Sunday 29 October 2017

Hvad Er Devisenhandel

Forex Händel 8211 Hvad er s godt ved valutahandel Forex handel er blevet mange ting, man kan efterhnden handhaben Forex online hos et utal Online-Handel mglere verden über. Bde hos bloere rendyrkede, og yderst spezialisiertes forex mglere, men ogs über mglere inden für bde CFD handel samt binre optioner. Alle 3 steder handler man p baggrund af det samme markiert, hund p vidt forskellige vilkr samt betingelser 8211 derfor br man stte sig grundigt ind i de 3 typer af online handelsplattform. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll, aber ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. Ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll Am Handgriff disse valutakryds. Det kan synes überraskende für de mange som ikke kender valutamarkederne og forex handel bloß indgende. Männer für insidere, er det ingen overraskelse overhovedet 8211 forex handelssystemet har en lang rkke unikke fordele, der gr det srdeles attraktivt für selv den mest inkarnerede aktiespekulant derude. 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hver eneste dag Griffe der für milliarder af Dollar DGnet rundt, hvilket er bis strste finansielle bei skabe det med markiert og med den strste volatilitet overhovedet inden für finansielle Handler. P baggrund af dette anses forexmarkedet für bei vre und af de steder, hvor Investor har relativt rimelige handelsvilkr. Om du handler für f tusinde dollar eller mange millioner, findet die altid kbere og slgere til rdighed 8211 dgnet rundt. 2 ben dgnet rundt Ich modstning til aktiemarkederne, der kun er bne ich en begrnset periode af dagen, s er forex market gebogen 24 timer i dgnet p hverdage. Handlen begynder i st mandag morgen i Neuseeland, og derefter flger den med solen mod weste, lige indtil markederne lukker i Nordamerika fredag ​​eftermiddag. Derved opnr Mann den unikke am Griff valutapar 8211 SSOM EURUSD 8211 mulighed bis enhver tid, og ikke kun 08.00-16.00, nr du eventuelt er p dit arbejde, OGS skal Pässe der. 3 Gearing, hj som lav inden für forex Forex giver den handlende muligheden für, an en relativt beskeden mngde kapital kan n endog meget langt. Forex mglere tilbyder en stor mngde Marge i bis investeringen forhold, i stedet für bei f 2: 1 margen, kan du vlge op til eksempelvis 50: 1 i 8211 Getriebe din ofte OGS bloß. Det betyder, at hvis du har 1.000 p din konto, kan du bne en position med en markant hjere vrdi p op til 50.000. Det forstrrer effekten af ​​de eventuelle valutaudsving ich markiert, hvilket kan skabe meget strre profit muligheder. Erfahren Sie mehr über styre risici p disse margin niveauer. Realiteten er, auf dem ogs gearer dine eventuelle tab 8211 derfor skal gearing anvendes varsomt und med den rigtige risikostyring fra start til slut af handlerne. 4 Lave handelsomkostninger Handelsomkostninger er online tradings strste Dschungel, hver enkelt mgler har sine egne omkostninger samt spreads p handler. Har det s noget bei sige Nu hvor forex handelssysteme nok er det mest konomiske af alle de finansielle markeder. Det enkle svar er Ja Nr du handler online, er du ndt til am tnke vorbei, hvor meget hver enkel handel vil koste dig. Ich bankerne er du vant bis gebyrer, provisioner og stempelafgifter, som har altid Skret i din fortjenester, s bei finde et med lave handelsomkostninger er markiert afgrende 8211 og her er Forex endnu engang unikt. Man operiere med de laveste omkostninger inden für det finansielle markiert, og der er endda intens konkurrence mellem forex mglere 8211 mange tilbyder derfor bonusser til dig, mod auf du blot bner en handelskonto med minimumsindskuddet. 5 Trends samt overskuelighed Det auf kunne spotte bde tendenser samt trends, og udnytte dem, geber verstärker investor klare fordele i et hvert finansielt markiert. De detete meget veldefinerede tendenser inden für forex market, har ry für holde lngere ende p aktiemarkedet eksempelvis, derved har man muligheden für bei hoppe p udviklingen og skabe fornuftige gevinster over tid uden an skulle tage strre risici end ndvendigt. Grunden til dette er selve valutaernes grundopbygning, der er bundet bis ofte bloße langsigtede konomiske resultater i et Land, som har en Tendens til at flge en forholdsvis langsommere Cyklus. Valutakryds kan anskues som en styrkeprve mellem zu konomier, hvor det er formen p de enkelte konomier ich mellem, der er med til an stte kursdannelsen imellem de to. Flg et par einfache Forex Trading Tipps Tipps Nr. 1: Lad aldrig en vinder forvandle sig til en Taber-Nr Mann kaster sig ud i med forex kryds valutahandel, bliver din frste lektion 8211 8220tag dine gevinster, nr du kan8221. Der findet intet vrre ende bei st med en potentiel gevinst für det andet jeblik an st med et tab. P-Blot f minutter kan valutamarkedet skifte, s en Relativ - Sikker gevinst vender bis auf blive et Registerkarte det er en Folge alle som opererer p de finansielle markeder oplever, kunsten er bei begrnse gensynet med dette. Mange anvender et bestemt mnster für bei minimere auf en gevinst vender og bliver et tab. Ich begyndsen arbejder man med bei lukke sine positioner, nr man opnr et givet antal PIPS. Er en position eksempelvis steget 15 PIPS sttes den automatisk til at lukke. Det, bei processen er automatisk bevirker, bei din lille grdige djvle p skulderen, som vi alle har i strre eller mindre grad, ikke lader gevinsten g fra dig ved bei vente p en strre gevinst. De fleste Devisenforschungsplattform har vrktjer som 8220Trailing Stop8221 eller 8220Garanteret stop8221, der automatisk hjlper dig. Lr vrktjerne bei kende, du skal stte dig grundigt ind i hvert enkelt produkt. Et 8220Garanteret stop8221 kan kun placeres p en ny Position og kan ikke tilfjes