved on one side and Mahatma Gandhi on the other side. c) The Coin weighs 5 and 10 grams. d) The gold coin and bullion will carry advanced anticounterfeit features and tamper proof packaging and hallmarked by Bureau of Indian Standards. e) The gold coin and bullion will be of 24 carat purity and 999 fineness. f) Aim: The Govt. s move comes on the hope that Indians who is said to have an obsession for gold will prefer the national coin over imported ones. g) All coins will be hallmarked as per the BIS standards. h) This coin will be distributed through the outlets of stateowned Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India. Some Abbreviations related to Gold Schemes CPTC - Collection and Purity Testing Centre MLTGD - Medium and Long Term Gold Deposit STBD - Short Term Bank Deposit IBJA - India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd. Test: 1. England 2017 (for first time). 2. India - 2021. FIFA (Football) World Cup venue: - RQ 1. 2018. Russia 2. 2022: Qatar Commonwealth Games venues: 1. 2014 Glasgow (Scotland). 2. 2018 Gold Coast (Australia). Olympics Games venues: 1. 2014 winter: Sochi (Russia) Russia tops in the medal tally in 2014 winter Olympic games. 2. 2016 Summer: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 3. 2018 winter: Pyeongchang (South Korea) 4. 2020 summer: Tokyo (Japan) Asian Games host cities: 1. 2014: Incheon (South Korea) (Note: 2010 Asain Games held in Guangzhou, China). 2. 2019: Hanoi (Vietnam) Venues for the upcoming Tournaments Hockey World Cup 2018 Venue: 1. Mens Hockey World Cup India 2. Womens Hockey World Cup - England ICC World Cup Cricket Venue: ODI: (One day International): 1. Australia and New Zealand: 2015. 2. England - 2019 3. India - 2023 T20 World Cup: 1. Bangladesh -2014. Sri Lanka defeat India to win the maiden title. 2. India -2016. 3. Australia - 2020. 37 bankersadda sscadda UN Headquarters International Organizations Headquarters UNO (UN Org) UNICEF UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development) WHO (World Health Org) ILO (International Labour Org) WMO (World Meteorological Org) World Intellectual Property Org International Standards Org. IMF (International Monetary Fund) World Bank UNESCO (UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Org) OECD (Org. for Economic Cooperation and Dev.) UNIDO (UN Industrial Dev. Org) IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Amnesty International Commonwealth of Nations IM(International Maritime Organization) ICJ (International Court of Justice) FAO(Food and Agricultural Organization) NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Transparency International SAARC(South Asian Association for Regional Coop.) ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Forum) New York New York Geneva careerpower. in Geneva Geneva Geneva Geneva Geneva Washington DC Washington DC Paris Paris Vienna Vienna Vienna London London London The Hague Rome Brussels Berlin Kathmandu Jakarta Singapore careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Organization of Islamic Cooperation Jeddah Revolutions in the field of agriculture in India: Black Revolution - Petroleum Production Blue Revolution - Fish Production Brown Revolution - Leathernon conventional (India)Cocoa production Golden Fiber Revolution - Jute Production Golden Revolution - FruitsOverall Horticulture developmentHoney Production Green Revolution - Food grains Grey Revolution - Fertilizer Pink Revolution - Onion productionPharmaceutical (India) Prawn production Red Revolution - Meat and Tomato Production Round Revolution - Potato Silver Fiber Revolution - Cotton Silver Revolution - EggPoultry Production White Revolution (In India: Operation Flood) - MilkDairy production Yellow Revolution - Oil Seeds production Evergreen Revolution - Overall development of Agriculture. Least Populous State - Sikkim Most Literate State - Kerala (93.9) Least Literate State - Bihar (63.82) National Sex Ratio - Female. Male (940. 1000) Highest Sex Ratio (State) - Kerala (1084. 1000) Lowest Sex Ratio (State) - Haryana Highest Sex Ratio (UT) - Puducherry Least Sex Ratio (UT) - Damn and Dayyu (61. 1000) Literacy of Male - 82.14 Literacy of Female - 65.46 Population Growth Rate - 17.64 Highest fertility Rate - Meghalaya Most literate UT - Lakshadweep (92.2) Least literate UT - Dadra Nagar and Haweli Most Literate District - Serechhip (Mizoram) Least Literate District - Dadra Naga and Haveli Highest Density of Population - Bihar (1102 sq. km) Lowest Density of Population - Arunachal Pradesh (17) Total number of districts - 640 Highest Populous District - Thane (Mumbai) 100 Literacy District - Palakkad (Kerala) 100 Banking State - Kerala 100 Banking District - Palakkad (Kerala) Density of Population in India - 382 sq. km Increase in population (during 2001-2011) - 181 million CENSUS 1) The population of the country as per the provisional figures of Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which 623.7 million GRAND PRIX WINNERS 2016 (51.54) are males and 586.46 million (48.46) are females. 1. AUSTRALIAN GP: Nico Rosberg The major highlights of the Census 2011 (Provisional figures) 2. BAHRAIN GP: Nico Rosberg are as under: The population of India has increased by more than 181 3. CHINESE GP: Nico Rosberg 4. RUSSIAN GP: Nico Rosberg million during the decade 2001-2011. 2) age growth in 2001-2011 is 17.64 males 17.19 and females 5. SPANISH GP: Max Verstappen 6. MONACO GP: Lewis Hamilton 18.12. 2001-2011 is the first decade (with the exception of 19111921---GREAT DEPRESSION) which has actually added lesser population compared to the previous decade. 3) Uttar Pradesh (199.5 million) is the most populous State in the country followed by Maharashtra with 112 million. Some of the highlights Slogan - Our census, Our Future Indias 1st Census - 1872 2011 Census is - 15th Census Total Population - 1,21,01,93,422 Indias Rank in population - 2nd with 17.5 (1st China with 19) Most Populous State - Uttar Pradesh THE MOST IMPORTANT 50 POINTS ON THE UNION BUDGET 2016-17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The total expenditure in the General Budget for 2016-17 has been projected at Rs.19.78 lakh cr. consisting of Rs.5.50 lakh cr. under Plan and Rs.14.28 lakh cr. under Non-Plan. 100 Cr. each allocated for celebrating Birth Centenary of Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyay and 350th Birth Anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh The fiscal deficit in RE 2015-16 and BE 2016-17 have been retained at 3.9 and 3.5 of GDP respectively. Revenue Deficit target has been improved upon from 2.8 to 2.5 of GDP in RE 2015-16. The Govt. will double the income of the farmers by 2022. Total allocation for Agriculture and farmers Welfare is Rs. 35,984 cr. 38 bankersadda 7. 8. 9. sscadda Allocation under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana has been increased to Rs. 19,000 cr. and it will connect remaining 65,000 eligible habitations by 2019. The target for agricultural credit in 2016-17 will be an all-time high of Rs. 9 lakh cr. To reduce the burden of loan repayment on farmers, a provision of Rs. 15,000 cr. has been made in the BE 2016-17 towards interest subvention. The Finance Minister informed that for effective implementation of PM Fasal Bima Yojana, Rs. 5,500 cr. have been provided in the Budget 2016-17. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 10. Set the target for Soil Health Card Scheme coverage to 14 cr. farm holdings by March, 2017. This will help farmers to make judicious use of fertilizer. 11. Parmparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana for bringing 5 lakh acres of rain fed areas under organic farming. 12. Price Stabilisation Fund has been provided with a corpus of Rs.900 cr. to support market interventions. 13. 28.5 lakh hectares will be brought under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana. 14. The Finance Minister announced creation of a dedicated Long Term Irrigation Fund in NABARD with an initial corpus of about Rs. 20,000 cr. 15. 62 new Navodaya Vidyalayas will be opened in the remaining uncovered districts over the next two years. 16. To set up a Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) with initial capital base of Rs. 1,000 cr. 17. To incentivize creation of new jobs in the formal sector, GOI will pay the Employee Pension Scheme contribution of 8.33 for all new employees enrolling in EPFO for the first three years of their employment. The Scheme will be applicable to those with salary up to Rs.15,000 per month and a budget provision of Rs.1000 cr. has been made for this. 18. The surcharge increased from 12 to 15 on persons having income above Rs. 1 cr. 19. Proposed to collect tax at source at the rate of 1 on purchase of luxury cars exceeding value of Rs. 10 lakh and purchase of goods and services in cash exceeding Rs. 2 lakh. 20. Proposed Krishi Kalyan Cess 0.5 on all taxable services. It will come into effect from 1st June, 2016. 21. Proposed infrastructure cess of 1 on small petrol, LPG, CNG cars, 2.5 on diesel cars of certain capacity and 4 on other higher engine capacity vehicles and SUVs. 22. Clean Energy Cess levied on coal, lignite and peat was proposed to be renamed as Clean Environment Cess. Its rate was increased from Rs. 200 per tonne to Rs. 400 per tonne. 23. Increase the excise duties on various tobacco products other than beedi by about 10 to 15. 24. Scheme to declare undisclosed income by paying 45 tax in a given compliance window. This will include paying tax at 30 and surcharge at 7.5 and penalty at 7.5, which is a total of 45 of the undisclosed income. The surcharge levied at 7.5 of undisclosed income will be called Krishi Kalyan surcharge which will be used for agriculture and rural economy. Govt of India plan to open the window under this Income Disclosure Scheme from 1st June to 30th September, 2016. 25. Dispute Resolution Scheme A taxpayer who has an appeal pending as of today before the Commissioner (Appeals) can settle his case by paying the disputed tax and interest up to the date of assessment. No penalty in respect of Income-tax cases with disputed tax up to Rs. 10 lakh will be levied. Cases with disputed tax exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs will be subjected to only 25 of the minimum of the imposable penalty for both direct and indirect taxes. Any pending appeal against a penalty order can also be settled by paying 25 of the minimum of the imposable penalty. 39 bankersadda 26. Proposed to increase the limit of deduction of rent paid Us.80 GG from Rs. 24,000 per annum to Rs.60,000 to provide relief to those who live in rented houses. 27. Raise the ceiling of tax rebate Us. 87A from Rs.2000 to Rs.5000. 28. Corporate Tax on the new manufacturing companies incorporated on or after 1st March 2016 will be given an option to be taxed at 25 Surcharge and Cess. 29. To lower the Corporate Tax rate for the next financial year for companies with turnover not exceeding Rs.5 cr. (in the financial year ending March 15), to 29 Surcharge and Cess. 30. Create closer engagement bw states and districts through Ek Bharat, Shresth Bharat. 31. New health protection scheme to provide health cover up to Rs. One lakh per family for economically weak families. For senior citizens of age 60 and above, an additional top-up package up to Rs. 30,000 will be provided. 32. National Dialysis Services Programme will be started to provide dialysis services in all district hospitals. 33. Stand Up India Scheme to promote entrepreneurship among SCST and women. Rs.500 Cr. has been provided for this purpose. 34. Rs. 2.87 lakh cr. will be given as Grant in Aid to Gram Panchayats and Municipalities. It will translate to an average assistance of over Rs. 80 lakh per Gram Panchayat and over Rs. 21 cr. per Urban Local Body. 35. Allocation of Rs. 38,500 cr. for MGNREGS. 36. 100 village electrification by 1st May, 2018. 37. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, Rs. 9,000 cr. has been provided. 38. To develop governance capabilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions on the Sustainable Development Goals, a new scheme namely Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, for which Rs. 655 cr. is being set apart. 39. For rural development as a whole, Rs. 87,765 cr. have been allocated. 40. A massive mission to provide LPG connection in the name of women members of poor households for which Rs. 2000 cr. have been earmarked. This will benefit about 1 cr. 50 lakh households below the poverty line in 2016-17. 41. To spread digital literacy in Rural India, 2 new Schemes approved viz. National Digital Literacy Mission and Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA). 42. Together with the capital expenditure of the Railways, the total outlay on roads and railways will be Rs. 2,18,000 cr. He said 10,000 kms. of National Highways are expected to be approved in 2016-17. 43. Deduction for additional interests of Rs.50,000 per annum for loans up to Rs.35 lakh sanctioned in 2016-17 for first time home buyers, where house costs does not exceed Rs.50 lakh. 44. SARFAESI Act is to be amended to strengthen Asset Reconstruction Companies. This will help in dealing with stressed assets of Banks. 45. Target of amount sanctioned under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana is proposed to increase to Rs 1,80,000 cr. 46. General Insurance Companies will be listed in stock exchanges. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 47. RBI Act 1934 is being amended to provide statutory basis for a Monetary Policy Framework and a Monetary Policy Committee through the Finance Bill 2016. 48. Allocation of Rs. 25,000 cr. towards recapitalisation of PSBs 49. Considering reduction of Govt. equity in IDBI Bank to 49 of below 50. He said 100 FDI will be allowed through FIPB route in marketing of food products produced and manufactured in India. Statistics and Programme Implementation, External Affaris, Overseas Indian Affaris Planning, Defence AAYUSH, Health and Family Welfare Petroleum and Natural Gas Youth Affairs and Sports Environment, Forest and Climate Change Power, Coal, New and Renewable Energy Development of North Eastern Region, PMs Office, Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Space Whos who Cabinet Ministers Portfolio Home Affairs External Affairs, Overseas Indian Affairs Finance, Corporate Affairs, Information and Broadcasting Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Parliamentary Affairs Road Transport and Highways, Shipping Defence Railways Law and Justice Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Minority Affairs Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Women and Child Development Chemicals and Fertilizers Communications and Information Technology Health and Family Welfare Civil Aviation Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises Food Processing Industries Mines, Steel Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation Tribal Affairs Agriculture Social Justice and Empowerment Human Resource Development Science and Technology, Earth Sciences Minister Rajnath Singh Sushma Swaraj Arun Jaitley M. Venkaiah Naidu Nitin Jairam Gadkari Manohar Parrikar Suresh Prabhu DV Sadananda Gowda Uma Bharati Dr. Najma A. Heptullah Ramvilas Paswan Kalraj Mishra Important National Officials Designation Chairperson, CBDT Chairperson, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes Chairperson, UGC Chairman, ISRO Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission Chairperson, TRAI Chairperson, National Highways Authority of India Director, National Cadet Corps Chairperson, Central Board of Secondary Education Chairperson, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Chairperson, Press Council of India Director General, BSF Maneka Sanjay Gandhi Ananthkumar Ravi Shankar Prasad Director General, SSB Director General, CRPF Director General, ITBP Solicitor General Attorney General Chairperson, National Green Tribunal Director, NCERT President, ASSOCHAM Chairman, Indian Banks Association President, NASSCOM Chairman, Press Trust of India Jagat Prakash Nadda Ashok Gajapathi Raju Anant Geete Harsimrat Kaur Badal Narendra Singh Tomar Chaudhary. Birender Singh Jual Oram Radha Mohan Singh Thaawar Chand Gehlot Smriti Zubin Irani Dr. Harsh Vardhan bankersadda Inderjit Singh Rao Shripad Yesso Naik Dharmendra Pradhan Sarbananda Sonowal Prakash Javadekar Piyush Goyal Dr. Jitendra Singh Name Atulesh Jindal Rameshwar Oraon Ved Prakash AS Kiran Kumar Shekhar Basu Ram Sevak Sharma Raghav Chandra A. Chakravarty YSK Seshukumar TS Vijayan CK Prasad Devendra Kumar Pathak Archana Ramasundaram Prakash Mishra Krishna Chaudhary Ranjit Kumar Mukul Rohtagi Justice Swatantra Kumar Hrushikesh Senapaty Sunil Kanoria TM Bhasin R. Chandrashekhar Hormusji N. Cama Bureaucrats Ministers of State (Independent Charge) Portfolio Minister 40 General VK Singh sscadda Designation National Security Advisor Chairman, Railway Board Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Chief, Intelligence Bureau (IB) Chief, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) careerpower. in Name Ajit Kumar Doval AK Mittal Anil Kumar Sinha Dineshwar Sharma Rajendra Khanna careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Director General, NIA Important Dignitaries Post Chief Justice, Supreme Court Speaker, Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha Comptroller and Auditor General of India Chief Election Commissioner Chairman, Union Public Service Commission Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha Sharad Kumar MD, International Monetary Fund President, World Bank Vice-President, World Bank Director-General, World Trade Organisation President, UN General Assembly Director-General, World Health Organisation President, International Court of Justice President, ADB President, International