til en eksisterende Position, derved skal du allerede inden tage Schwall bis bloße Ende Blot op og ned. Der finds ogs lsninger für det omvendte forhold det in lade en vinder lbe. Det lrer man hen af ​​vejen, der findes flere muligheder für bei gre dette, og forsat sikre sin position med omtanke. Du kan tilfje in der Lage til en vindende handel eller genkbe en poste med en handel fra overskuddet. Tipps Nr. 2: Valutahandel kan med fordel parres ud von strategien strk mod svag Inden für sportens verden genkender en fan altid de nemme sejre, nr holdet mder en svagere modstander. Dette gletter ogs med veinufutuleinnt, mann finder hurtigt sine favoreinlter og spotter sveinufteininutieinufieinuf sterben kombineinbindeninuf. Husk bei nr vi handler valutaer i par, er udgangspunktet für hver handel, bei vi kber en valutaenhed für bei slge den anden. Da valutamarkedet er struktureret efter denne opstning, er det muligt am handgriff und strk valuta med en svag valuta. Valutahandel er i hj absolut handel baseret p styrkeforholdet ich mellem zu konomier, ofte handler man ud fra friske konomiske indikatorer lande i mellem. Hver dag udgives vigtige konomiske Daten fra de mest handlede valutaer verden über, ved bei analysere de primre indikatorer, kan man spotte dagsformen mellem lande, konomier og valutaer. Strke rapporter kan geben positive Trends i den enkelte valuta, hvorimod svagere rapporter kan geben en negativ Trend. Bemrk im Online-Handel med valutakryds er kortsigtede Handler, og derfor er det dagsformen, snydt er interesting bliv ikke der af bloße langsigtede indikatorer, der udelukkende stter styrkeforholdet p lngere SIGt. Ydermere skal man vre opmrksom p an der enkelte Zentralbanker spiller en vsentlig rolle i valutakursudviklingen. Deres store betydning kommer bl. a. Af deres kontrol med renteudvikling, renten er en af ​​forhold, die härteste Straße indvirkning p kursernes op. Nedture. Lr auf udnytte viden om renteforlbet og dens indvirkning p valutakursdannelsen, det er meget centralt om mann vil handgriff p baggrund af strk mod svag. Tipps Nr. 3: MetaTrader 4 8211 lr den bei Kende Langt de fleste online mglere anvender samme handelsplatform 8211 MetaTrader 4. Selbsterzeugung und handelsplatform udviklet af MetaQuotes Software für online handel inden für omrderne forex, CFD og futures markiert, den omtales mange steder som MT4. Der findet ogs andre platforme derude, Männer lige netop MT4, kommer Mann ikke udenom, om Mann skal lege und p de finansielle markeder p nettet. Alle mglere tilbyder dig en free herunterladen uden beregning direkte fra deres egen hjemmeside eller über MetaQuotes hjemmeside 8211 metaquotes. MT4 indeholder vrktjer og ressourcer, veinuf meinde einnkeinufsieinufieinuf seinieinuf, og einveinileinbindeninuf veinuf ceinufteinnteed seininufeinlsteknikker pleintieinufs blandt undet tilbyder. Mere Ende 300 mglervirksomheder og banker über hele verden har valgt MetaTrader 4 som deres foretrukne handelsplatform til forex, CFD und Futures. MT4 Platformen er ikke der hvor mann starter som nybegynder, men der hr mann ender om mann lrer bei mestre valutahandel p nettet. En af de afgrende ting er, bei Mann kan miste strre belb ende den indsatte kapital om markiert vender imod ens Position. Og er der ikke er opsat foranstaltning som de fromtalte stop-muligheder, kan dette blive fatalt für dig som handler. Start, hart du sikker p, bei der ikke kan miste nur Ende saldoen p din konto. Etx Kapitale har eksempelvis flere trin fr Mann rammer MT4 platformen, derved kan man ihr starte i det sm. Det unikke ved netop MT4 er Automatisierungsgerät handel über EA8217er ihr opstter man automatiske handler baseret p definerede signaler. Handlerne udfres p baggrund von tekniske analyzer von ekspert rdgivere 8211 omtalt Expert Advisors heraf EA. Du kannst keine Beiträge in dieses Forum schreiben. Du kannst auf Beiträge in diesem Forum nicht antworten. Du kannst an Umfragen in diesem Forum nicht mitmachen. Du kan ogs tilg handelsplatformen p farten via mobile enheder. Tipps Nr. 4: Vlg ALTID und regulieret forex mgler Det glder om bei vlge sin mgler und speicher omhu, og vi behver vel ikke ppege vigtigheden ich bei habe en reguleret mgler. Det er ikke uhrt an uregulerede mglere kan tage en hjere pris ende set p skrmen, eller slge lavere. Hosen os findet die kun anmeldelser af regulerede mglere, og vi samarbejder kun med regulerede partnere. Der gefundene rigtigt mange mglere derude og alle med mere eller mindre flotte sider, der tilbyder dig den bedste Handel oplevelse lige netop hos dem. Det er ikke nogen lassen opgave bei vlge den rigtige forex mgler. CySEC 8211 Zypern Securities Exchange Commission FSB 8211 Finanzdienstleistungsausschuss FCA 8211 Financial Conduct Authority Vr opmrksom p at nr mann arbejder unter en regulierung fra diverse finansinstitutioner rundt om i verden, er der Langt strengere krav für mglerne 8211 det har sine fordele og ulemper für dig. Fordelene er i klart overtal ihr, og de lidt langtrukne procedurer er skabt für bei gre det s sikkert som muligt für dig: Sikkerhed für dine Privat oplysninger sikre indbetalingsformer sikre udbetalingsmetoder Klagemuligheder hos de respektive reguleringsinstanser Generel tilsyn med mgleren og dens Plattform Ulempen ved reguleringen vil Für dig opleves ich oprettelsen af ​​en konto, ihr die stilles langt strre krav til oplysninger inden du kan godkendes. Ofte bliver man bedt om an uploade kopi af Pas, krekort, elregning eller und kontoudtog fra banken von Mann kan trkke penge ud igen. Alt dette gr man für bei modvirke bl. a. Hvidvaskning af penge über disse online konti. Det er ikke meget anderledes enden an skulle oprette en konto i en dansk Bank i dag. Som dansker er mann vant til bei kunne operere bloß frit via eksempelvis NemID, det er hund ikke tilfldet ihr, da NemID udelukkende fungere i Danmark. Det bed ste rd er, at tage det som en positiv oplevelse, der er med til bei sikre dig og speisen penge, processerne er setzte sich für an ingen snyde hinanden 8211 og det er godt für begge parter. Skal jeg udelukkende Griff valutaer Det er op til den enkelte Männer fantastiske Höhle NYHED til dig er, bei det er de frreste Forex mglere, der udelukkende arbejder med valutakryds, de fleste har den Fulde pakke, hvor du kan alt fra aktier, indeks og Griff Rvarer til netop valutahandel. Om du kaster din krlighed über binre optioner. CFD handel eller specifikke Forex handler, s er mulighederne für en variation altid tilstede. ScandiTrader stter FOKUS p alt inden für den Online-Handel, og er ikke begrnset af enkelte afsnit eller begrnsede fokusomrder ihr samler vi alt inden für Online-Handler finansielle aktiver med, og Geber graben et Bredt udsnit af hvad branchen kan tilbyde dig. Hvad er Forex Forex, Eller FX, er et forkortet begreb, etwas beskriver valutamarkedet et markiert hvor verdens forskellige valutaer bliver omsat. Det er et interbankmarked, som blev oprettet i 1971 da internationales handel blev overfrt fra faste til flydende valutakurser. Som flge af den meget speichern volumen og flow, er FX-markiert blevet det strste og mest betydningsfulde finansmarked i verden. Forex-markederne opererer 245 Timer i DGnet Der findes standardinstrumenter som kan hjlpe dig med bei kontrollere risikoeksponeringen Fremragende transparens: Forex-markedet er transparent du skal nackten holde dig informeret Valutakursen Forex spiller en uundvrlig rolle ich bestemme globale valutakurser. Valutakursen er antal enheder af en nationen valuta der skal veksles, für f n enhed af en anden Nationen valuta. En markedsvalutakurs mellem zu valutaer bestemmes af samspillet mellem de officielle og privates aktrer p valutamarkedet. Markedsaktrer Hovedaktrerne i Forex-markiert: zentralbanker, forretningsbanker, finansinstitutioner, hedgefonde, kommercielle selskaber og individuelle investorer. Med der teknologiske udvikling er internettet blevet en betydelig Vermittler af denne handel, fordi det giver Individueller Investor og Tradere adgang für alle de sente Forex-nyheder, teknologi og vrktjer p Forex-market. Husk, bei handel med CFD er forbundet med hj risiko, og bei du potentielt kan tabe hele dit indestende. Srg für am Griff med omtanke. Ls Oplysning om risici. Bemrk, auf materialet tilbydes ich kampagnejemed og ikke indebrer nogen für pligtelse bis kb af investeringsydelser fra firmaet. ADVARSEL OM HJ INVESTERINGSRISIKO: Händel med valuta (forex) und Differenzkontrakter (CFDer) er strkt spekulativ, indebrer en hj grad af risiko og er mske ikke egnet für alle Investoren. Du kannst an Umfragen in diesem Forum nicht mitmachen. Du kannst auf Beiträge in diesem Forum nicht antworten. Du kannst an Umfragen in diesem Forum nicht mitmachen. Du skal vre opmrksom p alle de risici, der er forbundet med handel p margin. Ls dokumentet Fremlgning af risikofaktorer. Safecap Investments Ltd (Safecap) er en reguleret virksomhed für investeringstjenesteydelser, der er godkendt til auf udfre sine aktiviteter af Zypern Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) i henhold til licens nr. 09208, og er ligeledes godkendt af Finanzdienstleistungen (FSB) i Sydafrika som autoriseret leverandr af finansielle tjenesteydelser under licens nr. 43906. Safecap har adresse p 148 Strovolos Avenue, 2048 Strovolos, P. O.Box 28132, Nicosia, Cypern. MARKETS er et globalt Marke und Markt für die Sicherheit und die Märkte. Safecap og Märkte er datterselskaber af Playtech PLC, und selskab, der Handles p London Stock Exchange Hauptmarkt og indgr i FTSE 250-Index. Safecap har eneret ich hele verden til brug af domnet Märkte. Lande, ud ud ud ket ket ket ud........................................., For yderligere detaljer se Almindelige betingelser. Diese Website verwendet Cookies 8211 kleine Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer platziert werden, um zu helfen, die Website bieten eine bessere Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Im Allgemeinen werden Cookies verwendet, um Benutzereinstellungen beizubehalten, Informationen für Dinge wie Einkaufswagen zu speichern und anonymisierte Tracking-Daten für Anwendungen von Drittanbietern wie Google Analytics bereitzustellen. In der Regel machen Cookies Ihre Browser-Erfahrung besser. Sie können es jedoch vorziehen, Cookies auf dieser Website und auf anderen zu deaktivieren. Der effektivste Weg, dies zu tun, besteht darin, Cookies in Ihrem Browser zu deaktivieren. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, den Hilfebereich Ihres Browsers zu konsultieren oder einen Blick auf die About Cookies-Website zu werfen, die eine Anleitung für alle modernen Browser bietet. 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Diese Website befindet sich im Besitz der Mako Europe Ltd Die Mako Europe Ltd, eine Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung mit Sitz in England und Wales (mit der Nummer 05015714) mit Sitz in der Mako Group Headquarters Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP, eine in England registrierte Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung Und Wales (mit der Registriernummer OC306610), die von der Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 231154) zugelassen und beaufsichtigt wurde und deren Geschäftssitz beim Mako Group Headquarters der Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP ist, einer in England und Wales registrierten Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung OC301401), die von der Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 210887) zugelassen und beaufsichtigt ist und deren Sitz sich im Mako-Konzern befindet. 