Olympic Committee Administrator, NASA President, UN Human Rights Council Director-General, International Atomic Energy Agency Secretary-General, NATO Secretary-General, ASEAN Secretary-General, SAARC Name Tirath Singh Thakur Sumitra Mahajan M. Thambidurai Shashikant Sharma Naseem Zaidi Deepak Gupta PJ Kurien Directors of MaharatnaNavaratna Companies Maharatna ChairmanMD Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited BP Rao Coal India Limited S. Bhattacharya Gas Authority of India Limited BC Tripathi Indian Oil Corporation Limited B. Ashok Oil and Natural Gas Corporation DK Sarraf Steel Authority of India Limited PK Singh National Thermal Power Gurdeep Singh Corporation Important International Officials Designation Secretary-General, UN Organisation Secretary-General, Commonwealth President, FIFA President, International Cricket Council Chairman, International Cricket Council President, International Paralymic Committee Name Ban Ki-moon Christine Lagarde Jim Yong Kim Hiroshi Naka Roberto Azevedo Mogens Lykketoft Margaret Chan Peter Tomka Takehiko Nakao Thomas Bach Charles F. Boldon Remigiusz Henczel Yukiya Amano Jens Stoltenberg Lee Luang Minh Arjun Bahadur Thapa Patricia Scotland Gianni Infantino Zaheer Abbas Shashank Manohar Philip Craven FINANCIAL BANKING AWARENESS RBI i. RBI established on April 1, 1935 under RBI Act 1934 (recommendations of John Hilton Young Commission 1926 called Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance), is the central bank of the country and was nationalised w. e.f Jan 01,1949. Ii. Originally it was a shareholders bank which was taken over by the Central Govt. under Reserve Bank (Transfer of Public Ownership) Act 1948 (paid up capital Rs. 5 cr). Iii. RBIs central office is in Mumbai. Functions of RBI: Issuance of currency: RBI is the authority in India to issue currency notes (called bank notes) under signatures of Governor. (One rupee note called currency note is issued by the Central Govt. and signed by Finance Secretary). The stock of currency is distributed with the help of currency chests spread all over the country. Banker to Govt. RBI transacts govt. business and manages public debt. SBI or any other bank is appointed Agent where RBI does not have office. It provides Ways and Means advances to Govt. Bankers bank: It keeps a part of deposits of commercial banks (as CRR) and acts as lender of last resort by providing financial assistance to banks. It provides export credit refinance, Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility. Controller of Banks: An entity which is to conduct banking business in India has to obtain license from RBI. It acts as controller of banks by including the banks in 2nd Schedule of the 41 bankersadda Act. It issues directions, carries inspection (on-site as well as offsite) and exercises management control. Controller of credit: RBI can fix interest rates (including Bank Rate) and exercise selective credit controls. Various tools such as change in cash reserve ratio, stipulation of margin on securities, directed credit guidelines etc. are used for this purpose. It also carries sale and purchase of securities which are known as open market operations. Maintenance of external value: RBI is responsible also for maintaining external value of Indian currency as well as the internal value. Foreign exchange reserves are held by RBI and it has a wide power to regulate foreign exchange transactions under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). BANKING REGULATION ACT 1949 a) Passed as the Banking Companies Act 1949 (came into force wef 16.3.49 and changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949 w. e.f. 01.03.66, it was made applicable to J and K in 1956 (and now applicable throughout India). b) The Act is not applicable to primary agricultural credit societies, cooperative land mortgage banks and non-agricultural primary credit societies. SCHEDULED BANK a) As per Sec 2 (e) of RBI Act, a scheduled bank means a bank whose name is included in the 2nd schedule of RBI Act 1934. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 b) A scheduled bank should satisfy the conditions which include paid-up capital and reserves requirement of not less than Rs. 5 lac, satisfaction of RBI that the affairs will not be conducted by the bank in a way to jeopardize the interests of the depositor. (Commercial, Rural and many State Coop Banks are classified as Scheduled Banks). c) A bank that is not included in the 2nd Schedule of RBI is called Non-scheduled Bank. Total No. of Banks d) Total PSBs: 27 e) Total Private Sector Banks: 26 f) RRBs: 56 g) Foreign Banks: 46 h) Cooperative Banks: 43 IMPORTANT POINTS ON RBI RBI is not expected to perform the function of accepting deposits from the general public. RBI has its headquarters at Mumbai. Prime lending rate is decided by the individual banks. RBI decides the following rates namely Bank rate, repo rate, reverse repo rate and cash reserve ratio. The quantitative instruments of RBI are bank rate policy, cash reserve ratio and statutory liquidity ratio. The objective of monetary policy of RBI is to control inflation discourage hoarding of commodities and encourage flow of credit into neglected sector. When RBI is lender of the last resort, it means that RBI advances credit against eligible securities. Govt of India decides the quantity of coins to be minted. The method which is used currently in India to issue currency note minimum reserve system. For issuing notes, RBI is required to hold the minimum reserves of Rs. 200 cr. of which note less than Rs. 115 cr. is to be held in gold. POLICY RATES Current Reserve Ratios and Policy Rates as on 3rd June 2016 Bank Rate 7.00 Repo Rate 6.50 Reverse Repo Rate 6.00 CRR 4 SLR 21.25 MSF 7.00 Repo Rate Repo rate is the rate of interest which is levied on Short-Term loans taken by commercial banks from RBI. Whenever the banks have any shortage of funds they can borrow it from RBI. Reverse Repo Rate This is exact opposite of Repo rate. Reverse repo rate is the rate at which commercial banks charge on their surplus funds with RBI. RBI uses this tool when it feels there is too much money floating in the banking system. SLR Rate SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio) is the amount a commercial bank needs to maintain in the form of cash, or gold or Govt. approved securities (Bonds) before providing credit to its customers. 42 bankersadda It is determined as theage of total Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL). BANK RATE It is defined in Sec 49 of RBI Act 1934 as the standard rate at which RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount bills of exchange or other commercial papers eligible for purchase under this act. CASH RESERVE RATIO CRR refers to the ratio of banks cash reserve balances with RBI with reference to the banks net demand and time liabilities to ensure the liquidity and solvency of the scheduled banks. ACCOUNTS IN A BANK Savings Bank Account Current Deposit Account Fixed Deposit Account Recurring Deposit Account. ein. Savings Bank Account The rate of interest on savings bank account varies from bank to bank and also changes from time to time. Interest rate is paid to the account holders on daily balance basis. B. Current Deposit Account This account is mainly for big businessmen, companies and institutions, since there are no restrictions on number of withdrawals from this type of account. From this account withdrawal can be made any number of times. For the convenience of the account holders banks also allow withdrawal of amounts in excess of the balance of deposit. This facility is known as overdraft facility. C. Fixed Deposit Account (also known as Term Deposit Account) Money is deposited in a fixed deposit account to earn interest at a higher rate. D. Recurring Deposit Account The rate of interest allowed on the deposits in this account is higher than that on a savings bank deposit but lower than the rate allowed on a fixed deposit for the same period. Important points to remember a) Minimum age to open a bank account is now 10 years. b) Maximum Interest rate is given on FD Ac. c) The maximum period of an FD is 10 years and for RD is 10 years. INTEREST RATE ON BANK ACOUNTS A) Some points related to Interest Rates on Bank Accounts 1) Interest on Savings Ac is calculated on daily balance basis. 2) Now, All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs) have the discretion to offer differential interest rates based on whether the term deposits are with or without-prematurewithdrawal-facility, subject to the following guidelines: All term deposits of individuals (held singly or jointly) of Rs.15 lakh and below should, necessarily, have premature withdrawal facility. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 For all term deposits other than (i) above, banks can offer deposits without the option of premature withdrawal as well. Banks should disclose in advance the schedule of interest rates payable on deposits i. e. all deposits mobilized by banks should be strictly in conformity with the published schedule. B) Taxation of Savings Bank Interest rates: Unlike interest on fixed deposits, interest earned on savings bank accounts is not subject to Tax Deduction at Source. However, this does not mean the interest earned on Savings accounts is completely tax free. It is exempt upto Rs. 10,000 in a year, and if the interest you earn from Savings accounts crosses this threshold, it becomes subject to tax. Time liabilities. FDs, cash certificate, cumulative and RDs, time liabilities portion of saving bank deposits, staff security deposits, margins against LC not payable on demand, deposit held as securities for advances and India Dev Bonds. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT 1881 In India the Negotiable Instruments Act was passed during 1881 which came into force wef March 01, 1882. C) Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004: The salient features of the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004 are given below: Tenure of the deposit account Rate of interest Investment to be in multiples of Maximum investment limit Minimum eligible age for investment Premature closurewithdrawal facility Modes of holding 5 years, can be extended by 3 years. 9.3 per annum Rs. 1000Rs. 15 lakh Inoperative and Dormant Accounts RBI clarified on 30.10.09 that SB account can be treated as inoperative account only after 2 years from the date of the last credit entry of interest on Fixed Deposit account, where FD interest is being credited to SB account or where dividend on shares is being credited). TERMS RELATING TO DEPOSITS Unclaimed Deposits: The banks are to furnish to RBI a statutory annual return (penalty for delay) for unclaimed accounts which have not been operated for a period of 10 years or more in December every year us 26 of RBI Act. Escheat: If a person dies without leaving any legal heirs, his estate will revert to the State Govt. Demand deposits: mean a deposit received by the bank which is withdrawlable on demand. Time deposits means a deposit received by the bank for a fixed period and which is withdrawlable only after the expiry of the said fixed period and shall also include deposits such as recurring, cumulative, annuity, reinvestment deposits and cash certificate and so on. 43 1. 2. 60 years (55 years for those who 3. have retired on superannuation or 4. under a voluntary or special voluntary scheme). Permitted after one year of opening the account but with penalty. Accounts can be held both in single and joint holding modes. Joint holding is allowed only with spouse. bankersadda Demand liabilities. Current deposits, Demand liabilities portion of saving deposits, margins held against LCLG, Balances in overdue FD, cash certificate and RD, Outstanding TTs, MTs and DDs, Unclaimed deposits, Credit balance in CC ac and Deposits held as security for loan payable on demand. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS NI means and include promissory note, bill of exchange and cheque payable to order or bearer. As per Indian Currency Act (Sec 21), a Currency Note is not a Negotiable Instrument. Categories of Negotiable Instruments As per the NI Act: Promissory note (including certificate of deposit and commercial paper) Bill of Exchange Cheque Demand Draft. What is negotiability Negotiability means transfer of right in a negotiable instrument to another person so as to constitute him the holder. Parties to a Bill Of Exchange: Drawer: The person who orders to pay (say seller of goods) Drawee: Who is directed to pay (say a buyer of goods). He is the debtor. Acceptor: The drawee becomes acceptor on acceptance of BOE for payment. Payee: Who is authorized to obtain the payment. CHEQUE A cheque is (a) a bill of exchange (b) drawn on a specified bank and (c) not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. It includes electronic image of a truncated cheque and also an electronic cheque. AMOUNT OF A CHEQUE Where amount of a cheque differs in words and figures, as per Section 18, amount written in words should be paid irrespective of the fact, which amount is less or more. Legal amount and courtesy amount The amount in words is called the legal amount and the amount in figures is called the courtesy amount as per CTS 2010 guidelines of RBI. Types of Cheque 1. Bearer Cheque or open Cheque When the words quotor bearerquot appearing on the face of the cheque are not cancelled, the cheque is called a bearer cheque. The bearer cheque is payable to the person specified therein or to any other else who presents it to the bank for payment. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 2. Order Cheque When the word quotbearerquot appearing on the face of a cheque is cancelled and when in its place the word quotor orderquot is written on the face of the cheque, the cheque is called an order cheque. Such a cheque is payable to the person specified therein as the payee, or to any one else to whom it is endorsed (transferred). 3. Crossed Cheque Crossing of cheque means drawing two parallel lines on the face of the cheque with or without additional words like quotand CO. quot or quotAccount Payeequot or quotNot Negotiablequot. A crossed cheque cannot be encashed at the cash counter of a bank but it can only be credited1. to the payees account. 4. Ante-Dated Cheque If a cheque bears a date earlier than the date on which it is presented to the bank, it is called as quotante-dated chequequot. Such a cheque is valid upto 3 months from the date of the cheque. 5. Post-Dated Cheque If a cheque bears a date which is yet to come (future date) then it is known as post-dated cheque. A post dated cheque cannot be honoured earlier than the date on the cheque. 6. Stale Cheque If a cheque is presented for payment after 3 months from the date of the cheque it is called stale cheque. A stale cheque is not honoured by the bank. 7. A self cheque A self cheque is written by the account holder as pay self to receive the money in the physical form from the branch where he holds his account. 8. A truncated cheque means a cheque which is truncated during the course of a clearing cycle, either by the clearing house or by the bank whether paying or receiving payment, immediately on generation of an electronic image for transmission, substituting the further physical movement of the cheque in writing. The expression clearing house means the clearing house managed by RBI or a clearing house recognised as such by the Reserve Bank of India. Parties of a Cheque: There are three parties to the cheque Drawer or Maker The bank - on whom the cheque is drawn (i. e. the bank with whom the account is maintained by the drawer) Payee Payee is the person whose name is mentioned on the cheque to whom or to whose order the money is directed to be paid. person, the endorsement is said to be in full. Blank endorsements can be converted into full. Restrictive endorsement Where an endorsement prohibits and restricts further negotiability of the instrument, it is called restricted endorsement. The words Pay to Ashish only or Pay to Ashish for my use or Pay to Ashish for account of B, are the cases of restrictive endorsement. Crossing Crossing of a cheque means two parallel transverse lines on the face with or without words, such as and Co, not-negotiable, payees account only etc. The words without lines will not constitute crossing. Such instruments should not be paid as drawers mandate is not clear. Crossing is applicable in case of cheques and demand draft only and does not cover bill of exchange or promissory note. TYPES OF CROSSING General crossing (sec 123) General crossing is where a cheque bears across its face two parallel transverse lines (with or without words such as and co or any abbreviation. (Words not important, lines are). Special crossing (sec 124) Where a cheque bears across its face, name of bank, either with or without the words not-negotiable (lines are not important, the addition of name of the bank is important), that addition shall be deemed as special crossing and the cheque shall be considered to be crossed specially to that banker. Special Crossing in favour more than one bank: As per Section 127, if a cheque is crossed specially to more than one bank (unless one bank is acting as collecting agent to another), the payment shall be refused. A cheque crossed to two or more branches of the same bank is considered to be crossed to one bank only. Not negotiable crossing As per Section 130, a person taking a cheque crossed generally or specially bearing the words not negotiable shall not have not be capable of giving a better title to the cheque than that, which ther p erson from whom he took it, had. If Ramesh obtains a cheque without consideration, his title is defective. When he endorses this cheque, the endorsee shall not be able to get a better title, even if he paid the value. ENDORSEMENT As per Section 15, endorsing means signing on the face or backside of an instrument (or even on a paper called Allonge or stamped paper), for the purpose of negotiating (transferring to next person) a negotiable instrument. MATERIAL ALTERATION Material alteration is an alteration of an NI which brings basic change in the operationcharacteristic of the instrument (i. e. dilutes mandate of drawer) and liabilities of the parties thereto, whether the change be beneficial or detrimental. Material alterations Alteration would be taken as material when it relates to (a) change in date, sum payable time of payment place of payment rate of interest (b) addition of new party (c) tearing material part of the NI (d) conversion of an order cheque to bearer or cancellation of crossing. Endorsement in full If an endorser signs his name and adds a direction to pay the amount mentioned in the instrument to, or to order of, a specified Demand Drafts Demand draft is defined as per Section 85 (a) of NI Act 1881 as an order to pay money drawn by one office of a bank upon 44 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 another office of the same bank for a sum of money payable to order on demand. Important features of a demand draft are: It is payable to order on demand (85-A NI Act). It cannot be issued as payable to bearer (Sec. 31 RBI Act). If a bank fails to honour a bank draft, it renders itself liable for damages. Similarly omission of signatures or wrong signatures can also make the bank liable. By prior arrangement, the paying bank could be a different bank also. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) BANKING OMBUDSMAN SCHEME 2006 The Banking Ombudsman Scheme enables a bank customer for filing of complaints relating to certain services rendered by banks. The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by RBI to redress customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services. All Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks are covered under the Scheme. The Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for filing and resolving customers complaints. The maximum compensation which a BO can help a complainant to get is Rs. 10 lakhs. If a complaint is not settled by an agreement within a period of one month, the Banking Ombudsman proceeds further to pass an award. Before passing an award, the Banking Ombudsman provides reasonable opportunity to the complainant and the bank, to present their case. If one is not satisfied with the decision passed by the Banking Ombudsman, one can approach the appellate authority who is the Deputy Governor of the RBI. FINANCIAL INCLUSION Financial inclusion involves 1) Give formal banking services to poor people in urban and rural areas. 2) Promote habit of money-savings, insurance, pension-investment among poor-people. 3) Help them get loans at reasonable rates from normal banks. So they dont become victims in the hands of local moneylender. Some Important initiatives for Financial Inclusion Lead banking scheme (LBS). No frills account. BSBDA Business Correspondents (BC) system. Swabhiman Campaign PMJDY Lead Bank Scheme The Lead Bank Scheme, introduced towards the end of 1969, envisages assignment of lead roles to individual banks (both in public sector and private sector) for the districts allotted to them. A bank having a relatively large network of branches in the rural areas of a given district and endowed with adequate financial and manpower resources has generally been entrusted with the lead responsibility for that district. 45 bankersadda Accordingly, all the districts in the country have been allotted to various banks. The lead bank acts as a leader for coordinating the efforts of all credit institutions in the allotted districts. No Frill Account No Frills account is a basic banking account. Such account requires either nil minimum balance or very low minimum balance. Charges applicable to such accounts are low. The RBI in 2005-06 called upon Indian banks to design a no frills account a no precondition, low minimum balance maintenance account with simplified KYC (Know Your Customer) norms. But all the existing No-frills accounts opened were converted into BSBDA in compliance with the guidelines issued by RBI in 2012. BSBDA In 2012, RBI introduced BSBDA. Some important points are: This account shall not have the requirement of any minimum balance. The services available in the account will include: deposit and withdrawal of cash at bank branch as well as ATMs receiptcredit of money through electronic payment channels or by means of depositcollection of cheques drawn by CentralState Govt. agencies and departments While there will be no limit on the number of deposits that can be made in a month, account holders will be allowed a maximum of four withdrawals in a month, including ATM withdrawals. Facility of ATM card or ATM-cum-Debit Card. Business Correspondent Business correspondents are bank representatives. They personally go to the area allotted to them and carry out banking. They help villagers to open bank accounts, in banking transactions etc. Business Correspondents get commission from bank for every new account opened, every transaction made via them, every loan-application processed etc. Recently on Financial Inclusion RBI has constituted a committee with the objective of working out a medium-term (five-year) measurable action plan for financial inclusion. The terms of reference will include reviewing the existing policy of financial inclusion, including supportive payment system and customer protection framework, taking into account the recommendations made by various committees set up earlier. Lending Base Rate On recommendations Working Group (Chairman: Deepak Mohanty) RBI decided that banks should switch over to Base Rate system w. e.f. 1.7.2010. ich. Base Rate includes all elements of the lending rates. Banks could use any methodology, to fix the base rate which is consistent and is made available for supervisory reviewscrutiny. Ii. Banks may determine their actual lending rates w. r.t. Base Rate. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 iii. No loan can be sanctioned below base rate. Exempted accounts: The following loans could be priced without reference to Base Rate: (a) DRI loans (b) loans to banks own employees (c) loans to banks depositors against their own deposits. Iv. Changes in the Base Rate shall be applicable to all existing loans linked to the Base Rate. Marginal Cost Based Lending Rate RBI introduced MCLR w. e.f. 1.4.2016 to determine Base Rate by banks to improve the efficiency of monetary policy transmission. ich. All rupee loans sanctioned and credit limits renewed w. e.f. 01.04.16 to be priced w. r.t. MCLR. It will be internal benchmark. Ii. The MCLR comprises of (a) Marginal cost of funds (b) Negative carry on account of CRR (c) operating costs (d) Tenor premium. Iii. Marginal Cost of funds (MCF): It has 2 components (a) Marginal cost of borrowings (b) return on networth. By using MCF, it will be calculated as: Required CRR (marginal cost) (1-CRR) d) Exemptions from MCLR i. loans under schemes of Govt. of India wherein banks have to charge interest rate as per the scheme. Ii. Working Capital Term Loan, Funded Interest Term Loan etc. as part of rectificationrestructuring package. Iii. Loans under various refinance schemes of Govt. of India or any Govt. Undertaking wherein banks charge interest at the rates prescribed under the schemes. Iv. The following loans can be priced without being linked to MCLR. (a) Loan to depositors against their own deposits. (b) Loan to banks employees and Chief Executive OfficerWhole Time Directors. (c) Loans linked to a market determined external benchmark. (d) Fixed rate loans. In case of hybrid loans where the interest rates are partly fixed and partly floating, interest rate on the floating portion should adhere to the MCLR guidelines. HANDY NOTES BANKING: PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING Micro Enterprises Does not exceed ten lakh Rs. Highlights of PSL Small Enterprises More than ten lakh Rs. but does not It means provide credit to the needy sectors of the society. The exceed two cr. Rs. sectors are: Medium Enterprises More than two cr. Rs. but does not Agriculture Micro and Small Enterprises exceed five cr. Rs. Education Housing Export Weaker Sections Other Targets under PSL Social Infrastructure Renewable Energy Farmers with landholding of up to 1 hectare are considered Targets under PSL as Marginal Farmers. Farmers with a landholding of more Agriculture: 18 of ANBC(Adjusted Net Bank Credit). Out of this than 1 hectare and upto 2 hectares are considered as Small 18, a target of 8 of ANBC is for Small and Marginal Farmers, Farmers. to be achieved in a phased manner i. e. 7 by March 2016 and Scheduled Commercial Banks having any shortfall in lending 8 by March 2017. to priority sector shall be allocated amounts for contribution Weaker Sections: 10 of ANBC. to the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) Micro Enterprises: 7.5 of ANBC has been prescribed for Micro established with NABARD. Enterprises, to be achieved in a phased manner i. e. 7 by March For Renewable Energy, bank loans up to a limit of Rs.15 cr. 2016 and 7.5 by March 2017. to borrowers for purposes like solar based power Overall PSL Target for Domestic BankForeign Bank with more generators, etc. For individual households, the loan limit will than 20 Branches: 40 of Adjusted Net Bank Credit. be Rs.10 lakh per borrower. Overall PSL Target for Foreign Bank with less than 20 For Housing, banks can provide loans to individuals up to Rs. Branches: 40 of Adjusted Net Bank Credit to be achieved in a 28 lakh in metropolitan centres (with population of ten lakh phased manner and above) and loans up to Rs. 20 lakh in other centres for 2015-16 32 purchaseconstruction of a dwelling unit per family. 2016-17 34 Export credit will be allowed up to 32 of ANBC for Foreign banks with less than 20 branches in India. 2017-18 36 For Education, banks can provide loans to individuals for 2018-19 38 educational purposes including vocational courses upto Rs. 2019-20 40 10 lakh for studies in India and Rs. 20 lakh for studies Categorization of MSME according to MSME ACT 2006 abroad. Manufacturing Sector (Goods) Limits under Social infrastructure Bank loans up to a limit Enterprises Investment in plant and machinery of 5 cr. per borrower for building social infrastructure for Micro Does not exceed twenty five lakh Rs. activities namely schools, health care facilities, drinking Enterprises water facilities and sanitation facilities in Tier II to Tier VI Small More than twenty five lakh Rs. but does not centres. Enterprises exceed five cr. Rs. Monitoring of Priority Sector Lending targets Medium More than five cr. Rs. but does not exceed To ensure continuous flow of credit to priority sector, there will Enterprises ten cr. Rs. be more frequent monitoring of priority sector lending compliance of banks on quarterly basis instead of annual basis Service Sector as of now. Enterprises Investment in equipment RBI revises priority sector lending norms for RRBs 46 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Seeing the growing significance of RRBs in pursuit of financial inclusion agenda, it has been decided to revise the priority sector guidelines for RRBs. Some of the salient features of the guidelines are as following:i. Targets: 75 of total outstanding to the sectors eligible for classification as priority sector lending. Ii. Categories of the Priority Sector: Medium Enterprises, Social Infrastructure and Renewable Energy will form part of the Priority Sector, in addition to the existing categories, with a cap of 15 of total outstanding. Iii. Agriculture: 18 of total outstanding should be advanced to activities mentioned under Agriculture. Iv. Small and Marginal Farmers: A target of 8 of total outstanding has been prescribed for Small and Marginal Farmers within Agriculture. v. Micro Enterprises: A target of 7.5 of total outstanding has been prescribed for Micro Enterprises. Vi Weaker Sectors: A target of 15 of total outstanding has been prescribed for Weaker Sections. vii. Monitoring: Priority Sector Lending will be monitored on a quarterly as well as annual basis. The revised guidelines will be operational with effect from January 1, 2016. REVERSE MORTGAGE LOAN The scheme of reverse mortgage has been introduced for the benefit of senior citizens owning a house but having inadequate income to meet their needs. Some important features of reverse mortgage are: a) A homeowner who is above 60 years of age is eligible for reverse mortgage loan. It allows him to turn the equity in his home into one lump sum or periodic payments mutually agreed by the borrower and the banker. b) NO REPAYMENT is required as long as the borrower lives, Borrower should pay all taxes relating to the house and maintain the property as his primary residence. c) The amount of loan is based on several factors: Borrowers age, Value of the property Current interest rates and The specific plan chosen. As per the scheme formulated by National Housing Bank (NHB), the maximum period of the loan period is 15 years. The residual life of the property should be atleast 20 years. Where the borrower lives longer than 15 years, periodic payments will not be made by lender. However, the borrower can continue to occupy. MONEY MARKET It is a market for short-term debt securities, such as commercial paper, repos, negotiable certificates of deposit, and Treasury Bills with a maturity of one year or less. CAPITAL MARKET IN INDIA It is the market for long term funds. It refers to all the facilities and institutional arrangements for borrowing and lending medium and long term funds. Money Market VS Capital Market Money Market Capital Market 47 bankersadda Market for short term financial assets Maturity period less than one year Deals over the counter No. of players limited Regulated by RBI Market for long term financial assets Maturity period beyond one year Deals at stock exchange No. of players unlimited Regulated by SEBI Major money market Instruments Certificate of Deposit (CD) Commercial Paper (CP) Inter Bank Participation Certificates Inter Bank term Money Treasury Bills Bill Rediscounting CallNotice Money Terms relating to Money Market Call Money Money lent or borrowed for one day Notice Money Money lent or borrowed for a period of 2-14 days. Term Money Money lent or borrowed for 15 days to 1 year. Yield to Expected rate of return on an existing maturity security purchased for the market. Coupon Rate Specified interest rate on a fixed maturity security fixed at the time of issue. CALLNOTICE MONEY MARKET OPERATIONS Under call money market, funds are transacted on overnight basis and under notice money market, for 2 days to 14 days. Participants include banks (excluding RRBs) and Primary Dealers (PDs), both as borrowers and lenders. Non-bank institutions are not permitted in the callnotice money market with effect from August 6, 2005. Calculation of interest payable is based on FIMMDAs (Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India) HANDbook of Market Practices. INSTRUMENT OF GOVT. BORROWING To meet the temporary receipt and expenditure mismatch, govt. obtains over draft from RBI under Ways and Means Advances. For short term liquidity, it issues cash management bills, treasury bills of 91 days, 182 days and 364 days maturity. For long term funds, it uses dated securities in the form of bondslong term loans. TREASURY BILLS These are the instruments (in the form of promissory notes) of short term borrowing by the Central govt. first issued in India in 1917. Investors. Treasury bills can be purchased by any one (including individuals) except State govt. Denomination: Minimum amount of face value Rs. 1 lac and in multiples thereof. There is no specific amountlimit on the extent to which these can be issue or purchased. Maturity: 91 days, 182 days and 364 days. Rate of interest: Treasury bills are zero coupon securities. They are issued at a discount and redeemed at face value at maturity. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 The return to the investors is the difference between the maturity value or the face value (that is Rs. 100) and the issue price. 1. 2. Cash Management Bills (CMB) CMB introduced on 11.08.11, is a short term security to be sold by Govt. of India to raise temporary money for cash management needs. The tenure is less than 91 days but the notified amount and date of issue depends upon the temporary cash requirement of the Govt. It is issued at discount to the face value through auctions, as in the case of the Treasury Bills. DATED SECURITIES These are long term securities and carry a fixed or floating coupon (interest rate) paid on the face value, payable at fixed time periods (half-yearly). The tenor of dated securities can be up to 40 years. Public Debt Office of RBI acts as the registrydepository of Govt. securities and deals with the issue, interest payment and repayment of principal at maturity. WAYS and MEANS ADVANCES (WMAs) WMAs were introduced as per an agreement between RBI and Govt. WMAs are temporary overdrafts by RBI to govt. (Central and State) under Section 17(5) of RBI Act. WMSs replaced the earlier ad hoc T-Bills system. Objective WMAs bridge the time interval of mismatch between govt. expenditure and receipts. These are not a source of finance. Duration. 