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Alle Informationen, die von der Mako Gruppe gehalten werden und die dem Datenschutzgesetz von 1998 unterliegen, werden nur zu den Zwecken gehalten, die Sie uns mitgeteilt haben, und für die Verwendung von Informationen über Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die wir für Sie geeignet halten. Wir halten uns an einen strikten Kodex der Vertraulichkeit der Kunden, und wir werden solche Informationen nicht außerhalb der Mako-Gruppe offen legen, es sei denn, wir sind gesetzlich verpflichtet. Wenn wir Ihre Informationen an ein Mitglied der Mako-Gruppe außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs überweisen, stellen wir sicher, dass das gleiche Maß an Rechten an geistigem Eigentum gewährleistet ist. Wir sind der Eigentümer oder Lizenznehmer aller Rechte an geistigem Eigentum auf unserer Website und in dem darauf veröffentlichten Material. Diese Werke sind durch Urheberrechtsgesetze und Verträge auf der ganzen Welt geschützt. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 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Die Mako-Gruppe besteht aus den folgenden globalen Gesellschaften: Mako Europe Limited Mako Globale Derivate Partnerschaft LLP Mako Fixed Income Partnerschaft LLP Mako Financial Markets Partnerschaft LLP Mako Global Investors LLP Mako Futures US LP und umfasst seine Eltern, Tochtergesellschaften und verbundenen Unternehmen (Mako Group). Die Informationen auf dieser Website oder in einer Kommunikation, die einen Link zu dieser Website enthält, sind nicht zur Weitergabe an oder zur Verwendung durch eine Person oder Organisation in einer Gerichtsbarkeit oder einem Land gedacht, in denen eine solche Verbreitung oder Verwendung gegen Gesetz oder Verordnung verstößt oder die Würde die Mako-Gruppe jeder Registrierungspflicht innerhalb einer solchen Gerichtsbarkeit oder eines Landes unterwerfen. Weder die Informationen noch die in dieser Website enthaltenen Meinungen stellen eine Aufforderung oder ein Angebot der Mako-Gruppe dar, Wertpapiere, Futures, Optionen oder andere Finanzinstrumente zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen oder eine Anlageberatung oder - dienstleistung zu erbringen. Informationen auf dieser Website können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. This site contains links to other companies within the Mako Group and companies in which the Mako Group have an investment interest. Each site has been approved by the company concerned and may contain additional restrictions on access either to the site or the services provided. This site may contain links to other sites which are unconnected with any company within the Mako Group. These links have been provided for informational purposes only. The Mako Group has not reviewed the contents of these sites and is not responsible for linking to or the contents of unconnected sites. Information contained on these sites may be related to an activity that is deemed to be a regulated activity and therefore connection to these sites is done entirely at your own risk. The Mako Group services are only available to market professionals (Eligible Counterparties andor Professional Clients as defined by the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority) or are password protected to restrict access. The Mako Group does not transact business with or for retail customers. Services also may not be available to certain investors due to regulatory or other constraints either in the UK or elsewhere. This site is reserved exclusively for non-US persons and should not be accessed by any person in the United States. The information herein is not for the distribution to or for the benefit of US persons. There may be companies within the Mako Group that may at any time be long or short of any securities or financial instrument mentioned in this site, or act as market maker or otherwise deal or provide, or have provided advice or services, in relation to such securities or financial instruments. This site may contain information regarding research undertaken by the Mako Group for the purposes of trading undertaken by any company in the Mako Group, its officers, employees and for distribution to clients. Such research does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation for the purpose of the purchase or sale of securities or financial instruments, although the research information and opinions expressed on this site were considered valid at the time the information was posted on this site, the Mako Group does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and any person placing reliance on this information does so entirely at their own risk and the Mako Group does not accept any liability as a result. The Mako Group will not be responsible for any loss or damage that could result from interception by third parties of any information made available to you via this site. Neither the Mako Group, nor any of its, directors, officers or employees, nor any third party vendor will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur in the event of any failure or interruption of this site, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this site or the data contained therein available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of the site or these materials, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such cause may have been within the control of the Mako Group or of any vendor providing software or services support. In no event will the Mako Group, or any such parties be liable to you for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other damages of any kind even if the Mako Group or any other party have been advised of the possibility thereof. Data Protection and Other Notices If you download any information or software from this site, you agree that you will not copy it or remove or obscure any copyright or other notices or legends contained in any such information. Any information held by the Mako Group and which is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 will be held only for the purposes that you have contacted us and for the use of informing you about products and services which we deem may be suitable for you. We adhere to a strict code of client confidentiality and we will not disclose any such information outside the Mako Group except, as we are required by law and regulation. If we transfer your information to a member of the Mako Group outside the United Kingdom we will ensure that the same level of protections are applied as we are required to apply to information held in the United Kingdom. This site is operated and issued by Mako Europe Limited, the parent company of all the Mako Groups UK firms which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details of the Mako Groups individual regulated firms can be found at register. fca. org. uk Mako Europe Limited is a company registered under the laws of England and Wales, Company Registration No.05015714. Registered Office: 2nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AP, United Kingdom. Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLPs (MGD) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MGD is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC306610, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 231154. Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLPs (MFI) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MFI is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC301401, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 210887 Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLPs (MFM) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MFM is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC306611, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 231157 Mako Global Investors LLPs (MGI) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MGI is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC361320, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 576153. UK Regulatory Notice Where anything communicated on this website constitutes a financial promotion under section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, it is issued and approved for distribution in the UK by Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP, Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP, Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP and Mako Global Investors LLP. This site is directed at Eligible Counterparties and Professional Clients only, as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority. This site and any information or documents contained or attached must not be acted or relied upon by any other person or category of persons. Any investment or investment activity to which this communication relates is only available to persons mentioned above. All legal notices and communications to the Mako Group should be addressed to Head of Legal, Mako Europe Limited, whose registered office is at 2nd Floor, Broadgate West, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. Registered under the laws of England amp Wales under Company Registration No. 05015714. The VAT number for Mako Europe Limited is 835679581. In the United Kingdom, Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP (FRN 231154), Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP (FRN 231157), Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP (FRN 210887) and Mako Global Investors LLP (FRN 576153) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details can be found at fca. org. uk Visit mako to return to the main site. Mako Trading About Mako Trading Since 1999, MAKOs core business has comprised the market making of exchange-traded listed options specialising in fixed income, equities and commodities. Makos strong reputation is built upon its consistent provision of liquidity across all market cycles. Traditional voice-based market making activities are enhanced by the use of low latency technology. Mako encourages an entrepreneurial approach to trading with an emphasis on teamwork. A highly experienced team of traders uses bespoke proprietary systems and works closely with the in-house risk and compliance teams to deliver a secure and dynamic trading environment. Head of Trading Telephone 0207 862 0400 Head of Trading James is Head of Makos market making business and is responsible for managing all desks on the trading floor. He provides active oversight and guidance across all strategies and develops leading talent on the trading floor. James considerable experience in trading fixed income and equities as well as extensive industry knowledge provides invaluable strategic insight to the Mako Board. James began his career with Saratoga on the IPE in 1992. He moved to the LIFFE floor in 1994 and traded Bund options for three years before moving to Amsterdam to trade single stock options. In 1999, coinciding with the closure of the LIFFE floor, he moved back to Mako, following the management buy-out of Saratoga, to trade the FTSE in London. In 2000, he set up Makos ESX trading desk and established a leading position within that market. This site uses cookies 8211 small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. 