10 consecutive working days for Central Govt. and 14 days for State Govt. Other Money Market Instruments CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT This scheme was introduced in July 1989, to enable the banking system to mobilize bulk deposits from the market, which they can attract at competitive rates of interest. Who can issue Scheduled commercial banks (except RRBs) and All India Financial Institutions within their Umbrella limit. CRRSLR Applicable on the issue price in case of banks Investors Individuals (other than minor), corporations, companies, trusts, funds, associations etc. Maturity Min: 7 days Max. 12 Months (in case of FIs minimum 1 year and maximum 3 years). Amount Min: Rs. 1 lac, beyond which in multiple of Rs. 1 lac 1. Int. Rate Market related. Fixed or floating Loan Against collateral of CD not permitted Nature Usance Promissory note. Can be issued 2. in Dematerialisation form only wef June 30, 2002 48 bankersadda COMMERCIAL PAPER i. CP introduced during 1990, is a short term money market instrument issued as an unsecured usance promissory note and privately placed. Ii. Who can issue Commercial paper (CP): Companies, primary dealers (PDs) and all-India financial institutions (FIs). Iii. A company is eligible to issue CP if: (a) Its tangible net worth, as per latest audited balance sheet, is not less than Rs. 4 cr. (b) Sanctioned working capital limit by banks or all-India financial institutions (c) The borrower accounts are classified as a Standard Asset by financing banks institutions and (d) Minimum credit rating from SEBI approved credit rating agency (CRA) is A3. Rating should not be due for review. Iv. Maturity. Min 7 days and max upto one year v. Amount: Min Rs. 5 lakh or multiples thereof. MERCHANT BANKING Merchant banking Stands for providing various services relation to capital market and financing the corporate sector. The Merchant Bankers provide consultancy to the corporate sector on the issues like finance, capital structure and investment, mergers, takeover and amalgamations, establishing coordination between the Govt. and the corporate sector. CAPITAL MARKETS IN INDIA a) It refers to all the facilities and institutional arrangements for borrowing and lending medium and long term funds. b) It is segregated into (i) gilt edged market and (ii) the industrial securities market. c) The gilt edged market refers to the market for govt. and semi-govt. securities which are traded in the market in stable value and are sought after by banks and other institutions. d) The industrial securities market refers to the market for shares and debentures of old as well as new companies. This market is further divided as primary market and secondary market. The primary market refers to the setup which helps the industry to raise funds by issuing different types of securities, which are issued directly to the investors, both individual and institutions. The secondary market refers to the network for subsequent sale and purchase of securities, after these are issued. Inflation Indexed bonds (IIB) Inflation Index Bonds aim at providing protection against inflation. RBI launched IIBs as part of the overall govt. borrowing program. Features of first series of IIBs Institutional Investors: Include Pension Funds, Insurance, Mutual Funds etc. Other features: IIBs have a fixed real coupon rate and a nominal principal value that is adjusted against inflation. IIBs provide inflation protection to principal and coupon payment. At maturity, adjusted principal or face value, whichever is higher principal of face value, whichever is higher, will be paid. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in 3. 4. 5. GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Final Wholesale Price Inflation (WPI) is used for providing inflation protection. Maturity. 10 years. The retail investor can invest from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 2 cr. Masala-bonds Masala Bonds are the bonds issued for rupee-denominated borrowings by Indian entities in overseas markets. INDIAN DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (IDRs) IDR is an instrument in the form of a Depository Receipt created by the Indian depository in India against the underlying equity shares of the issuing company. In an IDR, foreign companies would issue shares, to an Indian companies would issue shares, to an Indian Depository which would in turn issue depository receipts to investors in India. MUTUAL FUND TERMS Asset Management Company: A company formed and registered under the Companies Act 1956 and approved as such by the SEBI to manage the funds of a mutual fund. Under an agreement (with the trustees of the Mutual Fund), an AMC undertakes to formulated mutual funds schemes, distribute income as per agreement. Close-ended scheme: A scheme where funds are raised for a fixed period. The scheme is wound up after that period and funds are returned with capital appreciation to unit holders. Normally, a close-ended scheme is listed on a stock exchange. Net asset value: The price of value of one share of a fund. It is calculated by summing the quoted values of all the securities held by the fund, adding in cash and any accrued income and subtracting liabilities and dividing the result by the number of shares outstanding. Fund companies compute the NAV once a day based on closing market prices. Open ended scheme: A scheme is the one which continuously offers its units and buys them back from investors. 1. 2. 3. DICGC (Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India) Which banks are insured by the DICGC Commercial Banks: All commercial banks including branches of foreign banks functioning in India, local area banks and regional rural banks are insured by the DICGC. What does the DICGC insure In the event of a bank failure, DICGC protects bank deposits that are payable in India. The DICGC insures all deposits such as savings, fixed, current, recurring, etc. except the following types of deposits. (i) Deposits of foreign Govt. s (ii) Deposits of CentralState Govt. s (iii) Inter-bank deposits (iv) Deposits of the State LAND Development Banks with the State co-operative bank (v) Any amount due on account of any deposit received outside India (vi) Any amount, which has been specifically exempted by the corporation with the previous approval of RBI. What is the maximum deposit amount insured by the DICGC 49 bankersadda Each depositor in a bank is insured upto a maximum of Rs.1,00,000 (Rs. One Lakh) for both principal and interest amount held by him in the same capacity. 4. Does the DICGC insure just the principal on an account or both principal and accrued interest The DICGC insures principal and interest upto a maximum amount of Rs. One lakh. Chairman: R Gandhi HQ: Mumbai NPA-Non-Performing Asset and SARFAESI It means once the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days, the loan is considered to be a non-performing asset. SARFAESI Act and Rules SARFAESI Act (The Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002) was enacted to regulate securitization and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest created in respect of Financial Assets to enable realization of such assets. The SARFAESI Act provides for the manner for enforcement of security interests by a secured creditor without the intervention of a court or tribunal. If any borrower fails to discharge his liability in repayment of any secured debt within 60 days of notice from the date of notice by the secured creditor, the secured creditor is conferred with powers under the SARFAESI Act to a) Takes possession of the secured assets of the borrower, including transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale, for realizing the secured assets b) Takeover of the management of the business of the borrower including the right to transferby way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the secured assets, c) Appoint any person to manage the secured assets possession of which is taken by thesecured creditor, and d) Require any person, who has acquired any of the secured assets from the borrower andfrom whom money is due to the borrower, to pay the secured creditor so much of the money as if sufficient to pay the secured debt. The assets portfolio of the banks is required to be classified as (1) standard assets (2) sub-standard assets(3) doubtful assets and (4) loss assets. Standard asset is one that does not disclose any problems and which does not carry more than normal risk attached to the business. An asset which has been classified as NPA for a period not exceeding 12 months is considered as sub-standard asset. Doubtful asset is one which has remained NPA for a period exceeding 12 months. An asset which is considered uncollectible and loss has been identified by the bank or internal or external auditors or the RBI inspection and the loss has not been written off is regarded as loss asset. sscadda DEBT RECOVERY TRIBUNALS DRTs are set-up under the provisions of Recovery of Debts to Banks and Financial Institutions Act 1993 (amended during Jan 2000). The Act is applicable throughout India, except J and K. The Act came into effect wef June 25, 1993. DRT jurisdiction covers loans of banks and Fls with outstanding or Rs. 10 lac or more (Central Govt. can reduce careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 the amount to Rs. 1 lac). As per Section 18, other than DRT no court has jurisdiction over such loans. Where one bank has already filed suit, other bank can join it. It is headed by one Presiding Officer (appointed by the Central Govt. for 5 years max age 62 years). Ans. Automated Teller Machine is a computerized machine that provides the customers of banks the facility of accessing their account for dispensing cash and to carry out other financial and non-financial transactions without the need to actually visit their bank branch. HYPOTHECATION As per SARFAESI Act, hypothecation has been defined as a charge in or upon any movable property, existing or future, created by a borrower in favour of a secured creditor without delivery of possession of the movable property to such creditor, as security for financial assistance and includes floating charge and crystallization of such charge into fixed on movable property. Q.2 What is White Label ATMs (WLAs) Ans. ATMs set up, owned and operated by non-banks are called White Label ATMs. Non-bank ATM operators are authorized under Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 by RBI. PLEDGE In pledge, the legal rights are different from hypothecation as the possession of the securities remains with the bank while the ownership remains with the borrower. Delivery of goods pledged by the pledger to the pledgee is essential for creating a pledge, which may be actual or constructive. HYPOTHECATIONPLEDGE-DISTINCTION Definition Nature of securities Possession Hypothecation Charge on movable property in favour of secured creditor without delivery of possession Movable assets such as stocks, machinery, vehicles Borrower (in trust for bank). Bank cannot take possession without consent of the borrower. On taking possession bank gets rights of pledge and can sell the assets without intervention. Pledge Bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of promise Goods Possession with bank till repayment of the loan. Bank has to preserve the goods carefully and return the same, if loan is repaid. ASSIGNMENT Assignment is transfer of an actionable claim (such as life insurance policy), which may be existing or future, as a security for loan. The transferor of such claim is called the assignor and the transferee is called the assignee. MORTGAGE As per section 58 of Transfer of Property Act 1882, mortgage is transfer of interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan, an existing or future debt or the performance of an engagement which may give rise to pecuniary liability. ATM Q.1 What is an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) 50 bankersadda Q.3. Is there any time limit for the card issuing banks for recrediting the customers account for a failed ATMWLA transaction Ans. As per the RBI instructions, banks have been mandated to resolve customer complaints by re-crediting the customers account within 7 working days from the date of complaint. F.4. Are the customers eligible for compensation for delays beyond 7 working days Ans. Ja. Effective from July 1, 2011, banks have to pay compensation of Rs. 100- per day for delays in re-crediting the amount beyond 7 working days from the date of receipt of complaint for failed ATM transactions. The compensation has to be credited to the account of the customer without any claim being made by the customer. If the complaint is not lodged within 30 days of transaction, the customer is not entitled for any compensation for delay in resolving his her complaint. Q.5 What is the course of action for the customer if the complaint is not addressed by hisher bank within the stipulated time not addressed to his satisfaction Ans. The customer can take recourse to the Banking Ombudsman, if the grievance is not redressed by the hisher card issuing bank. CURRENCY IN INDIA Money as a means of payment consists of coins, paper money and withdrawable bank deposits. Legal tender: As per provisions of coinage Act 1996, bank notes, currency notes and coins (Rs. 1 and above) are legal tender for unlimited amount. The subsidiary coins (below Re 1) are legal tenders for sum not exceeding Re 1. Issue of 1, 2 and 3 paise coins discontinued wef Sep 16, 1981. What do you know by currency chest Currency chests are operated by RBI so that they can provide good quality currency notes to the public. However, RBI has appointed commercial banks to open and monitor currency chests on behalf of RBI. The cash kept in currency chests is considered to be kept in RBI. What is a small coin depot The bank branches are also authorised to establish Small Coin Depots to stock small coins. The Small Coin Depots also distribute small coins to other bank branches in their area of operation. What are soiled, mutilated and imperfect banknotes quotSoiled notequot means a note which, has become dirty due to usage and also includes a two piece note pasted together sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 wherein both the pieces presented belong to the same note, and form the entire note. Mutilated banknote is a banknote, of which a portion is missing or which is composed of more than two pieces. Imperfect banknote means any banknote, which is wholly or partially, obliterated, shrunk, washed, altered or indecipherable but does not include a mutilated banknote. Pre-2005 series Banknotes The banknotes issued before 2005 MG series are called pre-2005 series banknotes, which do not have the year of printing on the reverse side. On Jan 23, 2014, RBI decided to withdraw, from circulation, these notes as they have fewer security features. 1. These notes shall continue to be legal tender. The notes are only being withdrawn from circulation. 2. These notes can be exchanged at select bank branch till 30.06.16. RBIS CLEAN NOTE POLICY RBI has announced Clean Note Policy and pumping fresh notes into circulation, the RBI introduced various changes in the system and procedures related to currency management which include mechanization of the currency verification and processing as also shredding and briquetting for destruction of soiled and mutilated notes. RBI Issued a public interest directive (us 35A B R Act) to all banks instructing them: Note to staple bank notes, To Tender soiled notes to the Reserve Bank in unstapled condition, To use banks instead of staple pins, 1. To issue only clean notes to members of pulic, To open select currency chest branches on Sundays to provide2. exchange facility to members of public all over the country. To provide unrestricted facility for exchange of soiled and mutilated notes to members of public. Banks should sort notes into re-issuables and non-issuables, and issue only clean notes to public. Soiled notes in unstapled condition may be tendered at RBI in inward remittances through Currency Chests and, Banks should stop writing of any king on watermark window of bank notes. NATIONALISATION OF BANKS Nationalisation of Imperial Bank of India and its conversion into State Bank of India in July 1955. Conversion of 8 major State-associated banks into subsidiary banks of SBI in 1959. Nationalisation of 14 Indian scheduled banks in July 1969. Nationalisation of 6 more banks in April 1980 and Indian bank merged into Punjab National Bank. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES Item 1 Total Reserves 1.1 Foreign Currency Assets 1.2 Gold 1.3 SDRs 51 bankersadda 20th As on Bn. Rs. 1 24,177.9 22,580.2 1,333.2 101.0 May 2016 US Mn. 2 3,60,905.4 3,36,938.9 20,043.0 1,498.4 1.4 Reserve Position in the IMF 163.5 2,425.1 What actually is FOREX Indias foreign exchange reserves comprise foreign currency assets, gold and special drawing rights allocated to it by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in addition to the reserves it has parked with the fund. Foreign exchange reserves are held and managed by the RBI. The Foreign currency assets are investment mainly in instruments abroad which have the highest credit rating and which do not pose any credit risk. These include sovereign bonds, treasury bills and short-term deposits in top-rated global banks besides cash accounts. TRANSFER SYSTEM IN BANKING SECTOR REAL TIME GROSS SETTLEMENT (RTGS) RTGS implemented w. e.f. 26.03.2004 (revised on 19.10.13), is a centralized payment system operated by RBI. In RTGS inter-bank payment instructions are processed and settled, on gross basis in a real time environment. It uses Indian Financial Network (INFINET) and SFMS platforms. RTGS is regulated by RTGS System Regulations, 2013. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) RBI operationalised NEFT System in Nov 2005. It facilitates transfer of funds from any bank branch to any other bank branch. Amount: There is no lowerupper value limit. Bank account: NEFT is an account to account transfer system. The remitter and beneficiary should have a bank account. Processing ChargesService Charges Banks cannot levy any charges for inward NEFT, For outward NEFT: Up to Rs. 10000 Rs. 2.50, above Rs. 10000 to Rs. 1 lac Rs. 5. Above Rs. 1 lac to Rs. 2 lac Max Rs. 15 and above Rs. 2 lac Max Rs. 25 (w. e.f. 13.07.2012). AADHAAR ENABLED PAYMENT SYSTEM AEPS is a payment service offered by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to banks using Aadhaar number and online UIDAI authentication through their respective Business correspondent service centre. CENTRALIZED FUNDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (CFMS) CFMS was operated and maintained by RBI to enable operations on current accounts maintained at various offices of the RBI, through standard message formats in a secure manner. NEPAL REMITTANCE SCHEME It is a cross-border one-way remittance facility scheme, for remittance from India to Nepal. Amount. Up to Indian Rs. 50,000 from NEFT branches. Beneficiary will receive funds in Nepalese Rs. National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) It was incorporated in Dec 2008 as a Sec 25 company under Companies Act. Authorized capital is Rs. 300 cr and paid up capital Rs. 100 cr. It functions as a hub in all electronic retail payment systems. Rupay is a domestic card scheme of NPCI. Rupay is the coinage of two terms rupee and payment. Rupay debit card was launched in March 2012. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 ELECTRONIC CLEARING SERVICES ECS is a mode of electronic funds transfer from one bank account to another bank account using services of a Clearing House for bulk transfers. ELECTRONIC BENEFIT TRANSFER (EBT) EBT is a product offered under Financial Inclusion (as per RBI committee headed by Dr. RB Burman), which facilitates payments to reach the intended beneficiaries of govt. sponsored schemes, through bank accounts. CORE BANKING SOLUTIONS Core Banking Solutions (CBS) or Centralised Banking Solutions is the process which is completed in a centralized environment i. e. under which the information related to the customers account (i. e. financial dealings, profession, income, etc.) is stored in the Central Server of the bank (that is available to all networked branches) instead of the branch server. Accounts for Foreign (CurrencyPerson) in India a) NRO Ac (Foreign Tourist) 1) Foreign tourists during their short visit to India can open a Non-Resident (Ordinary) Rupee (NRO) account (Current Savings) with any Authorised Dealer bank dealing in foreign exchange. Such account can be opened up to a maximum period of 6 months. 2) Tourists can freely make local payments through the NRO account. All payments to residents exceeding INR 50,000 can be made only by means of cheques pay orders demand drafts. b) EEFC Ac 1) Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account (EEFC) is an account maintained in foreign currency with an Authorised Dealer i. e. a bank dealing in foreign exchange. 2) It is a facility provided to the foreign exchange earners, including exporters, to credit 100 of their foreign exchange earnings to the account, so that the account holders do not have to convert foreign exchange into Rs. and vice versa, thereby minimizing the transaction costs. 3) All categories of foreign exchange earners, such as individuals, companies, etc. who are resident in India, may open EEFC accounts. 4) An EEFC account can be held only in the form of a current account. No interest is payable on EEFC accounts. ACCOUNTS FOR NRIPIO 1. Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee Account (NRO Account) NRO accounts may be opened maintained in the form of current, savings, recurring or fixed deposit accounts. Interest rates offered by banks on NRO deposits cannot be higher than those offered by them on comparable domestic rupee deposits. Account should be denominated in Indian Rs. NRIPIO may remit from the balances held in NRO account an amount not exceeding USD one million per financial year, subject to payment of applicable taxes. The limit of USD 1 million per financial year includes sale proceeds of immovable properties held by NRIsPIOs. 2. Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account (NRE Account) 52 bankersadda NRE account may be in the form of savings, current, recurring or fixed deposit accounts. Account will be maintained in Indian Rs. Accrued interest income and balances held in NRE accounts are exempt from Income tax. Authorised dealersauthorised banks may at their discretion allow for a period of not more than two weeks, overdrawings in NRE savings bank accounts, up to a limit of Rs.50,000. Loans up to Rs.100 lakh can be extended against security of funds held in NRE Account either to the depositors or third parties. 3. Foreign Currency Non Resident (Bank) Account FCNR (B) Account FCNR (B) accounts are only in the form of term deposits of 1 to 5 years Account can be in any freely convertible currency. Loans up to Rs.100 lakh can be extended against security of funds held in FCNR (B) deposit either to the depositors or third parties. The interest rates are stipulated by the Department of Banking Operations and Development, RBI. How Ranting done to Banks in India RATING OF BANKS RBIs 1995 working group headed by Sh. S. Padmanabhan suggested method for rating. Rating criteria: RBI rates the banks on a 5 point scale of A to E, widely on the lines of international CAMELS rating model for domestic banks and CALCS model for foreign banks. CAMELS Rating for Domestic Banks C Capital adequacy ratio A Asset quality M Management Effectiveness E Earning (i. e. profitability) L Liquidity (asset-liability management) S System and controls Rating parameters for foreign banks C Capital adequacy ratio A Asset quality L Liquidity C Compliance S System and controls BASEL-3 NORMS a) The Basel Committee is the primary global standard-setter for the prudential regulation of banks and provides a forum for cooperation on banking supervisory matters. Its mandate is to strengthen the regulation, supervision and practices of banks worldwide with the purpose of enhancing financial stability. Stefan Ingves, Governor of Sveriges Riksbank (SWEDEN), is the Chairman of the Basel Committee. b) Basel III or Basel 3 released in December, 2010 is the third in the series of Basel Accords. These accords deal with risk management aspects for the banking sector. c) According to Basel Committee on Banking Supervision quotBasel III is a comprehensive set of reform measures, developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, to strengthen sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 the regulation, supervision and risk management of the banking sectorquot. d) Basel 3 measures aim to: Improve the banking sectors ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, whatever the source Improve risk management and governance Strengthen banks transparency and disclosures. A company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and desirous of commencing business of non-banking financial institution as defined under Section 45 I(a) of the RBI Act, 1934 should comply with the following: a) It should be a company registered under Section 3 of the companies Act, 1954 b) It should have a minimum net owned fund of Rs 200 lakh. Three Pillars of Basel 3 Pillar 1: Minimum Regulatory Capital Requirements based on Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs): Maintaining capital calculated through credit, market and operational risk areas (mainly that capital which can absorb risk.) Pillar 2: Supervisory Review Process: Regulating tools and frameworks for dealing with peripheral risks that bank face. Pillar 3: Market Discipline: Increasing the disclosures that banks must provide to increase the transparency of banks Deposits in NBFC: a) Presently, the maximum rate of interest an NBFC can offer is 12.5. The interest may be paid or compounded at rests not shorter than monthly rests. b) The NBFCs are allowed to acceptrenew public deposits for a minimum period of 12 months and maximum period of 60 months. They cannot accept deposits repayable on demand. c) The deposits with NBFCs are not insured. d) The repayment of deposits by NBFCs is not guaranteed by RBI. Important Facts related to BASEL 3 Minimum Ratio of Total Capital To RWAs--10.50 Minimum Ratio of Common Equity to RWAs--4.50 to 7.00 Tier I capital to RWAs--6.00 Core Tier I capital to RWAs--5.00 Capital Conservation Buffers to RWAs--2.50 Leverage Ratio--3.00 Countercyclical Buffer--0 to 2.50 NBFC A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of sharesstocksbondsdebenturessecurities issued by Govt. or local authority or other marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit fund business. Difference between BANK and NBFC: NBFCs lend and make investments and hence their activities are akin to that of banks however there are a few differences as given below: i. NBFC cannot accept demand deposits ii. NBFCs do not form part of the payment and settlement system and cannot issue cheques drawn on itself iii. Deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation is not available to depositors of NBFCs, unlike in case of banks. Different typescategories of NBFCs registered with RBI: Asset Finance Company(AFC) Investment Company (IC) Loan Company (LC) Infrastructure Finance Company (IFC) Infrastructure Debt Fund Non-Banking Financial Company - Micro Finance Institution (NBFC-MFI Non-Banking Financial Company Factors (NBFC-Factors) Register with RBI: 53 bankersadda Brief about RNBC a) Residuary Non-Banking Company is a class of NBFC which is a company and has as its principal business the receiving of deposits, under any scheme or arrangement or in any other manner and not being Investment, Asset Financing, Loan Company. b) A RNBC can accept deposits for a minimum period of 12 months and maximum period of 84 months from the date of receipt of such deposit. They cannot accept deposits repayable on demand. TYPES OF MONEY Commodity Money - Commodity money value is derived from the commodity out of which it is made. The commodity itself represents money, and the money is the commodity. Representative Money - is money that includes token coins, or any other physical tokens like certificates, that can be reliably exchanged for a fixed amountquantity of a commodity like gold or silver. Fiat Money - Fiat money, also known as fiat currency is the money whose value is not derived from any intrinsic value or any guarantee that it can be converted into valuable commodity (like gold). Instead, it derives value only based On Govt. order (fiat) Commercial Bank Money - Commercial bank money or the demand deposits are claims against financial institutions which can be used for purchasing goods and services. Reserve Money (M 0) Currency in circulation Bankers deposits with the RBI Other deposits with the RBI Net RBI credit to the Govt. RBI credit to the commercial sector RBIs claims on banks RBIs net is foreign assets Govemments currency liabilities to the public RBIs net non-monetary liabilities. M1Currency with the public Demand deposits with the banking system Other deposits with the RBI M2M1 Savings deposits of ofce savings banks. M3M1 Time deposits with the banking system Net bank credit to the Govt. Bank credit to the Commercial sector Net foreign assets of the banking sector Goveinments currency liabilities to the public - Net non-monetary liabilities of the banking sector. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 M4M3 All deposits with post office savings banks (excluding National Savings Certificates) Note: Bhartiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited (BRBNMPL) The Reserve Bank established BRBNMPL in February 1995 as a wholly-owned subsidiary to augment the production of bank notes in India and to enable bridging of the gap between supply and demand for bank notes in the country. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. BANKING ABBREVIATIONS PSBs: Public Sector Banks SNBCs: Schedule Non Commercial Banks SENSEX: Sensitive Index Of Stock Exchange GNP: Gross National Product KYC: Know Your Customer RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement NEFT: National Electronic Money Transfer EFT: Electronic Fund Transfer CBS: Core Banking Solutions LIBOR: London Interbank Offered Rate MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate MIBID: Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate SARFAESI: Securitisation and Reconstruction Of Financial Assets and Enforcement Of Security Interest CAR: Capital Adequecy Ratio FIIs: Foreign Institutional Investments FDI: Foreign Direct Investment IPO: Initial Public Offering MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition BIRD: Bankers Institute Of Rural Development IBA: Indian Bank Association BPLR: Benchmark Prime Lending Rate ICICI: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Of India HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation SWOT: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SWIFT: Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulatory Act FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act CASA: Current and Saving Account NDTL: Net Demand and Time Liabilities NASDAQ: National Association For Securities Dealers Automated Quotations CRISIL: Credit Rating and Investment Services India Limited CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau Of India Limited NAV: Net Asset Value ICRA: Indian Credit Rating Agency CARE: Credit Analysis and Research Limited WMAs: Ways and Means Advances ALM: Asset Liability Management INFINET Indian Financial Network OLTAS - On-line Tax Accounting System (OLTAS) for Direct Taxes TIN - Tax Information Network (TIN) IMPS - Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS) or Immediate Payment Service CDR - Corporate Debt Restructuring CAD - Capital Account Deficit REITs: Real Estate Investment Trusts InvITs: Infrastructure Investment Trusts ALM - Asset Liability Management 54 bankersadda 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount PIN: Personal Identification Number CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs CECA - Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement CEPA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreemeny DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement ECBs - External Commercial Borrowings EFSF European Financial Stability Facility FINO - Financial Inclusion Network Operation FIPB Foreign Investment Promotion board FSLRC Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission CRAR: Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio LCR: Liquidity Coverage Ratio TARC - Tax Administration Reform Commission GIRO - Govt. Internal Revenue Order FRBMA: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act AMFI - Association of Mutual Fund in India. TIEA Tax Information exchange Agreement GAAR - General anti avoidance rule GSLV - Geo-Synchronous Launch Vehicle 67. PPP Public Private Partnership and Purchasing Power parity 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. PSLV Polar Satellite Launch vehicle TAPI - Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India. QFI - Qualified Foreign Investors AD-Authorized Dealer. ASSOCHAM-Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. BCSBI-Banking Codes and Standards Board of India. BIS-Bank for International Settlements. CDS-Credit Default Swap. CEPA-Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management. FIMMDA-Fixed Income Money MARKETS and Derivatives Association. FPI-Foreign Portfolio Investment. IBRD-International Bank For Reconstruction and Development. 80. UIDAI-Unique Identification Development Authority of India. sscadda MUTUAL FUNDS: Mutual funds are investment avenues that pool the money of several investors to invest in financial instruments such as stocks, debentures etc. The profit earned on the investments is distributed among the investors on the basis of the units held by each of them. Due to a large pool of investors, the individual risk is spread. So individually you take on low risk. The mutual funds in India are governed by Association of Mutual Funds in India, the umbrella body for mutual funds, which is in turn governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India. A diagrammatic representation to underStand the Cycle: careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 IMPORTANT BANKING TERMS Moral Suasion:-Moral Suasion is just as a request by the RBI to the commercial banks to take so and so action and measures in so and so trend of the economy. RBI may request commercial banks not to give loans for unproductive purpose which does not add to economic growth but increases inflation. Bouncing of a cheque: Where an account does not have sufficient balance to honour the cheque issued by the customer, the cheque is returned by the bank with the reason quotfunds insufficientquot or quotExceeds arrangementquot. This is known as Bouncing of a cheque. Demat Account: The term quotdematquot, in India, refers to a dematerialised account for individual Indian citizens to trade in listed stocks or debentures. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR):- Capital adequacy ratio measures the amount of a banks capital expressed as aage of its credit exposure. Globally, the capital adequacy ratio has been developed to ensure banks can absorb a reasonable level of losses before becoming insolvent. Indian banks are expected to maintain a minimum capital adequacy ratio of 9 (Rs 9 as capital for every Rs 100 in loan or asset) IMPORTANT BANKING CONCEPTS Balance of Trade - The value of a countrys exports minus the value of its imports. Unless specified as the balance of merchandise trade, it normally incorporates trade in services, including earnings (interest, dividends, etc.) on financial assets. Balance of Payments - A list of all of a countrys international transactions for a given time period, usually one year. Payments into the country (receipts) are entered as positive numbers, called credits Payments out of the country (payments) are entered as negative numbers called debits. A single numbers summarize all of a countrys international transactions: the balance of payments surplus. NOSTRO Account - A Nostro account is maintained by an Indian Bank in the foreign countries. VOSTRO Account - A Vostro account is maintained by a foreign bank in India with their corresponding bank. LIBOR: London InterBank Offered Rate. An interest rate at which banks can borrow funds, in marketable size, from other banks in the London interbank market. STRIPS: Separate Trading for Registered Interest and Principal Securities. CASA: CASA Stands for Current Account Savings Account. The CASA ratio shows how much deposit a bank has in the form of current and saving account deposits in the total deposit. A higher CASA ratio means better operating efficiency of the bank Note: The CORE word in CBS Stands for Centralized Online Realtime Exchange. Inflation: The rise in the prices of goods or service in an economy over a certain period of time is known as inflation. 55 bankersadda Types of Inflation: Wage inflation Price power inflation Cost-push inflation Sectorial inflation Stagflation Mild inflation Hyper-inflation Effects of Inflation: Ans. Following are the effect of inflation: It decreases the real value of money It discourage investment and savings It leads to shortage of goods Mitigate economic recessions Reduces the level of debt IMPORTANT CODES USED IN BANKING 1 IFSC (Indian Financial System Code): Indian Financial System Code is an alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-branch participating in the NEFT system. This is an 11 digit code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank, The 5th character is 0 (zero).and the last 6 characters representing the bank branch. For ex: PNBN0014976. ich. First 4 character PNBN refers to Punjab National Bank. Ii. 0 is a control number. Iii. last six characters (014976) represents the PNB branch kurshi Road, Lucknow. 2 MICR Magnetic ink character Recognition :MICR is 9 digit numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank branch participating in electronic clearing scheme. Used to identify the location of a bank branch. City (3) Bank (3) Branch (3) The MICR code is allotted to a bank branch is printed on the MICR band of cheques. MICR used for electronic credit system. 3 SWIFT Code. Society for Worldwide Interbank financial tele-communication India was 74th Nation to join SWIFT Network. SWIFT Code is a standard format of bank Identifier code. This code is used particularly in International transfer of money between banks. A majority of FOREX related message are sent to correspondent banks abroad through SWIFT. SWIFT Code consist 8 or 11 character when code is 8 digit, It is referred to primary office 4 bank code 2 country code 2 location code 3 branch code (optional) sscadda Headquarters of NATIONALIZED BANKS Allahabad Bank-Kolkata Bank of India - Mumbai Bank of Maharashtra - Pune Canara Bank - Bangalore careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 fx Bank :- Fluent in finance. South Indian Bank :- Experience Next Generation Banking Union Bank of India tagline :- Good People to Bank with. The Economic Times :- Knowledge is Power Deutsche Bank - A passion to perform Vijaya Bank tagline:- A Friend You can Bank Upon. J and K Bank tagline:- Serving to Empower. Karur Vysya Bank :- Smart way to Bank. Punjab and Sindh Bank Slogan :- Where series is a way of life Scotia Bank :- Youre richer than you think. Syndicate Bank tagline :- Your Faithful and Friendly Financial Partner Lakshmi Vilas Bank :- The Changing Face of Prosperity. Induslnd Bank tagline - We Care. Dil Se We Make You Feel Richer. Central Bank of India - Mumbai Corporation Bank - Mangalore Dena Bank - Mumbai Indian Bank - Chennai Indian Overseas Bank - Chennai Oriental Bank of Commerce - New Delhi Punjab National Bank - New Delhi Punjab and Sind Bank - New Delhi State Bank of India - Mumbai Syndicate Bank - Manipal UCO - Bank Kolkata Union Bank of India - Mumbai United Bank of India - Kolkata Vijaya Bank - Bangalore Andhra Bank - Hyderabad Bank of Baroda - Vadodra BANKS TAGLINES State Bank of India (Group) tagline :- Pure banking nothing else With you all the way The Nation banks on us: A Bank to the common man A banker to every Indian. IDBI Bank tagline :- Banking for All Aao Sochein Bada. Bank of Baroda Slogan : Indias international bank. United Bank of India :- The Bank that begins with U. Punjab National Bank tagline :- A Name you can Bank Upon Allahabad Bank tagline :- A tradition of trust. Yes Bank tagline:- Experience our expertise. Axis Bank tagline :-Badhti ka nam zindagi. Citi Bank tagline :- Lets get it done. Standard Chartered Bank Slogan - Your Right Partner. Andhra Bank tagline :- Where India Banks Bank of India Slogan :- Relationships beyond banking. Bank of Maharashtra :- One family one bank. Canara Bank Slogan :- Together We Can Its easy to change for those who you love Central Bank of India Slogan :- Build A Better Life Around Us Central to you since 1911. Corporation Bank tagline:- Prosperity for All. Dena Bank tagline :- Trusted Family Bank. Andhra Bank tagline:- Much more to do With You in focus. Allahabad Bank tagline :- A tradition of trust DBS Bank tagline :- Living, Breathing Asia American Express Bank Slogan :- Do more Indian Bank tagline :- Your tech friendly bank. HSBC Bank tagline - The Worlds local bank. HDFC Bank tagline:- We UnderStand Your World. Indian Bank tagline :- Taking Banking Technology to Common Man Your Tech-friendly bank. Royal Bank of Scotland :- Make it happen. JPMorgan Chase Bank slogan :- The right relationship is everything Indian Overseas Bank tagline :- Good people to grow with. ICICI Bank tagline :- Khayaal Apka Hum hai na. Federal Bank tagline :- Your Perfect Banking Partner. Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) :- Where every individual is committed. Syndicate Bank tagline :- Your faithful and friendly financial partner UCO Bank tagline :- Honours Your Trust. Bhartiya Mahila Bank tagline :- Empowering Women. BNP Paribas tagline :- The bank for a changing world. 56 bankersadda sscadda SBI Associate Banks Taglines, Slogans, Punchlines. State Bank of Mysore tagline :- Working for a better tomorrow. State Bank of Patiala :- Blending Modernity with Tradition. State Bank of Travancore :- A Long Tradition of Trust. State Bank of Hyderabad :- You can always bank on us. Private Banks Taglines: Dhanalakshmi Bank :- Tann. Mann. Dhan. Centurion Bank of Punjab :- To rejoice working, join us City Union Bank :- Trust and Excellence since 1904 Catholic Syrian Bank :- Support All the way. ING Vysya Bank :- Jiyo easy Other Banks: JampK Bank:- Serving to Empower Karnataka Bank:- Your family bank across India Kotak Mahindra Bank :- Lets make money simple Nainital Bank :- Banking with personal touch Saraswat Bank:- Service to the Common Man Foreign Bank Taglines:Scotia Bank:- Youre richer than you think Bank of Ceylon:- BOC-the Bank you can trust Standard Chartered Bank:- Your Right Partner BNP Paribas Bank:- The bank for a changing world Citi Bank:- The Citi never sleeps HSBC:- The worlds local bank China Trust Commercial Bank:- We Are Family JPMorgan Chase Bank:- The right relationship is everything ABN-AMRO Bank :- Making More Possible Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank:- Our Vision. Your Future. Deutsche Bank :- A passion to perform. FINANCIAL REGULATORS Chit Funds Respective State Govt. s Insurance companies Housing Finance Companies Venture Capital Fund Merchant Banking companies Stock broking companies Nidhi Companies careerpower. in IRDA NHB SEBI SEBI SEBI Ministry of corporate affairs careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 TYPES OF BANKING Para banking - When Bank provides banking services except the general banking facility. Narrow Banking - When banks invest its money in Govt. securities instead investing in market to avoid risk. Offshore Banking - Bank which accept currency of all countries. Green banking - Promoting environmental-friendly practices and reducing your carbon footprint from your banking activities. Retail Banking - Retail banking refers to the division of a bank that deals directly with retail customers. Also known as consumer banking or personal banking, retail banking is the visible face of banking to the general public. Wholesale banking-Wholesale banking is the provision of services by banks to organisations such as Mortgage Brokers, large corporate clients, mid-sized companies, real estate developers and investors, international trade finance businesses, institutional customers (such as pension funds and Govt. entitiesagencies), and services offered to other banks or other financial institutions. Universal Banking R H Khan committee and recommended the concept of Universal Banking. Universal banking means allowing Fls and banks to undertake all types of banking or development financing activity, subject to compliance of statutory and other requirements of RBI, Govt. and related legal Acts. Islamic Banking: An Islamic bank is a deposit-taking banking institution whose scope of activities excluding borrowing and lending on the basis of interest. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Established on 12th July 1982 on the recommendation of CRAFICARD committee (also called as Sivaraman Comittee) For Agricultural finance, NABARD is the apex organization. Chairman. Dr. Harsha Kumar Bhanwala Head Quarters. Mumbai It assists Cooperative Banks, RRBs, LAND Development Banks and Scheduled Commercial banks in lending to farmers, rural artisans and other nonfarmers in rural areas and to the State Govt. s for minor irrigation. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) is operated by NABARD, instead in April 1995. NABARD is the quotMicro-Finance Regulatory Authorityquot SIDBI SIDBI (SIDBI in short) was established in the year 1990 (Date. 2nd April 1990) under the SIDBI Act 1989 as a subsidiary of Industrial Development Bank of India. It is the principal financial institution for promotion, financing and development of small, tiny and cottage sector. Chairman - Dr. Kshatrapati Shivaji Head Quarters. Lucknow Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) It is the regulator for the securities market in India. SEBI was initially established as a non statutory body in April 1988, to regulate the working of stock exchange. Later it was given a statutory status on April 1992 via SEBI Act, 1992 with the following objectives. Chairman - UK Sinha 57 bankersadda Head Quarters. Mumbai REGIONAL RURAL BANK (RRB): Regional Rural Bank Were Set Up By An Ordinance In 1975, Later Replaced By Rrbs Act, 1976 As Pre Banking Commission Recommendation In 1975. Father Of Rrb Is M. Swaminathan. The Govt. Of India Had Appointed A Working Group On Rural Banks Under The Chairmanship Of Mr. M. Narasimham In 1975. First Rrbs Were Set Up On 2nd Oct. Share Holder Contribution In : Govt. Of India 50 Sponsor Bank 35 State Govt. 15 Total 100. EXIM BANK: The Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of India is the principal financial institution in India for coordinating the working of institutions engaged in financing export and import trade. It is a statutory corporation wholly owned by the Govt. of India. It was established on January 1, 1982 for the purpose of financing, facilitating and promoting foreign trade of India. Chairman - Yaduvendra Mathur Head Quarters. Mumbai NATIONAL HOUSING BANK(NHB): The National Housing Bank (NHB), the apex institution of housing finance in India, was set up as wholly owned subsidiary of RBI. The bank started its operations from July 1988. NHB is a subsidiary bank of RBI. National Housing Bank was established under section 6 of National Housing Bank Act(1987). The headquarters of NHB is in New Delhi. Chairman: Shri Sriram Kalyanaraman ECGC Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. This organisation provides risk as well as insurance cover to the Indian exporters. Chairman - Geetha Muralidhar Head Quarters. Mumbai A brief on Financial Terms 1. Asset-Liability Management ALM implemented in India wef 1.4.1999 is a comprehensive and dynamic framework for measuring, monitoring and managing the market risk of a bank. It is the management of structure of balance sheet (liabilities and assets) to maximize net earning from interest within overall risk-preference (present and future) of the bank. 2. Cross Selling Cross-selling Stands for offering to the existing and new customers, some additional banking products, with a view to Expand banking business, reduce the per customer cost of operations and provide more satisfaction and value to the customer. 3. Credit Card Business Issue of cards (a) Banks having net worth of Rs. 100 cr or above only can undertake the credit card business. sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 (b) RBI permission is not required to undertake credit card issue business. organization (say bank), are converted into debt instruments (such as bonds with a fixed rate of return) and then sold. What is ASBA ASBA is an application containing an authorization by the investor to block the application money in his bank account, for subscribing to a public issue. Under ASBA, application money shall be debited to the bank account only if application is selected for allotment is finalized. In case of rights issue, the money shall be debited to the account after the receipt of instruction from the registrars. BANKING CODES and STANDARDS BOARD OF INDIA It was formed to oversee the Fair Practice Code evolved by the Bankers. A Governing council of the BCSBI looks after its financial affairs and managerial policies. The tenure of the Council is 5 years and the appointment of the Council after 5 years would be with the concurrence of the RBI. LIQUIDITY ADJUSTMENT FACILITY Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) was introduced by RBI during June, 2000 in phases, to ensure smooth transition and keeping pace with technological upgradation. Tenor: Reverse Repo auctions (for absorption of liquidity) and Repo auctions (for injection of liquidity) are conducted on a daily basis (except Saturdays). Cap: 0.25 of NDTL w. e.f. 01.04.14. KISAN VIKAS PATRA KPV are regulated by KVP Rules 2014, Scheme is available through Post Offices and those banks that are authorized to operate PPF scheme. Denomination: Rs.1000, Rs.5000, Rs.10000 and Rs.50000 Maturity period: 8 years 4 months. Rate of interest: Rs.1000 becomes double during the maturity period. 1. Nomination facility, 2. pledge for loan facility and 3. pre-mature payment after 2 years and 6 months subject to certain conditions, is eligible. Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) MSF was introduced w. e.f. May 09, 2011, by RBI. Eligibility: Scheduled Commercial Banks having Current Account and SGL Account with RBI. Tenor and Amount: It can be availed up to 2 of NDTL at the end of 2nd preceding fortnight. It is for one day. CLEARING CORPORATION OF INDIA Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) was incorporated on 30th of April, 2001, as the countrys first clearing house for the Govt. securities, forex and other related market segments. It commenced operations from Feb 15, 2002. It provides a system for efficient clearing of money, Govt. securities and foreign exchange market transactions. Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation (CBLO) CBLO, an RBI approved money market instrument, is developed by CCIL for the benefit of the entities phased out from interbank call money market or given restricted participation in terms of ceiling on call borrowing and lending transactions and who do not have access to the call money market. It is a discounted instrument available in electronic book entry form for the maturity period ranging from 7 days to 90 Days (can be up to one year as per RBI guidelines). FINANCIAL SECTOR SCHEMES National Saving Certificates (NSCs) NSCS are certificates issued by Govt of India and are available at all post office counters. Maturity: 5 (10 years discontinued Dec 2015). Denomination: Rs 100, Rs 500, Rs 1,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000. Max amount of investment: No upper limit. Who can purchase: Individuals, singly or jointly or on behalf of minors. Trust and HUF cannot invest. Nomination: One person. For denomination above Rs. 100, more than one person can be nominated. PUBLIC PROVIDENT FUND It is operated by SBIselected banks and post offices. Contribution: Min Rs.500 and max Rs.150000 p. a. w. e.f.1.04.2014 (max 12 instalments in a year). Account can be opened with initial deposit of Rs.100. Period: 15 years. It can be extended by 5 years at the request of the subscriber. Interest for any amount and fresh deposit up to Rs.1 lac, qualify for income tax rebates. Interest is 8.7 (1.4.15) allowed on the minimum balance between 5th and last day of the month. ASSET SECURITISATION Securitisation is process through which the future receivables (say rent, installment of a term loan due in future) of an STATIC AWARENESS CAPSULE Famous Temples in India Ramanathaswamy (Rameshwaram) Temple. Tamil Nadu Vaishno Devi Mandir: JampK, near Katra. Siddhivinayak Temple: Prabha Devi, Mumbai Gangotri Temple: Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand Golden Temple or Sri Harmandir Sahib: Amritsar Kashi Vishwanath Temple: Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) Lord Jagannath Temple: Puri (Orissa) Yamunotri Temple: Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand Meenakshi Temple: Madurai (Tamil Nadu) Badrinath Temple: Chamoli district, Uttarakhand The Konark Sun Temple: Puri district of Odisha Brihadeeswara Temple: Thanjavur city of Tamil Nadu Somnath Temple: Prabhas Kshetra in Saurashtra (Gujarat) Kedarnath Temple: Garhwal area (Uttarakhand) Sanchi Stupa: Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh 58 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Amarnath Cave Temple: State of JampK Lingaraja Temple: Orissa Tirupati Balaji: Tirumala (Andhra Pradesh) Kanchipuram Temples: Tamil Nadu Khajuraho Temple: Madhya Pradesh Virupaksha Temple: Hampi, Bellary, Karnataka Akshardham Temple: Delhi Shri Digambar Jain Lal Mandir: Oldest Jain temple in Delhi Gomateshwara Temple: Shravanabelagola town of Karnataka Ranakpur Temple: Pali district of Rajasthan Shirdi Sai Baba Temple: Shirdi town of Maharashtra Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala Dwarkadhish Temple: Dwarka city (Gujarat) Laxminarayan Temple: In Delhi IMPORTANT AIRPORTS IN INDIA Airport City StateUT Kempegowda International Airport Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport Srinagar Airport Biju Patnaik International Airport Visakhapatnam Airport Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Airport Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport Bangalore Kolkata Hyderabad Ahmedabad Lucknow Guwahati Srinagar Bhubaneswar Visakhapatnam Indore Nagpur Patna Amritsar Karnataka West Bengal Telangana Gujarat Uttar Pradesh Assam JampK Odisha Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Bihar Punjab Swami Vivekananda Airport Bagdogra Airport Veer Savarkar International Airport Birsa Munda Airport Maharana Pratap Airport Raipur Bagdogra Port Blair Ranchi Udaipur Chhattisgarh West Bengal andaman and Nicobar Islands Jharkhand Rajasthan Raja Bhoj International Airport Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Jolly Grant Airport Rajahmundry Airport Silchar Airport Lengpui Airport Zaruki International Airport Daporijo Airport Dehradun Rajahmundry Silchar Aizwal Shillong Daporijo Uttrakhand Andhra Pradesh Assam Mizoram Meghalaya Arunachal Pradesh Tezu Airport Kandla Airport Sonari Airport Birsa Munda Airport Agatti Aerodrome Tezu Kandla Jamshedpur Ranchi Agatti Arunachal Pradesh Gujarat Jharkhand Jharkhand Lakshadweep IMPORTANT AWARDS International Gandhi Peace Prize: For contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violence and other Gandhian methods. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize: Recognition of creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. 59 bankersadda sscadda Bharat Ratna: It is the premier civilian award, to serve the nation. Padma Vibhushan: Ranking wise the second award is the Padma Vibhushan in the Indian Republic. It awarded people from various fields including Govt. service to distinguish extraordinary service for the country. Padma Bhushan: The Padma Bhushan is the highest civilian award third in rank in the Indian Republic. Padma Shri: It is awarded to citizens of India for their distinguished contribution in several fields including careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Education, Literature, Arts, Science, Industry, Social Service, Medicine, Sports and Public Affairs. Dronacharya Award: For brilliance in sports coaching. Dhyan Chand Award: Highest lifetime achievement award in sports and games in India Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna: Highest honor given for accomplishment in sports. Kalinga Dhanwantri Bhatnagar Nobel Prize Abel Merlin Man Booker Vachspati Samman Literary Awards Jnanpith Award Vyas Samman: For literary in the Hindi language. Saraswati Samman: For outstanding prose or poetry literary works in any Indian language listed in Schedule VIII of the Constitution of India. BOUNDARY LINES Durand Line is the line demarcating the boundaries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It was drawn up in 1896 by Sir Mortimer Durand. Hindenburg Line is the boundary dividing Germany and Poland. The Germans retreated to this line in 1917 during World War I. Mason-dixon Line is a line of demarcation between four states in the United States. Marginal Line was the 320 km line of fortification built by France along its border with Germany before World War II, to protect its boundary from German attack. Mannerheim Line is the line of fortification on the Russia-Finland border. Drawn up by General Mannerheim. Macmahon Line was drawn up by Sir. Henry MacMahon, demarcating the frontier of India and China. China did not recognize the MacMahon line and crossed it in 1962. Medicine Line is the border between Canada and the United States. Order-neisse Line is the border between Poland and Germany, running along the Order and Beisse rivers, adopted at the poland Conference (August 1945) after Radcliffe Line was drawn up by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, demarcating the boundary between India and Pakistan. Siegfried Line is the line of fortification drawn up by Germany on its border with France. 17th Parallel defined the boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before the two were united. 24th Parallel is the line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan. This, however, is not recognized by India. 26th Parallel south is a circle of latitude which croses through Africa, Australia and South America. 30TH PARALLEL north is a line of latitude that Stands one-third of the way between the equator and the North Pole. 33rd Parallel north is a circle of latitude which cuts through the southeren United States, parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East, and China. 35th Parallel north forms the boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia and the boundary between the State of Tennessee arid the State of Georgia the State of Alabama, and the State of Mississippi. 36030 Parallel north forms the boundary between the Tennessee and Commonwealth of Kentucky between the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River, the boundary between Missiouri and Arkansas west of the White River, and the northernmost boundary between the Texas and the Oklahoma. PARAM VIR CHAKRA. Highest decoration Awarded for the most conspicuous bravery or some daring or prominent act of valour or self-sacrifice in the presence of the enemy on land, sea or air. MAHA VIR CHAKRA. Second highest decoration. It is awarded for acts of conspicuous gallantry in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, at sea or in the air. VIR CHAKRA. It is the third in the order of awards for acts of gallantry in the face of the enemy on land, sea or air. ASHOK CHAKRA: Awarded for the most conspicuous bravery or some daring act of valour or self-sacrifice on land, at sea or in the air. Some Important Awards in the World Awards and Honours Prize Field Academy (Oscar) Film (From 1929) Awards Grammy Award Music (From 1958) Ramon Magasaysay Govt. (Public) Service, Social Award Service, Journalism, Literature, Communication and International Understanding (From 1957) Bourlog Award Agriculture (From 1992) Some Important Awards in the India Dada Saheb Phalke Award Shankar Award Kabir Samman Film Indian Philosophy, Culture and Art Socio communal Harmony List of Important Awards and its Related Fields Awards Grammy Pulitzer Arjun Bowelay 60 Related Fields Music Journalism and Literature Sports Agriculture bankersadda sscadda Science Medical Science Science Peace, Literature, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Medical Science Maths Magic Literature Sanskrit Literature careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 37th Parallel north formed the southern boundary of the historic and extralegal Territory of Jefferson. 38th Parallel is the parallel of latitude which separates North Korea and South Korea. 39th Parallel north is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 39 degrees north of the Earths equatorial plane. 40th Parallel north formed the original northern boundary of the British Colony of Maryland. 41th Parallel north forms the northern boundary of the State of Colorado with Nebraska and Wyoming and the southern boundary of the State of Wyoming with Colorado and Utah. 42nd Parallel north forms most of the New York Pennsylania Border. 43rd Parallel north forms most of the boundary between the State of Nebraska and the State of South Dakota and also formed the northern border of the historic and extralegal Territory of Jefferson. The Parallel 440 north is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 44 degrees north of the Earths equatorial plane. 45th Parallel north is often called the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole. The 45th parallel makes up most of the boundary between Montana and Wyoming. 45th parallel of south latitude is the east-west line that marks the theoretical halfway point between the equator and the South Pole. 49th Parallel is the boundary between USA and Canada IMPORTANT DAMS IN INDIA Dam River State Tehri Dam Bhagirathi Uttarakhand Lakhwar Dam Yamuna Uttarakhand Idukki (Eb)Idukki Arch Dam Periyar Kerala Bhakra Dam Satluj Himachal Pradesh Pakal Dul Dam Marusudar JampK Sardar Sarover Gujarat Dam Srisailam (N. S.R. S.P) Dam Ranjit Sagar Dam Narmada Gujarat Krishna Telangana Ravi Punjab Baglihar Dam CHENAB JampK Pong Dam Beas Himachal Pradesh Nagarjuna Sagar Dam Salal (Rockfill and Concrete ) Dam Supa Dam Krishna Telangana Chenab JampK Kali Nadi Karnataka Koteshwar Dam Bhagirathi Uttarakhand Rihand Dam Rihand Uttar Pradesh Indira Sagar (NHDC) Dam Pillur Dam Narmada Madhya Pradesh Bhavani Tamil Nadu 61 bankersadda sscadda Madupetty (Eb) Dam Palar Kerala Parbati II Dam Parbati Himachal Pradesh Chakra Dam Ukai Dam Chakra Tapi Karnataka Gujarat CLASSICAL DANCES and FOLK DANCES IN INDIA Indian Classical Dances Bharatnatyam: Popular in South Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka Kathak: North India Kathakali: Kathakali is the classical dance form of Kerala. Kuchipudi: Kuchipudi is one of the classical dance forms of the South India. Kuchipudi derives its name from the Kuchipudi village of Andhra Pradesh. Manipuri: Manipuri is one of the six major classical dances of India. Manipuri dance is indigenous to Manipur, the North eastern state of India. Mohiniattam: Mohiniattam is a classical dance form of Kerala. Odissi:Odissi is one of the famous classical Indian dances from Orissa state. Folk Dances of India Folk dances are performed for every possible occasion, to celebrate the arrival of seasons, birth of a child, a wedding and festivals. Gaur dance: Folk dance of Madhya Pradesh dances Chhau. Folk dance of Bihar Bihu: Folk dance of Assam Dumhal: Popular dance of Kashmir Padayani: One of the most colorful and popular dances of Southern Kerala. Dollu Kunitha: Popular drum dance of Karnataka state. Dandiya: Popular folk dance of Gujarat. The classical dance forms recognised by the Sangeet Natak Akademi and the Ministry of Culture are as represented below: Dance form Gaudiya Nritya Kathak Kathakali Sattriya Ghoomar Thang Ta State(s) of origin West Bengal Northern India (Uttar Pradesh) Kerala Assam Rajasthan Manipur Folk dances in India Bathukamma: A folk dance of Andhra Pradesh. Changu: The changu dance is a folk dance found in Odissa and Andhra Pradesh. Dhaman: 1) A folk dance of Punjab. 2) A folk dance of Andhra Pradesh Gair: This is a dance of Rajasthan. It is performed by groups of dancers moving in and out with an almost military precision. careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Garba: This is a folk dance from Gujarat. It is traditionally danced at marriages and during the time of Navaratri. Gatka: A folk dance utilising swords, daggers, or sticks performed in the Punjab Karagam: This is a folk dance of Tamil Nadu. It is played with a pot balanced on the head. July 4 July (first Saturday in July) International Day of Cooperatives 11 July World Population Day 15 July World Youth Skills Day 18 July Nelson Mandela International Day 28 July World Hepatitis Day 30 July World Day against Trafficking in Persons October 1 October National Voluntary Blood Donation Day 2 October International Day of Non-Violence 5 October World Teachers Day 5 October World Habitat Day 8 October Air Force Day 9 October World Post Day 10 October World Mental Health Day 10 October National Post Day 16 October World Food Day 17 October International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 20 October World Statistics Day 24 October UN Day 31 October Anti - Terrorism Day Raas: This is a folk dance from Gujarat. It is traditionally danced at marriages and during the time of Navaratri. Dumhal: A folk dance of Kashmir. Odissi: Folk dance performed in Orissa. Chau: A popular dance performed in Orissa, bihar and west Bengal IMPORTANT DAYS August 12 August International Youth Day 19 August World Humanitarian Day 20 August Rajiv Gandhis Birth Anniversary (Sadhbhavana Diwas) 29 August International Day against Nuclear Tests 30 August International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances November 14 November World Diabetes Day 16 November International Day for Tolerance 19 November National Integration Day (Indira Gandhis Birthday) 19 November World Philosophy Day 20 November Universal Childrens Day 20 November National Child Rights Day 21 November World Television Day 26 November Constitution Day Other Important Days: 12th January - National Youth day (Birthday of Vivekananda). 15th January - Army day. 24th Jan - National Girl Child Day. 25th January - National tourism day Voters day 30th January - National Martyrs day and World anti Leprosy Day 4th Feb - World Cancer Day. 28th Feb - National science day 8th March - International women day 9th March - World Kidney day 15th March - World Consumer rights day. 20th March - World Sparrow Day and International Happiness Day. 21st March - World Forestry day 22nd March - World water day 23rd March - World Meteorological day 62 bankersadda sscadda September 8 September International Literacy Day 14 September Hindi Divas 15 September International Day of Democracy 16 September International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 21 September International Day of Peace 25 September World Maritime Day 27 September World Tourism Day December 1 December World AIDS Day 2 December National Pollution Control Day 4 December Naval Day 3 December National Conservation Day 5 December World Soil Day 7 December International Civil Aviation Day 9 December International AntiCorruption Day 10 December Human Rights Day 14 December National Energy Conservation Day 18 December International Migrants Day 20 December International Human Solidarity Day 24 Dec - National Consumers Rights Day 24th March - World T. B. day 2 April - World Autism Awareness Day 7th April - World Health day 21st April - Civil service day 22nd April - World Earth day 24th April - Panchayat Divas 1st May - International Labour day COUNTRY and CURRENCY Name Algeria Angola Cameroon Egypt Ethiopia African Countries Capital Currency Algiers Dinar Luanda Kwanza Yaound CFA franc Cairo Egyptian pound Addis Ababa Birr careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Gambia Ghana Kenya Liberia Libya Madagascar Mali Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Banjul Accra Nairobi Monrovia Tripoli Antananarivo Bamako Port Louis Rabat Maputo Namibia Nigeria Rwanda Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Windhoek Abuja Kigali Victoria Freetown Mogadishu Cape Town Juba Sudan Tanzania Khartoum Dodoma (official) Tunis Kampala Lusaka Harare Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Name Afghanistan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China Cyprus Europe Georgia Europe Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar (Burma) 63 Asian Countries Capital Kabul Manama Dhaka Thimphu Gambian dalasi Ghana cedi Kenyan shilling Liberian dollar Dinar Malagasy ariary CFA franc Mauritian rupee Moroccan dirham Mozambican metical Namibian dollar Naira Rwandan franc Seychellois rupee Leone Somali shilling South African rand South Sudanese pound Sudanese pound Tanzanian shilling Tunisian dinar Ugandan shilling Zambian kwacha US dollar Phnom Penh Beijing Nicosia Currency Afghani Bahraini dinar Taka Bhutanese ngultrum Riel Renminbi (yuan) Euro Tbilisi Lari Jakarta Tehran Baghdad Jerusalem Tokyo Astana Bishkek Vientiane Beirut Kuala Lumpur (official) Mal Ulaanbaatar Naypyidaw Rupiah Rial Iraqi dinar New Shekel Yen Tenge Som Kip Lebanese pound Ringgit bankersadda Maldivian rufiyaa Tgrg Kyat sscadda Nepal North Korea Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia South Korea Sri Lanka Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Turkey Europe Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Kathmandu Pyongyang Muscat Islamabad Manila Doha Riyadh Seoul Sri Jayawardenepur a-Kotte Damascus Taipei Dushanbe Bangkok Ankara Nepalese rupee North Korean won Rial Pakistani Rupee Philippine Peso Riyal Saudi riyal South Korean won Sri Lankan rupee Syrian pound New Taiwan dollar Somoni Baht Turkish lira Ashgabat Abu Dhabi Turkmen new manat UAE dirham Tashkent Uzbekistan som European Countries Name Albania Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Capital Tirana Vienna Minsk Brussels Sofia Zagreb Prague Copenhagen Helsinki Paris Berlin Athens Budapest Reykjavk Dublin Rome Riga Vilnius Luxembourg Valletta Monaco Amsterdam Oslo Warsaw Lisbon Bucharest Moscow Belgrade Bratislava Madrid careerpower. in Currency Lek Euro Belarusian ruble Euro Lev Kuna Czech koruna Danish kronea Euro CFP franc Euro Euro Forint Icelandic krna Euro Euro Euro Euro Euro Euro Euro Euro Norwegian krone Zoty Euro Romanian leu Russian ruble Serbian dinar Euro Euro careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City Name Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Canada Cuba Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Trinidad and Tobago United States Name Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Name