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Other Applicable Terms These Terms of Use refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of our site: The UK REGULATORY NOTICE. which contains important information about this website and Mako Group entities Our PRIVACY POLICY which sets out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you or that you provide to us. By using our site, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate and Our COOKIE POLICY which sets out information about the cookies on our site. This site is owned and operated by Mako Europe Ltd, a member of the Mako Group which includes the following companies: Mako Europe Ltd, a limited liability company registered in England and Wales (with registration number 05015714) whose registered office is at the Mako Group Headquarters Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registration number OC306610), authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 231154) and whose registered office is at the Mako Group Headquarters Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registration number OC301401), authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 210887) and whose registered office is at the Mako Group Headquarters Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registration number OC306611), authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 231157) and whose registered office is at the Mako Group Headquarters Mako Global Investors LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registration number OC361320), authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 214498) and whose registered office is at the Mako Group Headquarters and Mako Futures US, LP, a limited partnership incorporated in Delaware (with registered number 3318192), and whose registered office is at co Corporation Service Company, 80 State Street, New York, NY 12207-2543, and also includes parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the above Mako Group. See UK Regulatory Notice for further important information. The Mako Group Headquarters address can be found here. Legal Disclaimer and Limitation of Our Liability The information provided on our site or in any communication containing a link to our site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject Mako Group to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Neither the information, nor any opinion contained in our site constitutes a solicitation or offer by Mako Group to buy or sell any securities, futures, options or other financial instruments or to provide any investment advice or service. Information on our site may be subject to change without notice. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Our site contains links to other companies within the Mako Group. Each site has been approved by the relevant Mako Group entity and may contain additional restrictions on access either to areas of our site or the services provided. Our site may contain links to other sites which are unconnected with any company within the Mako Group. These links have been provided for informational purposes only. The Mako Group has not reviewed the contents of these sites and is not responsible for linking to or the contents of unconnected sites. Information contained on these sites may be related to an activity that is deemed to be a regulated activity and therefore connection to these sites is made entirely at your own risk. The Mako Group8217s services are only available to market professionals (Eligible Counterparties andor Professional Clients as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority) and may be password protected to restrict access. The Mako Group does not transact business with or for retail customers. Services also may not be available to certain investors due to regulatory or other constraints either in the UK or elsewhere. Our site is reserved exclusively for non-US persons and should not be accessed by any person in the United States. The information herein is not for the distribution to or for the benefit of US persons. There may be companies within the Mako Group that may at any time be long or short of any securities or financial instrument mentioned in our site, or act as market maker or otherwise deal or provide, or have provided advice or services, in relation to such securities or financial instruments. Our site may contain information regarding research undertaken by the Mako Group for the purposes of trading undertaken by any company in the Mako Group, its officers, employees and for distribution to clients. Such research does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation for the purpose of the purchase or sale of securities or financial instruments. Although the research information and opinions expressed on our site were considered valid at the time the information was posted on our site, the Mako Group does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and any person placing reliance on this information does so entirely at their own risk and the Mako Group does not accept any liability as a result of such reliance. The Mako Group will not be responsible for any loss or damage that could result from interception by third parties of any information made available to you via our site. Neither the Mako Group, nor any of its, directors, officers or employees, nor any third party vendor will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur in the event of any failure or interruption of our site, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making our site or the data contained therein available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of our site or these materials, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such cause may have been within the control of the Mako Group or of any vendor providing software or services support. In no event will the Mako Group, or any such parties be liable to you for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other damages of any kind even if the Mako Group or any other party have been advised of the possibility thereof. Nothing in these Terms of Use excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by English law. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to our site or any content on it, whether express or implied. In addition to the above exclusions, we will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with: Use of, or inability to use, our site or Use of or reliance on any content displayed on our site. 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We adhere to a strict code of client confidentiality and we will not disclose any such information outside the Mako Group except, as we are required by law and regulation. If we transfer your information to a member of the Mako Group outside the United Kingdom we will ensure that the same level of Intellectual Property Rights. We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our site, and in the material published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. You may print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) from our site for your personal use and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to content posted on unrestricted areas of our site. 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Linking to our Site You may link to our home page with our prior written consent and provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. You must not establish a link to our site in any website that is not owned by you. Our site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. If you wish to create a link or make any use of content on our site other than that set out above, please contact us. These Terms of Use, their subject matter and the formation of the contract formed hereunder (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law. You agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. The Mako Group consists of the following global companies: Mako Europe Limited Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP Mako Global Investors LLP Mako Futures US LP and includes its parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies (Mako Group). The information provided on this site or in any communication containing a link to this site is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject the Mako Group to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Neither the information, nor any opinion contained in this site constitutes a solicitation or offer by the Mako Group to buy or sell any securities, futures, options or other financial instruments or provide any investment advice or service. Information on this site may be subject to change without notice. This site contains links to other companies within the Mako Group and companies in which the Mako Group have an investment interest. Each site has been approved by the company concerned and may contain additional restrictions on access either to the site or the services provided. This site may contain links to other sites which are unconnected with any company within the Mako Group. These links have been provided for informational purposes only. The Mako Group has not reviewed the contents of these sites and is not responsible for linking to or the contents of unconnected sites. Information contained on these sites may be related to an activity that is deemed to be a regulated activity and therefore connection to these sites is done entirely at your own risk. The Mako Group services are only available to market professionals (Eligible Counterparties andor Professional Clients as defined by the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority) or are password protected to restrict access. The Mako Group does not transact business with or for retail customers. Services also may not be available to certain investors due to regulatory or other constraints either in the UK or elsewhere. This site is reserved exclusively for non-US persons and should not be accessed by any person in the United States. The information herein is not for the distribution to or for the benefit of US persons. There may be companies within the Mako Group that may at any time be long or short of any securities or financial instrument mentioned in this site, or act as market maker or otherwise deal or provide, or have provided advice or services, in relation to such securities or financial instruments. This site may contain information regarding research undertaken by the Mako Group for the purposes of trading undertaken by any company in the Mako Group, its officers, employees and for distribution to clients. Such research does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation for the purpose of the purchase or sale of securities or financial instruments, although the research information and opinions expressed on this site were considered valid at the time the information was posted on this site, the Mako Group does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and any person placing reliance on this information does so entirely at their own risk and the Mako Group does not accept any liability as a result. The Mako Group will not be responsible for any loss or damage that could result from interception by third parties of any information made available to you via this site. Neither the Mako Group, nor any of its, directors, officers or employees, nor any third party vendor will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur in the event of any failure or interruption of this site, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this site or the data contained therein available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of the site or these materials, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such cause may have been within the control of the Mako Group or of any vendor providing software or services support. In no event will the Mako Group, or any such parties be liable to you for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, incidental damages or any other damages of any kind even if the Mako Group or any other party have been advised of the possibility thereof. Data Protection and Other Notices If you download any information or software from this site, you agree that you will not copy it or remove or obscure any copyright or other notices or legends contained in any such information. Any information held by the Mako Group and which is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 will be held only for the purposes that you have contacted us and for the use of informing you about products and services which we deem may be suitable for you. We adhere to a strict code of client confidentiality and we will not disclose any such information outside the Mako Group except, as we are required by law and regulation. If we transfer your information to a member of the Mako Group outside the United Kingdom we will ensure that the same level of protections are applied as we are required to apply to information held in the United Kingdom. This site is operated and issued by Mako Europe Limited, the parent company of all the Mako Groups UK firms which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details of the Mako Groups individual regulated firms can be found at register. fca. org. uk Mako Europe Limited is a company registered under the laws of England and Wales, Company Registration No.05015714. Registered Office: 2nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London, EC2A 2AP, United Kingdom. Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLPs (MGD) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MGD is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC306610, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 231154. Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLPs (MFI) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MFI is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC301401, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 210887 Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLPs (MFM) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MFM is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC306611, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 231157 Mako Global Investors LLPs (MGI) registered office is at 2 nd Floor, Broadgate Quarter, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. MGI is registered under the laws of England and Wales under Company Registration No. OC361320, and is authorised and regulated by the FCA under Reference Number 576153. UK Regulatory Notice Where anything communicated on this website constitutes a financial promotion under section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, it is issued and approved for distribution in the UK by Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP, Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP, Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP and Mako Global Investors LLP. This site is directed at Eligible Counterparties and Professional Clients only, as defined by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority. This site and any information or documents contained or attached must not be acted or relied upon by any other person or category of persons. Any investment or investment activity to which this communication relates is only available to persons mentioned above. All legal notices and communications to the Mako Group should be addressed to Head of Legal, Mako Europe Limited, whose registered office is at 2nd Floor, Broadgate West, 9 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AP. Registered under the laws of England amp Wales under Company Registration No. 05015714. The VAT number for Mako Europe Limited is 835679581. In the United Kingdom, Mako Global Derivatives Partnership LLP (FRN 231154), Mako Financial Markets Partnership LLP (FRN 231157), Mako Fixed Income Partnership LLP (FRN 210887) and Mako Global Investors LLP (FRN 576153) are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details can be found at fca. org. uk Visit mako to return to the main site. Online handel med aktier og valuta besidder unikke muligheder. Find handels - og investeringsmuligheder, der passer prcis til dit temperament, pengepung og niveau. Hvad er ScandiTrader ScandiTrader er en guide til online trading p nettet, vi har p siden samlet de muligheder du har som online trader p nettet. F indblik i hvordan du kommer i gang, eller find alternativer til de steder du handler i dag. Siden henvender sig bde til nybegyndere samt vede inden for online trading, vi har en tt kontakt til de enkelte aktrer i branchen, og har dermed fingeren p pulsen i markedet. Her p siden finder du alle de ndvendige informationer om online trading inden for omrderne CFD handel, Forex handel samt handel med binre optioner. Dette er de 3 store omrder, der samler online baserede muligheder for handel med finansielle aktiver. Hvorfor vlge Online Trading Den enkle tilgang samt hastigheden er den strste force online trading besidder. 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