Australia Fiji New Zealand Stockholm Bern Kiev London Swedish krona Swiss franc Ukrainian hryvnia Pound sterling Vatican City Euro Allahabad Patna Varanasi Kanpur Haridwar Badrinath Agra Delhi Mathura Ferozpur Ludhiana Srinagar Lucknow Jaunpur Ayodhya Bareilly Ahmedabad Kota Jabalpur Panji Ujjain Surat Jamshedpur Dibrugarh Guwahati Kolkata Sambalpur Cuttack Srirangapatna Hyderabad Nasik Vijayvada Kurnool Tiruchirapalli North American Countries Capital Currency Nassau Bahamian Dollar Bridgetown Barbadian Dollar Hamilton Bermudian Dollar Ottawa Canadian Dollar Havana Cuban peso Kingston Jamaican Dollar Mexico City Mexican peso Managua Nicaraguan cordoba Panama City Panamanian balboa Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Dollar Washington, United States Dollar D. C. South American Countries Capital Currency Buenos Aires Peso Sucre Boliviano Braslia Real Santiago Peso Bogot Peso Quito United States dollar Asuncin Guaran Lima Nuevo sol Montevideo Uruguayan peso Caracas Bolvar fuerte Other Countries Capital Currency Canberra Australian dollar Suva Fijian dollar Wellington New Zealand Dollar Best Food Festivals Around the World Ivrea Orange Festival Ivrea, Italy Maslenitsa Festival (Pancake Festival) Moscow, Russia Melbourne Food and Wine Festival Melbourne, Australia International Mango Festival New Delhi, India Maine Lobster Festival Harbor Park, Rockland, Maine, USA San Francisco Street Food Festival San Francisco, Mistura Food Festival Lima, Peru Oktoberfest Munich, Germany Baltic Herring Festival Helsinki, Finland Alba White Truffle Festival Alba, Italy Monkey Buffet Festival Lopburi Province, Thailand Chocolate Festival London, UK 64 IMPORTANT INDIAN TOWNS ON RIVERS bankersadda sscadda At the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna Ganga Ganga Ganga Ganga Alaknanda Yamuna Yamuna Yamuna Satluj Satluj Jhelum Gomti Gomti Saryu Ram Ganga Sabarmati Chambal Narmada Mandavi Shipra Tapti Subarnarekha Brahmaputra Brahmaputra Hooghly Mahanadi Mahanadi Cauvery Musi Godavari Krishna Tungabhadra Cauvery Nick Names of Important Indian Places Nick Names Golden City Manchester Of India City Of Seven Islands Queen Of Arabian Sea Space City Garden City Of India Silicon Valley Of India Electronic City Of India Pink City Gateway Of India Twin City: City Of Festivals Deccan Queen City Of Buildings Dakshin Ganga careerpower. in City Amritsar Ahmedabad Mumbai Cochin Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Bangalore Jaipur Mumbai Hyderabad, Secunderabad Madurai Pune Kolkata Godavari careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Old Ganga Egg Bowls Of Asia Soya Region Manchester Of The South City Of Nawabs Venice Of The East Sorrow Of Bengal Sorrow Of Bihar Blue Mountains Queen Of The Mountains Sacred River Hollywood Of India City Of Castles State Of Five Rivers City Of Weavers City Of Lakes Steel City Of India City Of Temples Manchester Of The North City Of Rallies Heaven Of India Boston Of India Garden Of Spices Of India Switzerland Of India Abode Of The God Pittsburg Of India Godavari Andhra Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Coimbatore Lucknow Cochin Damodar River Kosi River Nilgiri Mussoorie (Uttarakhand) Ganga Mumbai Kolkata Punjab Panipat Srinagar Jamshedpur (Called Tatanagar) Varanasi Kanpur New Delhi JampK Ahmedabad Kerala Kashmir Prayag(Allahabad) Jamshedpur DEFENCE FORCE EXERCISE BETWEEN INDIA and WORLD Garuda: India-France HAND-HAND: India-China Indra: India-Russia Jimex: India-Japan Malbar: Us-India Shade: Naval Forces Of India, Japan and China Surya Kiran: India and Nepal Varuna: France and India Simbex: Indian Navy With Republic Of Singapore Navy Ibsamar: India with Brazil and South African Navy Konkan: Indian Navy and Royal Navy Of Britain Ausindex: Indian and Australian Navy Indradhanush Or Rainbow: India-Uk Air Exercises Nomadic Elephant: Indian Army Exercises with Mongolia Ekuverin: Maldives and India Garuda Shakti: India and Indonesia Mitra Shakti: India-Sri Lanka Naseem Al-Bahr: India-Oman SLINEX: Joint exercise in Navy between India and Sri Lanka Sahyog-Kaijin - Joint exercise of Coast Guards of India and Japan Malabar: India and US Yudh Abhyas: India and US Red flag: India and US Cope: India and US Stadiums Around the World Stadiums in Australia Adelaide Oval - Adelaide 65 bankersadda Bundaberg Rum Stadium - Cairns Telstra Dome - Melbourne Manuka Oval - Canberra Marrara Cricket Ground - Darwin Melbourne Cricket Ground - Melbourne Sydney Cricket Ground - Sydney W. A.C. A. Ground - Perth Stadiums in Bangladesh Bangabandhu National Stadium - Dhaka Chittagong Stadium - Chittagong Stadiums in England Edgbaston - Birmingham Headingley - Leeds Lords - London Old Trafford - Manchester Sophia Gardens - Cardiff St Lawrence Ground - Canterbury The Brit Oval - London Trent Bridge - Nottingham Stadiums in India Barabati Stadium - Cuttack Barkatullah Khan Stadium - Jodhpur Brabourne Stadium - Mumbai Eden Gardens - Kolkata Feroz Shah Kotla - Delhi Gandhi Stadium - Jalandhar Green Park - Kanpur Indira Gandhi Stadium - Vijayawada Rajiv Gandhi Port Silver Jubilee Stadium - Visakhapatnam Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium - New Delhi Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium - Hyderabad M. Chinnaswamy Stadium - Bangalore MA Chidambaram Stadium - Chennai Madhavrao Scindia Cricket Ground - Rajkot Moin-ul-Haq Stadium - Patna Sardar Vallabhai Patel Motera Stadium - Ahmedabad Sawai Mansingh Stadium - Jaipur Vidarbha CA Ground - Nagpur Wankhede Stadium Mumbai Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium: Kochi(Kerala) Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Cricket Stadium: Guwahati(Assam) Dhyan Chand National Stadium: Delhi Stadiums in New Zealand Basin Reserve-Wellington Eden Park-Auckland Jade Stadium-Christchurch John Davies Oval-Queenstown McLean Park-Napier Stadiums in Pakistan Arbab Niaz Stadium-Peshawar Ayub National Stadium-Quetta Gaddafi Stadium-Lahore Stadiums in South Africa Kingsmead-Durban New Wanderers Stadium-Johannesburg sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Newlands-Cape Town St Georges Park-Port Elizabeth Centurion Super Sport Park-Pretoria Queens Sports Club-Bulawayo Stadiums in United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed Stadium-Abu Dhabi Sharjah Cricket Stadium-Sharjah Stadium in Sri Lanka Colombo Cricket Club Ground-Colombo Galle International Stadium-Galle P. Saravanamuttu Stadium-Colombo R. Premadasa Stadium-Colombo Sinhalese Sports Club Ground-Colombo Stadiums in West Indies Sabina Park Kingston-Jamaica Antigua Recreation Ground St Johns-Antigua Guyana Cricket Stadium Georgetown-Guyana Kensington Oval Bridgetown-Barbados Mindoo Phillip Park Castries-St Lucia Albion Sports Complex Berbice-Guyana Stadiums in Zimbabwe Bulawayo Athletic Club-Bulawayo Harare Sports Club-Harare Kwekwe Sports Club-Kwekwe CMSSGOVERNORS OF STATES IN INDIA State Capital CM Governor Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Amravathi Hyderabad initially Itanagar Dispur Patna Raipur New Delhi Panaji Gandhinagar N. Chandrababu Naidu Kalikho Pul Sarbananda Sonowal Nitish Kumar Raman Singh Arvind Kejriwal Laxmikant Parsekar Anandiben Patel E. S. L. Narasimhan Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa Padmanabha Acharya Ram Nath Kovind Balram Das Tandon Najeeb Jung Mridula Sinha Om Prakash Kohli Haryana Chandigarh (shared with Punjab) Manohar Lal Khattar Kaptan Singh Solanki Himachal Pradesh Shimla Virbhadra Singh Acharya Dev Vrat JampK Srinagar (Summer) Jammu (Winter) Mehbooba Mufti Narinder Nath Vohra Jharkhand Ranchi Raghuvar Das Draupadi Murmu Karnataka Bangalore Siddaramaiah Vajubhai Vala Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Pinarayi Vijayan P. Sathasivam Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Shivraj Singh Chouhan Ram Naresh Yadav Maharashtra Mumbai Devendra Fadnavis C. Vidyasagar Rao Manipur Imphal Okram Ibobi Singh V. Shanmuganthan Meghalaya Shillong Mukul Sangma V. Shanmuganthan Mizoram Aizawl Lal Thanhawla Nirbhay Sharma Nagaland Kohima T. R. Zeliang Padmanabha Acharya Odisha Bhubaneshwar Naveen Patnaik S. C. Jamir Puducherry Puducherry N. Rangaswamy Kiran Bedi Punjab Chandigarh (shared with Haryana) Parkash Singh Badal Kaptan Singh Solanki Rajasthan Jaipur Vasundhara Raje Kalyan Singh 66 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 Sikkim Gangtok Pawan Kumar Chamling Shriniwas Dadasaheb Patil Tamil Nadu Chennai Jayalalithaa K. Rosaiah Telangana Hyderabad K. Chandrashekar Rao E. S. L. Narasimhan Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Agartala Lucknow Dehradun Kolkata Manik Sarkar Akhilesh Yadav Harish Rawat Mamata Banerjee Tathagata Roy Ram Naik Krishan Kant Paul Keshari Nath Tripathi WILDLIFE SANTUARIESNATIONAL PARKS POWER PLANTS IN INDIA S. no 1. 2. 3. States J and K Governor: Narendra Vohra Capital: Jammu(Summer) Srinagar(Winter) Himachal Pradesh CM: Virbhadra Singh Governor: Acharya Dev Vrat Capital: Shimla National Parks(NP) Dachigam National Park Hemis National Park Kishtwar National Park Salim Ali National Park Wild Life Sanctuaries(WLS) Gulmarg WLS Limber WLS Nandini WLS Power Plants Pin Valley National Park Great Himalayan National Park Inderkilla National Park Khirganga National Park Simbalbara National Park Bandli WLS Daranghati WLS Dhauladhar WLS Nargu WLS Pong Dam Lake WLS Shilli WLS Talra WLS Abohar WLS Harike Lake WLS Jhajjar Bacholi WLS Gorakhpur Atomic Power Station Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Station Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Station Narora Atomic Power Station Rihand Thermal Power Station Anpara Thermal Power Station - Girinagar Hydel Project Binwa Hydel Project Rangtong Hydel Project Baner and Neugal Project Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Power Plant Punjab CM: Parkash Singh Badal Governor: Kaptain Solanki Capital: Chandigarh Haryana CM: Manohar Lal Khattar Governor: Kaptain Solanki Capital: Chandigarh - Kalesar National Park Sultanpur National Park Bhindawas WLS Kalesar WLS Khaparwas WLS 5. UP CM: Akhilesh Yadav Governor: Ram Naik Capital: Lucknow Dudhwa National Park Hastinapur WLS Ranipur WLS Sohagibarwa WLS Sur Sarovar WLS Chandraprabha WLS National Chambal WLS 6. Bihar CM: Nitish Kumar Governor: Ram Nath Kovind Capital: Patna Chattisgarh CM: Raman Singh Governor: Balram Tandon Capital: Raipur Valmiki National Park Gautam Budha WLS Kaimur WLS Pant (Rajgir) WLS Valmiki WLS Badalkhol WLS Bhairamgarh WLS Bhoramdev WLS Udanti Wild Buffalo WLS Jharkhand CM: Raghuvar Das Governor: Draupadi Murmu Capital: Ranchi 4. 7. 8. 67 Indravati National Park Kanger Valley National Park Guru Ghasi Das (Sanjay) bankersadda Betla National Park sscadda Lawalong WLS Palkot WLS Parasnath WLS careerpower. in Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Station Barauni Thermal Power Station Sipat Thermal Power Plant Hasdeo Thermal Power Station Bhilai Expansion Power Plant Chandrapura Thermal Power Station Koderma Thermal Power Station careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 9. Sri Venkateswara National Park Mrugavani National Park Rajiv Gandhi National Park Namdapha National Park Mouling National Park Assam CM: Sarbananda Sonowal Governor: P. V. Acharya Capital: Dispur 11. Goa CM: Laxmikant Parsekar Governor: Mridula Sinha Capital: Panaji Dibru-Saikhowa National Park Kaziranga National Park Manas National Park Nameri National Park Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) National Park 12. Gujarat CM: Anandiben Patel Governor: O. P.Kohli Capital: Gandhinagar 10. Andhra Pradesh CM: N. Chandrababu Naidu Governor: E. S.L Narasimhan Capital: Hyderabad 13. 14. Karnataka CM: Siddaramaiah Governor: Vajubhai R. Vala Capital: Bangalore Kerala CM: Pinarayi vijayan Governor: P. Sathashivam Capital: Trivandampuram Bandipur National Park Bannerghatta National Park Kudremukh National Park Nagarhole National Park Anshi national park 68 Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar Gir Forest National Park Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch Bansda National Park bankersadda Eravikulam National Park Mathikettan Shola National Park Periyar National Park Silent Valley National Park Anamudi Shola National Park Pampadum Shola National Park sscadda Bokaro Thermal Power Station Coringa WLS Kawal WLS Kolleru WLS Nellapattu WLS Pulicat Lake WLS Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarjuna Sagar-Srisailam) WLS Rollapadu WLS Amchang WLS Chakrashila WLS Dihing Patkai WLS East Karbi Anglong WLS North Karbi Anglong WLS Nambor WLS Bondla WLS Madei WLS Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) WLS Netravali WLS Jambugodha WLS Jessore WLS Kutch Desert WLS Mitiyala WLS Porbandar Lake WLS Rampara Vidi WLS Ratanmahal WLS Shoolpaneswar (Dhumkhal) WLS Thol Lake WLS Wild Ass WLS Arabithittu WLS Attiveri WLS Bhadra WLS Bhimgad WLS Brahmagiri WLS Cauvery WLS Nugu WLS Pushpagiri WLS Ranganathittu Bird WLS Sharavathi Valley WLS Someshwara WLS Aralam WLS Chimmony WLS Idukki WLS Malabar WLS Mangalavanam Bird WLS Neyyar WLS Periyar WLS Thattekad Bird WLS Simhadri Super Thermal Power Plant Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah Thermal Power Station careerpower. in Bongaigaon Thermal Power Plant - Mundra Thermal Power Station Ukai Thermal Power Station Akrimota Thermal Power Station Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant Raichur Thermal Power Station Udupi Thermal Power Plant Bellary Thermal Power Station Brahmapuram Power Station Kayamkulam Power Station careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. MP CM: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Governor: Ram Naresh Yadav Capital: Bhopal Kanha National Park Madhav National Park Mandla Plant Fossils National Park Panna National Park Pench National Park Sanjay National Park Satpura National Park Van Vihar national park Maharashtra CM: Devendra Fadnavis Governor: C. Vidyasagar Rao Capital: Mumbai Chandoli National Park Navegaon National Park Tadoba National Park Gugamal national park Bori WLS Gandhi Sagar WLS Ghatigaon WLS Ken Gharial WLS Narsighgarh WLS National Chambal WLS Orcha WLS Kuno WLS Sardarpur WLS Son Gharial WLS Aner Dam WLS Bhamragarh WLS Bhimashankar WLS Great Indian Bustard WLS Jaikwadi WLS Koyana WLS Nagzira WLS Painganga WLS Radhanagari WLS Sagareshwar WLS Tipeshwar WLS Tungareshwar WLS Yangoupokpi-Lokchao WLS Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station Sant Singaji Thermal Power Plant Satpura Thermal Power Station Amarkantak Thermal Power Station Sasan Ultra Mega Power Project Tarapur Atomic Power Station Tirora Thermal Power Station Amravati Thermal Power Plant - Manipur CM: Okram Ibobi Singh Governor: V. Shanmuganathan Capital: Imphal Meghalaya CM: Mukul Sangma Governor: V. Shanmuganathan Capital: Shillong Mizoram CM: Lal Thanhawla Governor: Nirbhaya Sharma Capital: Aizawl Nagaland CM: T. R. Zeliang Governor: P. B.Acharya Capital: Kohima Odisha CM: Naveen Patnaik Governor: S. C. Jamir Capital: Bhubaneshawer Keibul Lamjao National Park Balphakram National Park Nokrek National Park Baghmara Pitcher Plant WLS Nongkhyllem WLS Siju WLS Dampa WLS (TR) Ngengpui WLS Pualreng WLS Tokalo WLS - Murlen National Park Phawngpui Blue National Park Mountain National Park Intanki National Park Fakim WLS Puliebadze WLS Rangapahar WLS Dikhu Hydro Electric Power Plant Bhitarkanika National Park Talcher Super Thermal Power Station Simlipal National Park Rajasthan CM: Vasundhara Raje Governor: Kalyan Singh Capital: Jaipur Sariska National Park Ranthambore National Park Darrah National Park Desert National Park Keoladeo National Park Badrama WLS Baisipalli WLS Chilika (Nalaban) WLS Hadgarh WLS Khalasuni WLS Satkosia Gorge WLS Bundh Baratha WLS Darrah WLS Jawahar Sagar WLS Kailadevi WLS Mount Abu WLS Ramsagar WLS Sariska WLS Sawai Man Singh WLS Shergarh WLS Sitamata WLS Chhabra Thermal Power Station Suratgarh Power Station 69 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in - careeradda. co. in GK POWER CAPSULE FOR UIIC AO amp SBI CLERK MAINS 2016 23. 24. Sikkim CM: Pawan Kumar Chamling Governor: Srinivas Patel Capital: Gangtok Tamil Nadu CM: Jayalalithaa Governor: K. Rosaiah Capital: Chennai Khangchendzonga National Park Fambong Lho WLS Kitam WLS (Bird) Maenam WLS Pangolakha WLS Rangit Hydro Electric Power Prject Mudumalai National Park Mukurthi National Park Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) National Park Guindy National Park Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) WLS Kalakad WLS Karaivetti WLS Karikili WLS Mudumalai WLS Pulicat Lake WLS Vaduvoor WLS Vedanthangal WLS Vettangudi WLS Gumti WLS Rowa WLS Sepahijala WLS Trishna WLS Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Neyveli Thermal Tuticorin Thermal Power Station Palatana Thermal Power Plant Askot Musk Deer WLS Binsar WLS Govind Pashu Vihar WLS Kedarnath WLS Sonanadi WLS Ballavpur WLS Chintamani Kar Bird Sanctuary Haliday Island WLS Lothian Island WLS Mahananda WLS Chibro Power Plant Khodri Power Plant Chilla Power Plant Mejia Thermal Power Station Farakka Super Thermal Power Station Kolaghat Thermal Power Station Bakreshwar Thermal Power Station Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station 25. 26. 27. Tripura CM: Manik Sarkar Governor: Tathagata Roy Capital: Agartala UK CM: Harish Rawat Governor: K. K. Paul Capital: Dehradun Gangotri National Park Jim Corbett National Park Valley of Flowers National Park WB CM: Mamata Banerjee Governor: Keshari Nath Tripathi Capital: Kolkata Buxa National Park Neora Valley NationalPark Singalila National Park Bison( Rajbari ) National Park Clouded Leopard National Park Sundarbans National Park 70 bankersadda sscadda careerpower. in careeradda. co. in. Vollständiges Dokument anzeigen Klicken Sie hier, um die Dokumentdetails zu bearbeiten

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